
Sophia Greenwood.

Just the thought of her brought a headache to Damien Sterling.

The Greenwoods and the Sterlings were old family friends, and as the heiress of the Greenwood family and the design director of Sterling Enterprises, Sophia was beautiful and intelligent, a goddess in the eyes of many.

Damien had grown up with her, and while Sophia had always harbored feelings for him, his feelings for her extended no further than friendship.

There had never been anything more, and there never would be.

"It's not her," he said again, picking up his wine glass and swirling the contents indifferently, his voice devoid of emotion.

The old man narrowed his eyes, wondering when his grandson had fallen for someone else, a fact he was completely unaware of.

His gaze then shifted towards Vincent Reed, his personal butler, standing by his side.

In the hospital, while the doctor was distracted, Emma Hart quickly removed her IV.

She couldn't bear to spend another second in a room tainted with Damien Sterling's presence.

Just thinking about him filled her with an overwhelming desire to tear him apart. Her petite figure swiftly disappeared down the hospital corridor.

Back in her humble home, Emma couldn't calm her emotions.

Pregnant for three months – how could she be so unlucky?

Her face grew paler at the thought of carrying the child of a stranger, a wave of revulsion churning within her.

Her beautiful eyes dimmed with these thoughts, only brought back to reality by the smell of cooking.

Looking at the chicken leg in her brother's bowl compared to her own plate of vegetables, she lowered her eyes and silently ate her meal.

Her younger brother, the apple of her grandmother's eye, made her feel even more wronged.

Only thoughts of her mother, who had always protected her, brought some warmth to her heart.

Little did this ordinary girl know that an extraordinary fate was slowly unfolding.

"Chairman, the investigation is complete. The young master has been closely involved with a girl named Emma Hart, and she's pregnant. Here's her information," Vincent Reed presented respectfully.

The old man took off his glasses and scrutinized the innocent face in the documents.

His wrinkled face softened into a smile, "Very good."

"Damien, when do you plan to get married?" he asked, as Damien was swallowing a bite of steak.

"Isn't that a bit fast?" Damien replied, his voice leisurely, his gaze seemingly casual but underlined with hidden currents.

"Damien, you have to take responsibility. Surely you don't plan to have her marry with a big belly? Get things sorted quickly so I can hold my grandson," the old man squinted his eyes, handing his finished cutlery to Vincent, the handsome man quietly retreating.

Having been by the old man's side since childhood, Vincent knew their temperaments well.

This situation, however, felt unusually strange to him.

Who was this mysterious girl who had captured the young master's heart? She must be incredibly fortunate.

Damien nonchalantly continued eating his steak, his indifferent eyes unchanging, exuding an innate aura of authority that naturally made others submit.

But now, with the situation pressing, it seemed he had no other choice.

Vincent had never seen Damien show interest in any woman. Even the most beautiful women were attracted to his charismatic aura, yet he never paid them any mind.

Sophia Greenwood, his most loyal admirer, had once sworn to marry no one but him.