Unwanted guest (61)

Kenzo led Maki to a cozy restaurant, its warm lighting creating a comfortable atmosphere. The scent of various cuisines filled the air as they took their seats, facing menus displaying an array of tempting dishes.

Seated across from each other, Kenzo grinned. "So, what are you in the mood for?"

Maki smirked, glancing over the menu. "I'll go with the chef's special. Surprise me."

"Alright then, chef's special it is," Kenzo agreed, placing their orders. Soon, plates materialized before them, presenting a visually appealing feast.

As the food came to them and they started to eat Kenzo started to ask Maki some  questions about herself or just him making some light jokes here and there.

He did it to liven up the mood a bit as if he didnt do it who else would.

"If i may ask,what is your true motivation for becoming strong"Kenzo said looking at Maki.

"I dont want to feel weak and helpless and be at the mercy of other,i also want to show those old geeser that i can become stronguer than every member of the zenin clan combine,i want to see their face as i destroy the whole clan,it sure to be an amazing sight"Maki said with a smile on her face as she had finished chewing what she was eating.

"Reasonable,other question have you ever even went on a roller coaster"Kenzo asked looking at her.

"I never felt a need to why"Maki said upon looking at Kenzo.

"Alright guess we going on a roller coaster ride together then"Kenzo said with a thoughfull expression and unsurprisingly she didnt argue with him

"What are you stunned..why are you looking at me like that"Maki said upon seeing the expression on his face.

"What did you expect me to argue with you,and to be frank with you i wouldnt mind experiencing new things"Maki said before she started to drink her sprite.

She supringly really love fast food,that was something good to know.

Time skip

Kenzo and Maki found themselves standing in front of the imposing structure of a roller coaster, its twists and turns reaching into the sky. Maki's expression remained steadfast, but a hint of curiosity played in her eyes. Kenzo couldn't help but notice the anticipation in the air as they joined the line.

As they secured their seats in the roller coaster, Maki's demeanor remained composed. The safety harness clicked into place, and the thrill of the impending ride lingered. Kenzo, sensing her calm exterior, couldn't help but wonder how she'd react once the roller coaster was in motion.

The coaster slowly ascended, climbing to its peak with a mechanical hum. Maki glanced around, her eyes taking in the panoramic view. Kenzo could almost see the gears turning in her head as she processed the impending descent.

As the roller coaster reached its zenith, Kenzo stole a glance at Maki. To his surprise, a glimmer of excitement flashed in her eyes. The sudden drop commenced, and the coaster raced through twists and turns. Maki's expression transformed from composed to exhilarated. The wind rushed past them, and the sheer thrill of the experience brought an unexpected smile to her face.

As the roller coaster came to a stop, Maki couldn't help but let out a genuine laugh, the adrenaline still coursing through her veins. Kenzo looked at her with a satisfied grin, "So, what do you think?"

Maki, still catching her breath, replied with a surprising hint of enthusiasm, "Not bad. Let's do it again."

"Did you know that you are actually very pretty when you are happy or smile?" Kenzo remarked with a sincere smile, his eyes reflecting the genuine appreciation he held for Maki's unguarded moments of joy.

Maki, usually composed and focused, looked at Kenzo with a subtle blush. "Don't get used to it," she teased, though the hint of a smile played on her lips, revealing the softer side beneath her usual strong exterior.

Kenzo's words hung in the air, a genuine smile gracing his face as he looked at Maki. "I knew I was right to have you as my girlfriend," he expressed with sincerity, the warmth in his gaze reflecting the depth of his feelings.

Maki, though often reserved, met his words with a softened expression, a subtle warmth in her eyes. "Well, you're not wrong," she replied, a touch of playfulness in her tone.

Kenzo's eyes momentarily landed somewhere before Maki's voice brought him back. "Kenzo," she said, and as he turned to meet her, he was met with a sudden and unexpected kiss on the lips. Stunned for a moment, he quickly recovered, reciprocating the gesture.

As the kiss ended, Maki flashed a satisfied smile. "Caught you off guard, didn't I?" she teased.

Kenzo, still processing the unexpected but welcomed moment, simply smiled in response.

Time skip

As the night drew to a close and they found themselves at the end of their memorable date, Maki turned to Kenzo with a genuine expression. "Thank you for everything," she said in a gentle voice.

Kenzo, meeting her gaze, replied with a warm smile, "You're welcome."

A/N he saw something not its your turn to find what it was