New power (24)

As soon as those words left my mouth, I felt some of my mana disappear as a shadowy figure started to crawl out of the body of the dead knight.

After 5 seconds, a black and blue figure that looked exactly like the knight that had just killed was seen bowing down to me.

[You have successfully gained a shadow soldier]

I looked at the shadow soldier in front of me before a screen popped out in front of me.

[The red knight wants you to name it]

[enter name]


[The red knight appreciates its new name]

After I successfully resurrected him as my soldier, I said as I used my skill on every single dead body in this dungeon.

"Arise," I said as shadowy figures started to come out of their corpses.

[You gained 40 knights]

[You gained 10 mages]

[You gained 10 archer]

[You have reached your 60 shadow soldier limits]

"So I'm a mage-type fighter, I expected to be a more mele-type fighter," I said to myself as I opened my status screen.

Name: Kenzo Tatsuo


Fatigue: Tired, dehydrated

Job: Shadow monarch.

Titles: The player, jujutsu sorcerer.





Strength:100 Vitality:60

Agility: 95 Intelligence:60



. Remaining points:75 +[120]

Gold: 24000

"Considering I'm a mage-ish class or job, I should probably have more mana but I want to be more agile and a bit more tanky so something like that," I said as I started using my stat points.

Name: Kenzo Tatsuo


Fatigue: Tired, dehydrated

Job: Shadow monarch.

Titles: The player, jujutsu sorcerer.





Strength:100 Vitality:60+20

Agility: 95+5. Intelligence:60+30



. Remaining points:17 +[120]

Gold: 24000.


Name: Kenzo Tatsuo


Fatigue: Tired, dehydrated

Job: Shadow monarch.

Titles: The player, jujutsu sorcerer.





Strength:100 Vitality:80

Agility: 100 Intelligence:90



. Remaining points:17 +[120]

Gold: 24000.

"That should do it," I said to myself as I looked at my new stats.

I felt stronger and I could feel my body changing, my bones and my muscles felt like they were getting destroyed and rebuilding themselves over and over again.

I breathed out a little relaxing my muscles, my body relaxed a bit after a while, I was feeling better and after 20 minutes.

Time skip 20minutes

[Your body has fully adapted to your new strength]

I looked at the notification as I opened and closed my fist.

I could feel my mana flowing through my veins, it was way stronger than before.

I closed my fist before I walked toward a wall and punched it without using any mana enhancement to help me whatsoever.

Upon delivering a forceful punch to the wall, it crumbled before me, revealing a hidden chamber on the other side. To my amazement, the concealed space was filled with a gleaming bounty of gold.

Approaching the glittering gold, I refrained from reaching it immediately. Having previously merged my shadow soldier with my troops, I orchestrated a methodical collection of every ounce of the precious metal in sight.

[You gain 7️⃣ 0️⃣ 0️⃣ 0️⃣ 0️⃣ gold]

"Holy fuck this place is full of gold," I said as I realize that I am now the richest man in Japan.

I now have 300000 gold to my name and that is without counting everything I brought with them.

"Using all that gold will definitely make the price of gold go down so I'm just using like 10 of them for now, "I said to myself before I stretched my body and looked at the return gate.

"It took me like 7 hours and 30 ish minutes to finish this, I definitely finished this before I thought I would, "I said to myself.

"Let's see what the shop has to offer while I'm here" I muttered to myself as I opened the shop.




I clicked on weapons as I wanted to see if the shop had changed while I was gone.

[Adamatine bow staff 75000]

[Adamatine dagger 100000]

[Adamatine sword 140000]

[Dragonic gauntlet 15000gold]

[Dragonic dagger 15000gold]

[heavenly spear 50000000gold]

[True dragons dagger 3000000 gold]

[True dragons sword 3500000 gold]

[True dragons gauntlet 2900000 gold]

[True dragons spear 3600000 gold]

"New weapons cool," I said to myself as I went into the armor section of the shop.

[Leather armor 10gold]

[chainmail armor 100 gold]

[iron armor 300 gold]

[wolf fur armor 500 gold]

[lizard armor 400gold]

[mage robe 200 gold]

[Assasing Robe 350gold]

[Draconic armor 150000gold]

[Elven king armor 250000 gold ]

[Truth dragon armor 5000000gold]

"Elven king armor is a new one," I said to myself as I went into the potion section of the shop.

[Small healing potion 50 gold]

[Small mana regen potion 50gold]

[Small mana boost potion 75 gold]

[Small healing boosting potion 75 gold]

[Small stamina potion 50 gold]

I scrolled further down to see a potion that caught my attention.

[Mana condensing potion. 50000 gold]

I clicked on it to see the description.

[Mana condensing potion]

[Item rank: Rare]

[Item Description: Upon drinking this potion, the user might feel a bit dizzy and a bit weak with the small feeling of feeling your power is decreasing but in reality, this potion condenses the user's mana to make it more powerful and easier to use for the user. All mana-related attacks will deal 250% more damage.]

[You lost 50000 gold]

[You brought the mana-condensing potion]

[You have 250000 gold left]

[Mana condensing potion has been added to your inventory]

I pulled the potion out of my inventory before I started to jug it down.

It tasted pretty sweet and I felt like I could continue chugging it forever but soon enough I finished it.

I wiped the purple liquid leaving my mouth before I suddenly felt it.

I could feel my mana pool strengthening and I just slightly smiled at that before I walked away toward the portal in the middle of the room.

I stepped out of the dungeon before I noticed that it was dark out, I looked around and saw everything shining in the moonlight.

I then put my hands in my pocket before I walked toward my apartment in the school.

It was surprisingly empty and so I walked until I reached the door area, I walked toward my room and I used my key to open the door.

I entered the room and closed the door behind me before I went into the bathroom to clean myself.

After taking a much-needed warm bath, I took some light snacks that I had stored in my mini fridge and are them.

After that, I brushed my teeth while looking at my reflection in the mirror and I could notice that my appearance had changed a lot.

My physique looked a lot leaner and compact while my eyes seemed to be a more bluish color and my facial features remained very sharp.

My hair was getting a bit too long which meant I would probably have to cut it soon.

After looking at myself one last time and making sure my teeth were clean, I gurgled some water in my mouth before I spit it out and washed my face.

I then went to bed to take a much-needed rest, I might just take that day off to sleep and rest a bit.

A/N I am trying something new with this fanfic so bare with it for a bit