Who could beat me(25)

{You slept on a bed, Health and mana have been restored}

I opened my eyes to a cascade of notifications, the digital world intruding on the tranquility of my sleep. With a languid yawn, I rose from the bed, acknowledging the dawn of a new day that beckoned me to shake off the remnants of sleep.

The task of dragging myself out of bed felt like a minor conquest as I navigated the familiar routine of morning chores. With a half-awake determination, I brushed my teeth and indulged in a refreshing bath, the cascade of water awakening my senses.

Having already satisfied my hunger before dental hygiene, I moved through the motions of daily chores, each task a step towards normalcy. Clean and composed, I approached the door, anticipation mingling with the newfound energy that came with completing my morning routine.

As I swung the door open, a burst of sunlight greeted me, the brilliance of the day stretching out before my eyes. The beauty of the morning lay in contrast to the indoor routine, inviting me to step into the embrace of the day.

Surveying the sunlit landscape, I felt an innate desire to immerse myself in the outdoors. The thought of a walk became irresistible, a beckoning call from nature. Stepping outside, I welcomed the warmth of the sun on my skin, and the gentle caress of the wind played with strands of my hair. It was a beautiful day, and with each step, the world unfolded its serene wonders, a harmonious symphony of nature embracing my morning stroll.

I felt like, I was on top of the world, I don't know for how long I walked exactly but I eventually reached the area where we trained.

I noticed the familiar green hair of a girl training her weapon skill while a panda was sleeping on the floor.

"Where Inumaki" I mutter to myself as I didn't notice him nowhere, I spread my senses farther out and I noticed that he was just getting some snacks.

After checking on him, I walked away without going anywhere near them as I felt like this wasn't really the time to meet them.

I continue to walk while being stuck on my thought, I continue to walk while thinking of the endless possibility that just opened to me.

"Those my ability work on curses"I mutter to myself as I continue to walk around.

It would be absolutely great if I could do that to curse because that just meant that all I had to do was kill some special grade curses and then add them to my army.

I can imagine it now, 50 special grade curses working under their master, the shadow monarch.

My title and my skill make me look more like the Grimm Reaper instead of a necromancer.

I also feel like my personality affected my class, I could somehow feel it in my guts that the other class that I may have gotten would have been so cool.(A/N it was the dragon monarch but as his personality is more in the calm side, and the fact that I don't see him changing that drastically so quick, he got shadow monarch but if you guys want to see how a version of him that is a dragon monarch would act then I think I can do that for you)

'Better not be stuck on it for that long'I thought to myself leaving my thoughts.

"Status" I said as I wanted to see how much my stats had changed due to me my class change.

Name: Kenzo Tatsuo


Fatigue: full

Job: Shadow monarch.

[Description:You are the shadow monarch meaning you control realm of death and anything that is dead is under your commands. You are every living being destiny ➕4️⃣0️⃣to all stats]

Titles: The player, jujutsu sorcerer.





Strength:1️⃣00 + 40 Vitality:80+40

Agility: 1️⃣00️⃣+40 Intelligence:90+40



. Remaining points:1️⃣7️⃣ +[1️⃣2️⃣0️⃣]

Gold: 2️⃣ 5️⃣ 0️⃣ 0️⃣ 0️⃣

I looked at my stats and realized hoe much my job had boosted me,if i was in the middle of the special grade tier than now, I am at the high end of it.

I still don't think I could beat Gojo's thought as his infinity is currently impossible for me to breach but if I find a way to get past it.

Except for that one time I managed to breach it but that was pure luck and I can't replicate it.

I would probably give him a decent fight before he use his domain expansion or something.

Would his domain expansion even work on me considering I don't have curse energy but only mana?

Those that mean, I am technically immune to domains, as soon as I thought of that, I crushed that idea as I feel like they would pull some new stuff like a barrierless domain or something.(A/N my sweet summer child)

The only thing I can think of to get past his limitless technique would be the heavenly weapons .

I feel like,they would cancel out his overpowers ability, cause as of right now even if I could beat him.

What the point of attacking him if none of my attacks even reach him, my attacks may be able to pulverize a city but what the point of launching it if it going to get blocked.

I feel like I have a better chance at getting Sukuna then beating him as at least I can hit Sukuna and worst case scenario.

I can teleport of the range of his attacks,but considering that as of right now, he only has around 3 finger worth of powers.

He is nowhere near his prime power but if the rate at which he collect the finger stay the same.

I would be able to take on his full power before he even reached it, considering the speed at which I grow is really immense.

Unless he pull some bs and I don't know get even more broken somehow,what could be worse than a 20 finguer Sukuna...(A/N....I can think of 2)

In a few month, I went from the strength of a normal person to being a special grade.

I then went from a special grade to something stronger than that.

Apart from Gojo i cant really think of anybody that could give me a decent challenge,i could probably beat up a lot of people before i meet my match but considering that i am still growing and at the end of the day I'm still a beginner, somebody with more battle iq and battle experience could probably beat me if they had any attack that could actually kill me.

Considering that this is the Jujutsu society,i wouldn't doubt it if someone like that truly did exist.

A/N name down the character in the serie that you think could beat the mc do keep in mind that his battle iq is not as high as very smart jujutsu sorcerer and he isn't used to his skill yet.