Chapter 10


Speechless and unable to prove his innocence, he retired and went home. There, he couldn't shake thoughts of Olivia.

Though financially strained, she had blossomed into an even more exquisite beauty than before. Her curves, breasts, and complexion had undergone a transformation, her skin now radiant.

He couldn't ignore her newly adorned curly hairstyle, perhaps signaling a shift in his sentiments toward her.

He moved from the edge of his bed to the end, then rose to sit on his chair. He opened his laptop, hoping to focus on his work and the purpose of his journey to Europe, but his mind remained scattered.

"Get over yourself, boy!" He muttered to himself, a familiar habit when alone and perplexed.

As he continued pondering Olivia, his nose began to bleed once more, this time more profusely. Without bothering with the washroom or a handkerchief, he headed straight to his car and searched for a nearby hospital on his phone, then drove there as fast as he could.


"I can't diagnose your condition right now; we'll need to conduct further tests," the doctor explained, holding a file. He froze upon seeing the patient assigned to him, never expecting this reunion.

How peculiarly fate played its games on them, McCarthy pondered. The world, vast for the peace-loving, could feel remarkably small for the afflicted.

Recognizing the voice, McCarthy opened his eyes as his head was lifted with a large pillow.

Removing the ice bag and placing it on the table, he beheld his former classmate, now a doctor.

"Dr. Jimmy?" McCarthy exclaimed in amazement. "What's happening?" he wondered aloud.

In just his first week in Europe, he had unexpectedly encountered people he had been searching for over four years. Truly astounding.

Their gaze locked. Both, feeling unhappy as though they were never friends. Anyone would expect a hug but these two friends did the other way.

As he reclined, the blood flow subsided. He touch his nose to check, and to his expectations, it wa dry like a dead wood. He was just feeling some burns in there but he'd manage.

"You left with living me a note. Didn't you like my payments? I paid you better than the government. We have much to discuss…"

Jimmy just gave him a deaf ear while he went through his file. Then, he went closer to him and pressed a machine closer to McCarthy.

"Perhaps another time. I must fly to China tonight. I must meet someone who pays and treats me better than you do. We'll conduct further tests to determine the cause of your condition. Take these pills and begin treatment," Dr. Jimmy instructed, leaving the room.

The next day, after breakfast and medication, McCarthy visited Olivia's home.

He surveyed the area, noting only Olivia's mother present. He didn't let the woman feel his presence, because that would be dangerous. He came for only Olivia and she was the only one he'd meet.

He stood in the middle of the house, and looked around. He could feel the presence of Olivia's favorite flowers. He plucked a brunch of it and left. He planted it in his house, and the whole night, he talked to it like he had met Olivia.

"Olivia! Heal me from the curse and I'll give you whatever you want!" He practiced, "No! That's very bad. Olivia, this curse is killing me, would you please mind taking it off? No, that sounds like I'm weak. Olivia, the curse is draining me, if you don't take it off, I'll drain you!"

He practiced the whole night, untill he found better words, "Olivia, I may die if you don't save my life. I know you don't want me to die."

The following day, his search for Olivia proved futile once again. Even during the night, she remained elusive. He feared she was avoiding him.

Consumed by rage, he struck his car mirror, shattering it. As it tumbled, a young boy retrieved it and offered it to him.

"Please, don't kill me too," Franklin pleaded, trembling. Instantly, he peed himself, looking at tall McCarthy in the air.

For the second time in his life, McCarthy knelt down, extending his hand. Instead of accepting the mirror, he embraced the boy, tears welling in his eyes for the first time in years.

Men cried differently from boys, but the emotions were no less intense. McCarthy cried for only five seconds, without tears and continued to influence the kid.

"I am not a killer," he whispered to Franklin, hoping to dispel the child's fear.

Though still shaken, Franklin couldn't fully grasp McCarthy's intentions. His tears seemed wasted.

"Where is your sister?" McCarthy inquired.

Franklin burst into tears, his cries intensifying. McCarthy, uncertain how to comfort the child, attempted to console him.

"Why are you crying, kid?" McCarthy asked gently.

"My name is not kid, I am Franklin or Frank for short," the boy corrected between sobs.

Realizing his mistake, McCarthy offered to buy ice cream and biscuits, to which Franklin nodded amidst tears.

He left him there and rushed to get him what he wanted. He knew the kid wouldn't follow him so he had to take it upon himself; he choose this.

He drove recklessly, overtaking cars and crossing with checking.

Despite his efforts, McCarthy's search for the treats proved futile due to closed shops and eventually, an empty fuel tank.

"Darn it!" McCarthy exclaimed, kicking the tire in frustration.

Recognizing his urgency, he hailed an Uber, desperately seeking ice cream for Franklin.

Upon returning, however, Franklin was nowhere to be found, leaving McCarthy disheartened and feeling as though his efforts were in vain.

He dropped the treats and went back to the Uber. A homeless guy sitting beside the road just hoped on it, like a tiger catching it prey.

Nearby, a woman crossed the road, her features obscured by her hair.

"Stop the car!" McCarthy commanded, lunging for the wheel.

The car screeched to a halt.

"Olivia!" McCarthy shouted, rushing out to catch her hand...