It happened (62)

Kenzo woke up from his bed, the remnants of a decent dream fading away as his eyes fully adapted to the light filtering into his room. The familiar blue screen greeted him, a gentle reminder to embark on his daily tasks. With a sigh, Kenzo prepared to face the day, or whatever the world had in stock for him.

He then felt a bit heavier..did he by any chance eat a bit to much food and gained some weight.

As Kenzo lay on the bed, the sense of weight on his chest persisted, and as he glanced down, he saw strands of green hair. Recognition dawned upon him. The weight was not an invisible force but someone real. The presence of green hair confirmed it—Maki. She lay on his chest, her serene expression hinting at a peaceful sleep.

Kenzo couldn't help but smile as he looked down at Maki, peacefully nestled on his chest. Her serene expression and the way she nuzzled closer to him conveyed a sense of contentment and tranquility. The initial weight that had puzzled him now transformed into a comforting presence, and the unexpected closeness brought warmth to the morning.

Choosing not to disturb her peaceful slumber, Kenzo decided to savor the quiet moment. The room was filled with a sense of calm,

Maki slowly began to stir, her eyes twitching as consciousness gradually reclaimed her senses. The soft glow of ambient light filtered through unfamiliar surroundings, prompting her to sit up with a groggy stretch.

A glance around revealed that she was not in her usual surroundings, and a hint of confusion flickered in her eyes.

Kenzo, patiently awaiting her awakening, greeted her with a playful grin. "You awake, sleepyhead?"

A warm smile spread across Maki's face as she nudged him gently. "Yeah, I'm up. What time is it?" Her gaze softened as she looked at Kenzo, a silent acknowledgment of the comfort his presence provided in this unfamiliar place.

interrupted only by the soft sounds of morning. As he lay there, he found solace in the shared stillness, appreciating the unexpected but welcome start to the day.

"Its around 8am give or take "Kenzo said looking upon looking at the clock nearby.

She suprinsingly just nuzzle closer to him.

"Do i really feel that nice"Kenzo said gently to which she reply.

"You feel incredibly nice,it nice and warm"Maki said as she held him closer to her.

That was probably because of his mana,it very comforting and calming in its neutral state and considering that he currently had no need to control it,he unintentionally let it leak out meaning right she must have been on cloud nine.

As Kenzo embraced Maki, he couldn't help but express the joy he felt in that moment. With a genuine smile, he spoke, "I had a great time with you."

Maki, still holding him tightly, reciprocated the sentiment with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I wouldn't mind doing it again."

Time skip

Kenzo stood before Gojo, the renowned and enigmatic sorcerer known for his powerful abilities. Gojo, seemingly unperturbed by the world, was caught in a moment of rest, his eyes closed in peaceful slumber.

Kenzo, with a light and playful tone, called out to his dozing sensei. "Hey, Satoru, rise and shine!" He noticed Gojo's eyes twitching beneath the blindfold, a sign that he was waking up.

Gojo, with a casual demeanor, opened his eyes and looked at Kenzo. "What's the rush, Kenzo? I was enjoying my beauty sleep."

Kenzo couldn't help but scoff playfully at Gojo's comment about beauty sleep. "Beauty sleep... really, Satoru?" he teased, giving his sensei a sidelong glance.

Gojo, in his typical nonchalant manner, began to respond with a quip about a man's right to beauty sleep. However, something in Kenzo's expression seemed to catch his attention. Even with the blindfold concealing his eyes, there was a pause in Gojo's response, as if he sensed something amiss.

Suddenly, Gojo sighed, removing the blindfold and revealing his vibrant blue eyes. The intensity of his gaze fixed on Kenzo, suggesting a depth of perception that went beyond the physical

Gojo's vibrant blue eyes bore into Kenzo as he remarked, "Did you really have to stop your mana from leaking?"

Kenzo, with a mischievous grin, responded, "What, can't see me with your blindfold on, sensei?" His tone carried a playful edge, reflecting the lighthearted banter between the two.

Gojo, still grinning, couldn't resist a teasing jab. "You know, Kenzo, I may not need my eyes to see, but I can still sense a certain someone trying to impress me by keeping his mana in check."

Kenzo, taking the teasing in stride, shot back with a mock-offended expression. "Impress you? Sensei, I'm just sparing the world from being overwhelmed by my incredible aura. You should thank me."

Gojo laughed, his vibrant blue eyes sparkling with amusement. "Ah, of course, Kenzo, how could I forget? You're doing us all a favor, really."

Gojo, never one to pass up an opportunity for banter, teased Kenzo with a sly grin. "You're looking a bit too serious, Kenzo. Need some tips on how to lighten up? Maybe my charm is too overwhelming for you."

Kenzo, however, remained unfazed, meeting Gojo's teasing with an amused but steady gaze. "Charm? Sensei, your charm is like a gentle breeze—hardly noticeable."

Gojo raised an eyebrow, surprised that his usual teasing tactics seemed to be falling flat. "Oh? Well, aren't you the stoic one today. I thought I could at least get a smirk out of you."

Kenzo chuckled, "Nice try, sensei. But I've built up immunity to your charm over the few months you have been teaching me."

Gojo, still playfully persistent, chuckled, "No one can be immune to my charm... something must be wrong." He continued to look at Kenzo, attempting to gauge any reaction.

However, before he could press further, Gojo's attention shifted. Something caught his senses—familiar scents intertwined with the subtle remnants of curse energy. The keen perception granted by the Six Eyes allowed him to detect even the faintest traces that might elude others.

A thoughtful expression crossed Gojo's face as he focused on the unnoticed presence. "Well, well, what do we have here?" he mused, his playful demeanor momentarily replaced by the astuteness of a seasoned sorcerer. "Kenzo, there's something you're not telling me, isn't there?"

Kenzo's eyes widened for a fleeting moment, caught off guard by Gojo's perceptiveness. It was as if he hadn't anticipated his sensei to pick up on the subtle clues that he had tried to conceal.

Gojo, with a knowing glint in his eyes, continued to observe Kenzo. "There's more to this than meets the eye, isn't there?" he remarked,

"Quick is everything with Maki"Gojo asked with a knowing grin.

Caught in the delicate dance of Gojo's inquiry, Kenzo took a moment to compose himself. The knowing grin on Gojo's face hinted at the mischief underlying the question.

Kenzo, choosing his words carefully, replied with a casual tone, "Oh, you know, the usual. Maki and I are doing fine." His response was deliberately vague, but he couldn't help but feel the weight of the trap he was navigating.

Gojo's grin widened, and he arched an eyebrow, "Fine, huh?" The tone held a playful challenge, leaving Kenzo in a predicament where any response seemed to lead deeper into Gojo's orchestrated web.

Gojo's teasing took a more focused turn as he honed in on the mysterious elements surrounding Kenzo. "So, that curse energy remnant on your body, along with the scent... definitely not hers," he remarked with an arched eyebrow, the playful tone suggesting he was thoroughly enjoying the unraveling mystery.

Kenzo's sly smile remained in place as he tried to maintain his composure, but Gojo's sudden shift in tone caught him off guard. The theatrical display of wiping away imaginary tears and the mock sentimentality left Kenzo both bemused and slightly uncomfortable.

"Sensei, I think you've been watching too many dramatic movies," Kenzo quipped, unable to hide a small smirk. The unexpected turn of events, with Gojo now playfully acting like a proud father, added a layer of absurdity to the situation.

Gojo, still feigning tears, managed to compose himself. "Ah, they grow up so fast. Now, my little Kenzo is all grown up and dealing with matters of the heart. It brings a tear to my eye."