Chapter 4

I'm wearing my jacket since I come to work on a motorcycle, Maria is wearing my raincoat, Luis is wearing his jacket, Lais is wearing his raincoat, unfortunately the other two don't have a jacket anymore Since they come by bus to work, the jackets serve as a bit of protection in case their spiders can transform. I've seen films that it's possible to better prevent them.

The formation is me and Maria at the front, Lais and Luis at the sides and Thalis and Talita at the back, but as I didn't really trust anyone to keep me protected, I'm attentive to all sides and I have excellent hearing.

After leaving the door, I could hear movement outside the building through the windows on the side, a lot of shouting and running, Maria tightened her grip on the hem of my jacket, I patted her hand with my free hand (without the gun) to to show support, I notice from behind that the talita gave a sniff but I ignore it for now.

The corridor is very silent, the other rooms on the fourth floor have the door open, which is normal as it is close to lunch time when I think what we will call an outbreak occurred, and for those curious who want to know what the analysis gave after I looked at the zombies I had killed earlier and the next one.

Zombi level 1: poor guy who died at the beginning of the outbreak, capable of infecting through a bite, low chance of infection through scratches.

It has been confirmed that there is a chance of becoming infected through spiders, apparently it is not always better to avoid it.

We continued down the corridor checking the doors in case there were any zombies, as we didn't find any in the first two doors the others started to relax, you know that's a flag right, because right at the next door we saw four zombies, two of them in the window From the noise outside, a UPS was beeping and the last one was coming to the door, maybe it already felt us, I can't say.

As I was in front, I signaled for the others to stop, they must have noticed that something different was going on inside the room, I signaled with my hand, raising four fingers and pointing to the room, they started to get nervous, except for that, as incredible as it may seem already. that she is scared.

I noticed that Thales was returning to our room, dragging the talita with him, cowardly I thought to myself, the worst thing would be for him to pull the talita along with him, who was staying strong, Luis gave me a look and came back with them.

"I'll see how they are"

We just nodded and focused on the zombies that were in the room ahead, I put my free hand in Maria's hand who was still holding my jacket, silently asking her to let go, she did more, I continued almost glued to me and Lais looked at She was worried but didn't comment anything, focused on the front room.

As soon as I saw the zombie passing through the door I stuck the knife in my hand as fast as I could into his head, as soon as I did this and realized he was going to fall I cushioned his fall as much as I could to minimize the noise.

It worked to a certain extent because it only caught the attention of the person who was busy with the UPS. After I killed the zombie I received a system notification but I ignored it for now.

Lais came closer to me, checking if I was okay, I just gave her a nod to focus on the room ahead, I'm going to wait again for the next zombie to approach like the first one, but I'm just going to incapacitate him and ask her to kill him to see if she unlocks the system.

I bring my face closer to Lais's ear to talk to her.

"When he walks through the door I want you to kill him, okay? "

"It's okay, but I want you to help me, please." She looks at me a little fearfully.

"Of course I won't leave you alone in this"

she visibly relaxes after that, I don't know that so much confidence in me, it must be my aura of portagonistas... I know.

When we were talking, Maria also seemed much more comfortable with the situation, holding the weapon (iron bar) more tightly with both hands now.

I heard a noise behind us coming from the room and the others came back, I'll check later, the zombie goes through the door, I kick him in the knee to reduce his mobility, when he falls to the floor she starts hitting him on the head with The iron bar, like a blunt object, is making a bit of noise and is attracting the other two zombies in the room.

While she is finishing off the zombie that is on the floor I see that she no longer needs my help, I go to meet the other two who are coming towards the door, I push a chair to see if one of them falls or is a little late, and I was lucky that the two fumbled with the chair, one of them fell while the other tripped over the first one and fell on top of him, I took the opportunity to dispatch them while the zombies were on the floor with a stab in the eye (they were looking for me to get closer). , so you can understand that they fill up.

After dispatching them I go back to the girl who is still hitting the zombie even though he isn't moving, I come from behind so as not to hurt myself and hold her arms, as expected she starts to struggle at least she is smart not to scream if there are more zombies nearby.

"I'm calm, he's already dead", I talk to her, taking the iron bar from her hand, which is shaking.

"I killed him, I killed him, I killed him…. ", she kept repeating and shaking in my arms, I see Maria approaching and hugging her too, we stayed like that for a few minutes until I spoke again.

"I know you're not well but focus on us for now, can you do this for us? we can't stay here", Lais looks at Maria in front of her and then at me behind her out of the corner of her eye and "sorry, I'll do better next time".