“So, we can check the hunter team off the list. No issues with getting them into the tournament, right?”
Cheewin said, turning to ask Dani, so the blond man confirmed again.
“Not at all. If anything, they’ll enjoy the change of pace.”
“Excellent. This is why I put you in charge, Dani. If they perform well, you can expect a nice bonus from me.”
Dani gave a thumbs-up with a mischievous grin.
“So, are we registering all the younger members of the team for the tournament, Mr. President?” Rin asked.
“Yeah, I think it’s a good idea. It’s a great opportunity for them to gain experience. Plus, with this year’s emphasis on events and tournaments tied to Royal Straight, it’d be a shame to miss out. And it’s not just about the major tournaments—there are minor ones too. Every competition will likely offer ranking points and prize money. Definitely worth joining.”