The Reencounter

At that moment, a procession of sleek black cars quietly pulled up beneath the towering building. A tall, imposing man stepped out from behind his bodyguards.

His black sunglasses complemented his striking facial features, exuding an aura of undisputed authority. It was him…

Emma Hart's heart skipped a beat.The images of that night played in her mind like a movie reel, She felt like she had encountered a plague.

in the midst of the crowd, it seemed as though he could spot her instantly. Panicking like a headless fly, she frantically tried to vanish into the crowd, praying never to see this man again, to forget that night…

As Emma navigated through the bustling crowd, her path was blocked. A child ran into her, causing her to stagger backward and bump into someone.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to…" Emma began, turning around, only to freeze in shock at the familiar figure, stammering, "…do it on purpose."

Damien Sterling, upon seeing Emma in his arms, was instantly reminded of that night.

Observing her reluctance to leave his embrace, a cryptic, cold smirk appeared on his lips.

Emma's heart raced as the towering figure cast a shadow over her, his piercing brows just above her forehead.

Why should she seek out this devilish man who had ruined her happiness, and now he dares to want more after taking advantage?

"How is it, out of money again?" he asked, his voice cool, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips.

"I'm perfectly capable on my own, what do I need your dirty money for?" Emma retorted, pushing him away with burning eyes.

Yet, her slender arms hardly made an impact on Damien Sterling.

Straightening up, Damien's pupils gleamed like captivating amber under the sunlight, his fox-like eyes narrowing with a chilling gaze that seemed to see right through her.

"Playing these games, trying to seduce others while being so aggressive? Quite a show you put on with your friends."

His beautiful eyes now held nothing but scorn, radiating a cold, stern light that frightened Emma. Recalling her friend's and boyfriend's deceit, she felt unjustly accused, but he continued to slander her, to which she protested, "It's not like that!"

Before she could say more, Damien leaned in, his cold laugh sending shivers down her spine.

"Oh really? Direct seduction then? Indeed, you seemed to enjoy that night quite a bit."

Emma suddenly found Damien's face hard to discern, her vision blurring, that night being a nightmare she never wanted to remember, a night of fear. She shook her head in denial, stepping back.

"You don't have to play the victim. If you beg me, maybe I'll grant you another night," he said, stepping closer and lifting her chin. "Name your price."

Remembering that night, he felt a nostalgic sensation; she seemed so sweet, fragrant, and soft… But he disliked women who schemed their way into his bed, merely toys to him.

As Emma's head grew heavier, Damien's words became a blur, his face lost in a foggy haze. Suddenly, darkness enveloped her vision, and she collapsed into Damien's arms.

He looked down at her, initially thinking she was pretending, but noticing the sweat on her forehead, he shook her shoulders frantically, a hint of panic in his voice, "Hey, wake up!"

But Emma remained unresponsive.

Realizing the severity, Damien swiftly picked her up, gave a few quick instructions to his assistant, and carried her to his car, leaving the scene abruptly.