
The knight's armor gleamed in the ambient light of the throne room, intricate details etched across its surface. The air seemed to carry the weight of anticipation, the silence broken only by the occasional creaking sound as the knight shifted in his seat. The throne itself, imposing and ornate, added to the regality of the setting.

As I stepped further into the room, the knight's eyes met mine. There was an intensity in that gaze, a mix of boredom and curiosity that hinted at a deeper, hidden power. The atmosphere crackled with the unspoken challenge between me and the lone figure on the throne. It was a confrontation that held the promise of something grand, yet the uncertainty of the outcome lingered in the air.

In that throne room, surrounded by an air of uncertainty, I usually had a keen sense of my chances in a fight. The encounters were predictable; I could gauge my opponent's strength, measure it against mine, and usually come out victorious.

We don't count Gojo....

However, facing the lone knight on that imposing throne felt like an entirely different realm of uncertainty.

My instincts, finely tuned from countless battles, wavered in the face of this enigmatic figure. His armor seemed impervious, radiating a power that transcended the usual metrics. The gleam in his eyes held a challenge, a quiet invitation to a contest that surpassed any I had faced before.

As I stood there, sizing him up, the usual confidence wavered. The unspoken question lingered in the air: Could I prevail against this knight, whose power and demeanor defied my usual calculations? The anticipation of the unknown outcome hummed beneath the silence of the throne room.

[Red Knight]

[Level:7️⃣0️⃣ ]

[Status: Full]

[Job: Knight]

[Title: The Red Knight, the Strongest Knight]

[Hp:1️⃣ 0️⃣ 0️⃣ 0️⃣ ]




Strength:1️⃣0️⃣5️⃣ Vitality:1️⃣ 0️⃣ 0️⃣

Agility: 1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ Intelligence:8️⃣5️⃣

Sense:7️⃣ 0️⃣


As I assessed the knight's stats, a realization dawned — they soared far beyond the norm, eclipsing encounters with anyone I'd faced. Only Gojo, the sorcerer of unparalleled power, had boasted numbers of a comparable magnitude.

Even in a hypothetical scenario where they shared the same level and stats, Gojo would likely hold the upper hand with his arsenal of unconventional abilities. Despite the odds, I steeled myself and entered the room. The knight, seemingly expecting my arrival, rose from his throne, an unspoken challenge in his gaze.

The knight advanced, drawing a formidable red sword. Swift as a blink, he closed the distance, and my adamatime bowstaff met his crimson blade in a clash of steel. A nimble dodge spared me from a direct hit, but a forceful kick to the gut sent me hurtling backward, obliterating the wall upon impact. The knight's power was undeniable, and I realized this duel would be a test of skill and strategy against an adversary with overwhelming stats.

[You took 1500 damage]

[You have broken a few bones and ribs]

"Turn off the damage notification"I said as I found the damage notification kind of distracting in this fight and I wanted to be stress free.

[Damage notification has been turn off]

In a determined rush, I engaged the knight, bowstaff meeting his red blade in a clash. The odds were stacked against me, taking a beating in the one-sided battle. Refusing to rely on my stats, I faced the challenge head-on. As the knight prepared to strike, I unleashed [Gravity Manipulation], burdening him with a crushing weight, hoping to seize the advantage in this seemingly uneven fight.

I managed to level the playing field, the knight slowed down by the weight of gravity. Despite his efforts, his sword met my adamantine bowstaff, and to my relief, my weapon remained unscathed. The clash echoed, and determination fueled my resolve to turn the tide in this challenging encounter.

I embraced a different strategy. Instead of relying solely on manipulating gravity to make myself lighter, I incorporated a more intricate approach. With agile movements and precise strikes, I aimed to exploit the knight's vulnerabilities, dodging his attacks and landing hits strategically. The rhythm of our clash became more dynamic as I tried to outmaneuver this formidable opponent.

I also made him feel 100 times heavier and now he could barely move before I pushed my mana out while using [Gravity manipulation] causing him to be sent flying away from me.

I swiftly adjusted the gravity around me, and as the knight hurtled toward me, I expertly shifted it once more, making him feel impossibly heavy. The sudden change in gravitational force caused him to crash into the ground with tremendous force. As he struggled to rise, I maintained the pressure, rendering him temporarily immobilized. It was a delicate dance between manipulating the forces around us and seizing the right moments to strike.

I tightened my bow staff and trusted it toward his direction before I yelled out"Extend"

My bow staff extended so far and so fast in so little time that it seemed to be moving very quickly.

The red knight, now vulnerable, collided with my bowstaff, its armor yielding to the force. The impact resonated with a resounding crack, and beneath the damaged armor, blood seeped out. The face behind the mask, once concealed, now revealed the toll of the battle.

He dropped onto his knees before falling on the floor, however did not get close to him as I did not receive any notification about killing him.

5seconds later he got up and rushed at me with his sword and I blocked all his hits, he seemed to be a lot stronger and faster than before but at the same time, he seemed rageful.

He seemed like he was so deep in his hatred that he did not notice me sending a huge amount of mana to my fist.

He swung his blade at me and I dodged his attempt at chopping my head off by ducking out of the way.

I then created a [Purification ball]In my hands before I tried to plunge it into his chest but he seemed ready for it and he was dodging out of the way.

I used my [Teleportation] skill and appeared above him and before he could even react and noticed that I was no longer on the floor.

I shoved my [Purification ball] straight to his face and added a lot of mana to it making the ball bigger and denser.

It was grinding against his face and I was just adding more and more mana as the ball grew bigger and started grinding against his armor.

I continued to grind the ball against his armor until I saw the one notification that I needed to confirm that I had done it.

[You killed the red knight]

[You gain 1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣exp]

[You have level up]X2

[You gain 4️⃣ 0️⃣ 0️⃣ 0️⃣ 0️⃣ gold]

[You completed the job-changing quest]

[Calculating points]

[You cleared the dungeon in 8️⃣ hours and 30 minutes]

[1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ points have been gained]

[Selecting a Job]

[Job Shadow monarch has been chosen]

[New skills have been granted due to your job]

[Skill Shadow extraction has been given to the player]

[With this skill the player is able to extract shadows from the corpses of his enemies and add them to his army.

[skill Shadow preservation has been given to the player]

[With this skill the player is able to preserve his shadows in storage and monitor them by perceiving their senses.]

"So I can revive the dead as my soldiers, that seems cool," Kenzo said to himself before he walked toward the corpse of the red knight and said.


A/N.How strong y'all think the job just made the mc....could he summon the soul of Megumi dead shinigami as his shadows soldier....

Could he raise Marohaga and better yet could he beat Yuta..., personally I think he lose because of his lack of experience.