gloomy heart

With lazy steps and a gloomy gaze, Valerie entered the recovery room carrying a white plastic bag and saw Damian sitting alone while looking at his phone.

"Where are they?" she asked, remembering Hannah and Hans.

"They've left," Damian answered, reaching out his hand to welcome Valerie who immediately sat on the edge of the bed.

Valerie fell silent, furrowing her brow, imagining where Hannah could be now, where she would sleep since there were no relatives here, or if Damian would punish her by imprisoning her.

"Where is she going?" she asked.

"Why do you want to know where she's going? I thought you were angry with her and didn't want to know about her anymore," Damian replied.

Valerie sighed heavily, then lay down with her legs still dangling and her hand still holding the small plastic bag. She gazed at the ceiling, remembering the times with Hannah, especially when they faced difficulties in Arizona.