In the heart of Guangzhou, within the cozy confines of a bustling café, Zhang Yueliang, known as Yue, found solace in the rhythmic tap-tapping of his fingers on the keyboard. The air was filled with the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the subtle hum of conversations around him. With his laptop open, Yue was in the midst of crafting his latest R-18 novel, each keystroke a deliberate dance of creativity.
However, inspiration proved elusive on this particular day. Frustration crept in, and Yue decided to take a moment to rest his mind. He closed his laptop and glanced around the café, contemplating the vibrant energy that filled the air. As if on cue, the enticing aroma of a caramel ribbon crunch frappuccino wafted through the air, prompting Yue to head back to the counter.
A few minutes later, with his new order in hand, Yue heard his name being called. Simultaneously, another name echoed in the café – Alexander. Unbeknownst to him, fate had orchestrated a serendipitous mix-up. Both he and a mysterious figure named Alexander had unknowingly ordered the same drink.
Yue, lost in thought, failed to realize the mix-up until a stranger approached him. The guy's gaze met Yue's, and for a fleeting moment, time seemed to pause. Yue snapped out of his reverie when the stranger spoke.
"I believe that's my order. My name is written on it. This one is yours, I guess, 'Yue,'" the guy said, gesturing toward the swapped drinks.
Yue looked down at the cup in his hands, realizing the mistake. He apologized hastily as the two exchanged drinks and returned to their respective seats. As Yue sipped the unfamiliar frappuccino, he couldn't shake the encounter from his mind.
The name "Alexander" lingered in Yue's thoughts, and a spark of inspiration ignited within him. What if he could weave a tale around this mysterious man who had shared a brief connection with him in the crowded café? The wheels of Yue's imaginative mind began to turn, contemplating the potential for a captivating character in his upcoming novel.