The escape convict (26)

I suddenly thought of something, how much money would I get if I started selling my gold?

I found a shop where I could see the gold and only removed 1 gold coin from my inventory as I wanted to see the base value of the gold in my hands.

Strangely enough, nobody tried to trick me or take the gold away or say some stuff about the fact that I am too young to have so much money, They all for some reason just seem to be very scared of me.

I soon enough realize that it was because of my aura leaking out of my body considering that I recently became the shadow monarch.

I could feel that my mana was much more intense than before, it felt much more concentrated, It was either the fact that I had become a shadow monarch or the fact that I had drunk that weird potion.

I could feel a huge amount of power flowing through my veins and the fear present in the man's face as I handed the gold coin was evident.

He carefully looked at the gold coin while sweating and seemed to make sure that he didn't make any mistake while scanning it in fear of getting beat up.

I waited for the man to finish looking over my crystal before the man slowly raised his head toward me and said "3,374,639 yen"

"Are you sure?" I said looking back at him

"Yes sir, this gold is one of the purest that I have ever seen, and this price is fair," The man said shaking a bit to which I just pulled out 8 other gold coins out of my pocket.

With the 9 gold coins that I had given the man, I walked out of the bank with 30,371,751 richer than I was before entering the bank.

In a day, I had managed to make more money than most people make in a year, and considering how much gold I have left in me, I am by every means necessary a rich man.

I don't have to work and if I want I can just live a peaceful life on the island somewhere without having to raise a finger but this is not the kind of life I want to live for myself.

I want to go on an adventure, I want to battle people that will push me to the physical limits of my ability.

I want to grow and I want to remove the title of the strongest from Gojo Satoru status window.

He may be my sensei but goddam sometimes his antics get the better of me, I wandered around aimlessly not knowing where I would end up, and eventually, I reached the front of Nobara's room.

I looked at where I was and sight as I realized I was close to the girl's dorm without further ado, I walked away as I didn't want to get caught in such a situation, especially by Gojo.

That man would find a way to make this look way worse than it actually is talking about a love story and such.

I can already see him taking pictures of this and using it as prime blackmail material although I know he won't go too far with it.

At the end of the day, we still talking about Gojo Satoru. A man that takes great pride in his ability to annoy people.

'Talking about Gojo where the hell is he' I thought to myself as I could not sense him anywhere near Jujutsu high.

I walked a bit until I saw the transfigure feature of somebody on the floor, he looked horrible. I could not tell if this monstrosity was a curse or a human being.

This thing could not be human and could only be a curse and with those thoughts floating through my mind. I decided to use my Observation skill on it.

{Transfigured Human}

{Description: A Human that has been transfigured due to the use of a curse technique}




{Strenght:20 Vitality:10}

{Dexterity:15 Intelligence:1}

{Wisdom:0 Luck:-50}

I look at it confused, What is this? How did this come into reality? Who made this? Is there a reality where a curse technique can do this to someone?

I approached it but as soon as it noticed me, it rushed toward me and I could tell that it wanted to kill me badly.

I however did not feel like spending that much time on him and instead infuse some mana into my hands before I punched the creature in the head causing the head to explode.

{You killed a Transfigured Human, you gain 100 exp}

I look at the body of the transfigured Human that lay on the floor for a couple more minutes before I look up to see some sort of door was left open.

I walked inside and noticed a bunch of sealing marks all along the wall before arriving in front of what seemed to be a prison or some sort of holding cell but when I looked inside there was nobody there.

I looked confused but I saw a man on the floor with what seemed to be near perfect body and physique smiling and yelling about how he got back to his youth.

Something about how his old age wouldn't stop him from achieving greater heights in the jujutsu world, He turned around and seemed to have finally noticed my presence.

He calmed down before he said "You will make the perfect test subject for me" After saying those words he rushed toward me at an incredible speed, I just appeared in front of him before swiftly knocking him out.

I was not in the mood to fight some old man that thought that because they are now young they are top shit, As soon as the man passed out cold in my arm.

I turned around to be met with the figure of Gojo and he seemed to be in a hurry.

"Yow Kenzo kun did you by any chance see somebody leaving in this place," Gojo said in his usual goofy voice but I could sense some urgency in his voice.

He seem weirdly serious about this and if something happened to make Gojo serious about something it must be pretty bad.

"Apart from the transfigured human that I killed, I found this man here and he was talking about how he regained his youth, and when he saw me he said something about testing out his new body" I explained honestly as this man seemed in no mood to joke.

He looked at the body on my shoulder and I suddenly felt a huge amount of killing intent on his body.

I could take it but it was very surprising that a man who is this Goofy on a daily basis has this much killing intent hidden away deep inside him.

He looked at the body that I was holding before he smiled and said "Hand it over" to which I just listened and just tossed the body toward him before he proceeded to touch the person's forehead and the man woke up in a daze.

Upon noticing Gojo in front of him the man seemed scared and seemed like he hadn't expected to die so soon"Where is the prisoner" Gojo asked in a very stern voice.

The man didn't answer and Gojo just look at the man up and down before he said "You made a binding vow didn't you" From the man's facial expression Gojo got his answer and before my very eyes. The man's limbs seem to twist in a weird way before being separated from his body

"What is a binding vow," I asked a bit confused. Gojo's cold expression completely vanish before he said "A binding vow is a promise that you make and can't break or something really bad will happen to you"

"Kenzo~kun" Gojo said and for some reason, I shudder when I heard that.

"Yes" I replied looking toward him to which he just looked at me up and down before he said "Nothing"

He then vanished and left me alone in the room to which I had just sighed.

'Why do I feel like something bad is happening from this'