Vending Machine

"It's boring..."

Ignoring the admiring glances from people around, Eiji left the game center.

Deciding to visit the game center, he tried various games. As it was his first experience, he initially played poorly. However, with sincere effort, his gaming skills improved, and he eventually achieved the highest scores in every game he played.

As a result, the noble folks at the game center watched in awe as Eiji played, impressed by his skills.

Nevertheless, Eiji didn't feel any enjoyment as he had hoped. He only felt boredom and lost interest in playing games.

"Hey, handsome guy, want to join us for karaoke?"


"Wait, white-haired guy."

Hearing that, Eiji stopped and turned around.

"Are you talking to me?"

In front of him were two high school girls whose uniforms had been modified to look more revealing. Their hair was dyed, and they wore flashy accessories.

An idea popped into Eiji's mind upon seeing the girls – Gyaru girls.

"Yes. Want to join us for karaoke?"

The Gyaru girl on the right repeated her sentence, her eyes shining brightly at Eiji's handsome appearance. Initially unsure, she was now pleased with her decision.

"You won't be disappointed~. Come play with us."

The Gyaru girl on the left licked her lips.

"Not interested."

Sensing no Cursed Energy from the two Gyaru girls, Eiji turned and walked away. In fact, he wasn't good at singing.

"Too bad, we missed a catch."

"Let's find another handsome guy."

The two Gyaru girls were disappointed but went on to search for another attractive guy to have fun with.

On the other hand, Eiji quickly forgot what had just happened. For him, there were few things that could move his heart.

He had a specific goal, so he walked without caring about the direction.

Along the way, he encountered various vending machines.

There were vending machines for smartphone accessories, umbrella vending machines, fruit vending machines, and many others.

"Even vending machines like this."

Stopping in front of a condom vending machine, Eiji was speechless.

He suddenly remembered an article he read on the internet, stating that high school boys should carry condoms in their wallets as preparation.

Eiji didn't know what kind of preparation was meant, but considering that in April, he would become a high school student, he felt the need to prepare as well.

Ignoring the glances of pedestrians, he inserted money into the vending machine and randomly selected a condom.

After that, he bowed and took it.

Opening the box, he took out three condoms and put them in his wallet. As for the rest, he threw them in the trash.

"So bold... That guy bought condoms in public without changing his facial expression."

"Is he going to have sex with his girlfriend? I'm so jealous~... If only I had a boyfriend as handsome as him."

"Hiss... Your voice is too loud; he heard us."

Eiji saw two high school girls passing by, whispering to each other.


He didn't understand why they thought he was going to have sex with his girlfriend. It was difficult for Eiji to feel emotions, so he never thought about romance.

"Maybe... Maybe someday, I can feel what love is."

After saying that, Eiji continued walking without a specific destination.


Twenty minutes passed, and Eiji arrived in a residential area.

He wasn't afraid of getting lost since he could teleport home anytime. Generally, both he and his cousin rarely used teleportation as a means of travel.

Both of them found it too boring and would miss the fun of encountering events during their journeys.

"Hm? Oranges?"

Eiji saw oranges rolling at his feet. He bent down to pick one up. Then, more oranges appeared.

Looking up, he saw a middle school girl collecting her groceries on the ground. Apparently, her shopping bag had torn, and her groceries had fallen.

(Is that her?)

With Lin Fan's memories of Jujutsu Kaisen anime and manga, Eiji immediately recognized the girl's identity. After a brief pause, he picked up the oranges, approached the girl, and helped her.

"These are your oranges, I'll help you."

"Ah, sorry for bothering you and thank you."

The girl was captivated by the handsome man in front of her. Returning to her senses, she blushed in embarrassment.


She was puzzled about how to carry her groceries; her other bag was already full.

"Is your house far?" Eiji took the initiative to ask.

"No, my house is close, just a 10-minute walk."

"In that case, I'll help you carry them to your house."

"Thank you very much."

After some hesitation, the girl decided to accept the offer. Normally, she wouldn't bring an unfamiliar guy to her house, but the young man looked kind, so she decided to trust him.

Walking together, the girl occasionally glanced at Eiji.

"What's up?"

"Mmm... Do you know Gojo-san?"

"He's my cousin."

"So, you're Gojo-san's cousin. No wonder you two look alike. Gojo-san is our benefactor."

"I'm Kamiki Eiji. What's your name?"

"Ah, I forgot to mention it? Sorry, I'm careless. My name is Fushiguro Tsumiki. Nice to meet you, Kamiki-kun."


Eiji nodded without changing his expression. This was also why he wanted to help Tsumiki. If it were another girl in trouble, he wouldn't care and would pretend not to see.

Not because he was cold-hearted, but he found it challenging to do good things on his own initiative. He had a personality that was indifferent to many things and didn't like interacting with others.

"By the way, Kamiki-kun and Gojo-san are both handsome. Is every man in the Gojo family like this?" Tsumiki asked, observing him from head to toe.

After knowing Eiji was Gojo's cousin, her guard had significantly decreased. In any case, Satoru was their guardian, providing her and her younger brother Megumi with many things like a home, pocket money, and more.

For Tsumiki, Satoru was a reliable older brother compared to her gambling stepfather and irresponsible mother.

"Me and Satoru Nii-san are a bit special. Not every man in the Gojo family is like us."

"That makes sense. If every man in the Gojo family is like you and Gojo-san, it wouldn't be fair to other men."

"Not fair?"

Eiji looked at Tsumiki, tilting his head, appearing to not understand her words.

"Other men wouldn't stand a chance getting a woman if every man in the Gojo family is handsome like you and Gojo-san. Besides, in this modern era, women will judge appearance first before other aspects." Tsumiki explained.

"I see." Eiji nodded, not fully understanding.

Honestly, he didn't quite grasp emotional aspects. In other words, his EQ was somewhat low.

"We're here." Tsumiki said, pushing the gate.

Eiji glanced at the Fushiguro nameplate on the wall, then followed her, who had opened the house door.

"Come in, Kamiki-kun. Use these; they're the sandals Gojo-san wears."

From the shoe rack, Tsumiki took out guest sandals.


Eiji took off his shoes and put on the sandals. Then, Tsumiki led him to the kitchen and placed the groceries.