Chapter 9


Olivia found herself adrift in a sea of unfamiliarity, save for one presence, equally foreign.

"Let go of me!" Olivia broke free. "Who are you?" she demanded.

McCarthy appeared taken aback by the question, pausing to study her before responding.

"Aren't you Olivia?"

"I am, yes. Olivia, the pauper." She moved from the wall to stand beside Franklin, then distanced herself from him. Grabbing a stick, she pointed it at McCarthy. "I don't know who you are or what you want from us. Step back. I won't repeat myself; my stick will take the next step."

McCarthy refused to heed her warning. Pressing forward, he attempted to convince her of her true identity. It was his last desperate hope.

"Step away from my daughter!" Agatha limped out, shouting. "Olivia, take your brother inside."

"I knew it! I wasn't close to being a 'mistake,'" McCarthy retorted.

"What do you want from us?" Olivia demanded.

"Just release me from my curse, and…" He reached for the divorce document in his pocket but hesitated. "Just that; we can discuss the rest later."

"Well then, I regret to inform you that she doesn't remember anything you're talking about. Not even you. Leave," Agatha declared, turning away.



"Please, let me leave. I don't want to stay here," Olivia pleaded, her hands clenched.

"No one comes here and returns!" a mysterious voice echoed. Olivia couldn't discern the speaker's gender. The voice oscillated, rising and falling. "No one even desires to. Once they're gone, they find peace. This is peace. I know all you've endured, and this is your only salvation!" The echoes persisted.

Surveying her surroundings, Olivia found herself on a bridge between life and death, its pristine white surface beckoning. Though enticing, Olivia, obstinate as ever, refused to cross. She heard her mother's cries, felt her touch, and yearned to return to her. Suddenly, the scenery changed. Initially beautiful, the surroundings decayed as the sky darkened.

"This isn't what I want!" Olivia protested. "Please, help me. Let me return to life. I'll do anything, even if you replace my child in my womb." It was a dangerous plea.

"Do you think I'm a fool?!" the voice thundered. "If I take this innocent child from you, do you think it'll solve anything? I have my own terms for you."

"I'm ready!"

"I'll allow you to return, but I know I'll claim you again. What killed you will kill you again and return you to me. You love too deeply, and that's the bait I'll use. Before that, I'll seal half your memory."


"Woman, she's alive. Remarkable," Dr. Jimmy exclaimed.

Olivia lay motionless, her finger twitching. Her lips quivered as her heart rate soared. The doctor rushed to provide oxygen and other first aid essentials. Olivia remained unconscious for a month. Throughout, her mother refused sustenance from anyone but Dr. Jimmy, trusting no other doctors or nurses.

"Mum!" Olivia's first word after a month of unconsciousness. Hospital staff flocked to her bedside. She became the center of attention: "Mum, where am I?"

Her mother's reaction hinted that something was amiss.

Attempting to rise, Olivia stumbled. Questioned by the staff, she remained silent.

"You're alive; just give us a smile, please," a nurse implored.

"Am I truly alive?" Olivia glanced around, touching and sniffing at the hospital staff.

"Okay, let her rest," Dr. Jimmy intervened. The room fell silent. Olivia, afraid to sleep, begged for wakefulness.

"I can't sleep. Please."

"Olivia. Correct?" Dr. Jimmy confirmed.

She nodded.

"Married to…"

"I've never married," Olivia interjected.

"Do you remember who I am?" Dr. Jimmy persisted.

"Not until now."

"Do you recognize the woman beside you?"

Looking at her mother, Olivia smiled. "Yes, my mother."

As Dr. Jimmy continued questioning her, Olivia's responses grew sparse. She couldn't even recall her own birthday. Dr. Jimmy sensed something amiss. Having treated Olivia prior to the accident, he knew her well.

"You might have had many dreams; share some with us."

"None." Olivia cut him off, burying her face in her pillow.

Her direct responses unnerved the staff. Desiring solitude, Olivia felt confused and frightened, unaware of what transpired on the bridge.

"When the baby is born, I'll come for him as my own," Agatha informed Dr. Jimmy.

"Return in nine months; until then, you may visit regularly." Dr. Jimmy reassured her, documenting the arrangement.

Agatha vowed never to mention Olivia's marriage, McCarthy, or her past ordeal. If Olivia had lost those memories, so be it. Agatha kept them safe. Nine months later, she collected the child, and soon after, they fled to Europe, evading McCarthy's pursuit.


Now, four years later, McCarthy stood before Olivia once more, led by Franklin. What one runs from may eventually find them. Olivia bolted the door, hiding with her brother.

"If you're here to claim her life again," she said, "I'm tired of living and hating you. Take mine, as your messenger killed my mom!" Tears streamed down her face, harboring years of pent-up hatred and pain. Now, she feared him as well.

"What are you talking about?" McCarthy asked, confused and disoriented. His anger waned. "I didn't kill anyone."

He thought the woman was mentally ill, but calculating and looking at her looks, she seemed ill but not mentally.

She kept reciting, "Killer! killer!"

"What is wrong with you, woman? I don't know what you are talking about. Your daughter is the one killing me. She cast her spells on me. She is a witch, demon or whatever. Just let her come out and set me free."

"Is that why you sent someone to kill Olivia?! Yes, You did!" This conviction had haunted her for four years.

How would McCarthy prove his innocence to this desperate woman? Glancing through the window, he saw Olivia and Franklin huddled beneath the red vase. Locking eyes with Olivia, he turned away, a throbbing headache returning. Blood dripped from his nose to his shirt.

"I feel like I know this man," Olivia whispered, trembling.