Pregnancy Test Report

Inside the First People's Hospital, after a flurry of activity by the doctors, Emma Hart lay unconscious on the hospital bed, bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun that cast a faint crimson hue on her pale cheeks, lending a semblance of color to her otherwise pallid face.

Ethan Turner sat beside her bed, gripping her delicate hand, his expression a complex mix of emotions.

As he was about to inquire about when Emma might wake, his gaze met a sharp, piercing look, and a tall figure entered his field of vision.

The atmosphere instantly tensed – it was none other than Damien Sterling!

Seizing the moment of confusion, Ethan discreetly exited the room.

"The patient's condition is quite critical. Her pulse is weak, and she's newly pregnant. She needs to take care of her health," the doctor's words shocked Damien Sterling.

His eyes filled with a cold intensity, his voice tinged with a hint of threat, "You can eat anything, but be careful with your words, you understand?"

Unintimidated by his demeanor, the doctor, used to dealing with all kinds of people, retorted with slight irritation, "As her boyfriend, you didn't even know she was pregnant? How neglectful can you be?"

Damien's disbelief was evident as he frowned at the doctor, his tone softening slightly, "Are you serious?"

The doctor, somewhat disappointed, shook his head and sighed, "Here's the pregnancy test report. Take a look yourself, it's been three months."

Damien gently took the report, his long fingers tracing over the words that clearly stated 'three months pregnant.'

His dark eyes deepened, realizing the child must be his – this was their first time, after all. But his thoughts were dismissive, considering her just another foolish woman trying to latch onto him – he had seen all types.

"Ah, my head is spinning..." Emma muttered weakly as she regained consciousness, looking up into Damien's cold gaze.

"Next time, be smarter with your tricks," he said disdainfully, dropping the report onto the bed.

His eyes were as cold as ice,In his mind, such despicable women were plentiful, and Damien Sterling had no interest in a woman of dubious origin.

Tears rolled down Emma's cheeks as she stared at the words 'pregnant,' unable to hold back her sorrow. Her lips quivered uncontrollably...

"Little Damien, you're not getting any younger. It's time you found a girl and settled down," the elder Sterling said, smiling benevolently in the luxurious, elegant restaurant.

At sixty-five, he had dedicated his life to Sterling Enterprises.

Despite his amiable appearance, he was known for his cunning and decisive nature, still firmly holding the position of chairman.

"Grandpa is getting old and needs rest. If you could give me a grandson, I'd feel comfortable handing over the company to you, especially with your mere twenty percent shareholding," he continued.

Damien, suppressing his anger, felt a chill emanate from him. His life decisions always seemed to hinge on those shares...

But he needed those shares to realize his grand plans. Gritting his teeth inwardly, he said, "I already have someone I like."

His tone unchanging, Damien looked straight at his grandfather.

His dark eyes were devoid of warmth. Picking up a glass of red wine, the ruby liquid shimmered under the bright lights.

Emma's pale face flashed through his mind, and a perfect plan began to form. A subtle, cold smirk appeared on Damien's lips.

"Oh? Is it Sophia Greenwood? After all these years, have you finally softened?"