Chapter 3

I look at Maria who is still leaning against me, already quite calm, my hand is now stroking her hair, don't see anything bad about her, she is just a friend who is shaken and I am simply calming her down.

Talita is anxious with her cell phone in her hand, probably trying to talk to her boyfriend, she started living with him yesterday since her family returned to her hometown yesterday too, so she went to live with him so as not to be alone, apparently they are alone I've been dating for two months so I don't know if it's a good idea but it's not my life so I don't get involved.

Now lais comes to me a little anxious.

" are you well? after you know"

" I'm fine, do not worry "

I want to ask if anyone else has unlocked the system but I'm going to wait until someone else kills a zombie, as he only appeared after I killed one so it doesn't look like I've gone crazy besides being in the apocalypse... jokes aside, he still looks at me worried so I try take her focus away from it.

"and how are you feeling? being a hero and stuff"

If we were in an anime she would probably be blushing more you know in the real world so that's not possible normally, so she's a little embarrassed as she playfully punches me.

I gave a little smile and pulled Maria to look for a gun, she is my best friend here so I will take care of her as much as possible, Lais dragged the talita along with her following me, the only one who didn't come was Thales who was depressed or upset, I don't know for sure because he has his head down, centered next to the door, I never really liked him, as he and those people who like to show off for nothing, I hate that type of person.

Arriving at the warehouse door I see Luis with some iron bars in his hand, don't ask me I never knew why this is here since I joined the company it was already there, he simply told everyone to take one as it was a bit heavy to pick up. more than one, I asked him since he was responsible for the stock:

"Do we still have duct tape and how many flannels do we still have? "

"let me see how many more flannels yes we still have tape, I hadn't thought of that"

In case you haven't noticed yet, wrap the flannel around one end and secure it with tape, so as not to hurt your hand too much when swinging the iron bar at the zombies.

While Luis and I were making improvised handles for the 'weapons', the girls were a little calmer and started to pack their backpacks, the only one who didn't have one was Lais, who has a hand bag, so she grabbed her backpack. tools of the sector after taking everything out, when I said packing my backpack I meant just picking them up because there really wasn't anything to pack, in films and series there's always food and water everywhere, I'm thinking yes, right.

After we finished making the handles for the iron bars, we went over to the girls and made a handstand in case Thales got out of self-pity on the side of the door.

As we are all together except the one next to the door we start to see how to proceed, Luis said:

"Have any of you been able to speak to anyone else?", as I said, his wife died, he only has his mother-in-law who lives with him now.

Talita: "I couldn't speak to my boyfriend or my parents, the call didn't go through and the messages weren't read", she says nervously.

Lais: "maybe they're just away from their cell phones, I couldn't talk to anyone either", I think she said that more to accommodate herself as a single mother, she never talked about her son's father.

Maria: "I haven't tried talking to my parents yet, let me try", then she takes out her cell phone and tries to call, she just keeps calling and she looks like she's crying now, her parents work at a fair in the center of the neighboring city, no Wanting to be pessimistic or anything else, I think she already knows what happened to them.

As for me, I kept quiet, they know that I only have my mother, but she lives in the country about four hundred kilometers away, so if it's like I'm thinking that there are as many zombies out there as we heard when I was killing the two zombies before, I don't want to care. to keep the image in my mind that she is fine, you can call me a coward but I don't want to think about it anymore.

The atmosphere became quite somber after this conversation.

To get everyone out of this mood, speak up.

"I know you're all thinking about your family, but first we have to think about now, and now we're hungry, so how about we go and take a look outside first?"

I spoke in a light tone with a little joke in between to make them feel better, at least for now and it's better to have everyone focused and together safety in numbers and such, well I can't do everything alone so I need a team, I don't know how future but I still need one now.

Lais and Maria are holding hands, now calming down, they are close friends, Talita is a little emotional, so Luis is the first to speak.

"I think Wallace is right and we'd better look at what's going on outside first to see what to do next, just don't panic and scream if you're losing control, let us know in a low voice that we're back"

It's good advice at least I think, we're heading to the door with me in front along with Maria who is holding the hem of my jacket, she's a little nervous but it's normal even I am a little, we also pick up our backpacks afterwards to empty the junk inside, for the record, Thales now has an agent in the back with his 'gun'.