Zhang Yueling, known as Mestra Metal, was a renowned rockstar in Japan, but his career took an unexpected turn when an incident at Kings Entertainment led him to take a break. Seeking solace and anonymity, he returned to China, where he enrolled in a new school during the second quarter of the 11th grade.
Yue, as he preferred to be called in his civilian life, quickly gained popularity in his new school for his exceptional academic intelligence. However, rumors began circulating about his family's alleged involvement with a notorious gangster group, a truth that Yue had been trying to escape. In the prestigious halls of Tiong Se Academy, where societal expectations dictate destiny, Zhang Yueling, known as Yue, stands out as a seventeen-year-old with a genius mind and an icy demeanor. With a towering height of 186 cm, he is the son of a prominent gang leader, navigating a world where his lineage and intellect set him apart. Yue purposely maintains a facade of laziness and academic apathy, concealing his true abilities and intelligence.
Enter Alexander Zhao, a brilliant and charming Chinese-American guy with a reputation for rich delinquency and hidden potential. At 190 cm, Alexander is a charismatic extrovert and a genius in his own right. Preferring to keep a low profile, Yue refrained from making friends until he encountered Alexander Zhao, a vibrant student who had recently transferred to the same school. Alex became Yue's classmate, desk mate, and dormmate, breaking through Yue's guarded exterior with his extroverted personality. Despite their shared prowess in combat, Yue and Alexander's initial meeting is marked by mutual disdain. However, as they unravel the mysteries of their pasts and navigate the challenges of a school obsessed with perfection, an unlikely bond forms between the two.
"Frigidly alluring" explores the complexities of friendship, trust, and the consequences of hiding one's true self. Yue's cold exterior and Alexander's extroverted charm create a dynamic that defies societal norms. As they face rivalries, societal expectations, and the shadows of their own secrets, they discover that true strength goes beyond appearances. The story delves into themes of self-discovery, acceptance, and the transformative power of genuine connection. Will Yue frosty exteriors thaw to reveal the warmth of genuine connection, or will the pressures of their world shatter the alliance they've forged?