The personal beatdown {78}

Back to Yuji

The relentless battle between Yuji and Mahito raged on, each blow landing with brutal force, yet the cursed spirit refused to succumb. Mahito's ability to reshape souls allowed him to regenerate, making him a formidable opponent that seemed impervious to defeat.

Amidst the physical confrontation, Mahito, sadistic and cunning, sought not only to defeat Yuji physically but also to break him mentally. Transfigured humans, once innocent bystanders, now stood as grotesque pawns in Mahito's twisted game. He used these tormented souls to torment Yuji, attempting to shatter his psyche by forcing him to witness the atrocities.

Yuji, fueled by anger and determination, struggled to maintain his composure. The inner turmoil was evident in his eyes, a conflict between the desire for vengeance and the need to preserve his humanity. Mahito, sensing the emotional turmoil within Yuji, reveled in the psychological battle just as much as the physical one.

"Look at them, Yuji-kun. All the people that you couldn't save. Their suffering is exquisite, isn't it?" Mahito taunted, his words designed to erode Yuji's mental fortitude. Yet, despite the emotional onslaught, Yuji fought to keep his focus on the immediate threat.

The clash between the two intensified, the battlefield becoming a chaotic dance of curses and cursed energy. Yuji, though slipping into the abyss of rage, continued to resist the psychological onslaught. His fists struck with a mix of fury and determination, each blow echoing his defiance against the sadistic machinations of Mahito.

The intensity of the battle reached a crescendo as Yuji, fueled by a surge of determination and anger, unleashed a devastating Black Flash upon Mahito. The cursed spirit, caught off guard by the sudden surge in power, was sent flying several feet backward, unable to withstand the overwhelming force of the attack.

As Mahito collided with the ground, a pained groan escaped his lips. He struggled to rise, blood dripping from his mouth as a visible sign of the impact. The power of the Black Flash had left its mark, disrupting Mahito's cursed form and leaving him vulnerable.

Breathing heavily, Yuji stood his ground, the torrent of emotions within him now channeled into a focused resolve. His fists, still crackling with cursed energy, showcased the culmination of his training and the burning desire to protect those he cared about.

"I will exorcise you," Yuji declared, his voice resolute. The psychological torment inflicted by Mahito's sadistic actions had fueled a fire within him, a fire that now manifested in the raw power of his Black Flash.

Despite the damage inflicted, Mahito, ever defiant, managed to rise from the ground. His eyes gleamed with a mix of anger and admiration. "Is Yuji-kun mad at me You're truly becoming a fascinating specimen."

Mahito wiped the blood from his mouth, his form shifting as he prepared for another round.

Undeterred by the setback, Mahito, ever the manipulator of souls, seized the opportunity to turn the tide back in his favor. With a malevolent grin, he directed his attention to the surroundings, where the transfigured humans lay twisted and grotesque, their forms distorted by the curse's influence.

Mahito raised his hand, and the transfigured humans responded, moving with eerie, puppet-like motions. Their movements were erratic, a macabre dance orchestrated by the cursed spirit himself. Mahito, calculating and sadistic, used them as his pawns in the twisted game of battle.

As the transfigured humans closed in on Yuji, their movements unpredictable and unsettling, Mahito seized the moment to launch his own attack. His form blurred as he darted towards Yuji, aiming to exploit the chaos created by the manipulated souls.

Yuji, surrounded by the transfigured horrors, maintained his focus, his senses sharp. The distorted faces of the once-human entities served as a constant reminder of the stakes in this battle. He deftly navigated the onslaught of attacks, avoiding the grotesque strikes with a combination of agility and instinct.

Mahito, reveling in the psychological pressure he exerted on Yuji, seized the opportunity to land a decisive blow. He lunged forward, his movements fluid and deceptive. His fist, charged with malevolent energy, aimed for Yuji's vulnerable points.

In response, Yuji unleashed a barrage of precise strikes, aiming to dismantle the transfigured minions around him. Each calculated blow was a testament to his growing mastery over combat. However, the relentless assault from both the manipulated humans and Mahito himself tested the limits of Yuji's endurance.

The battle continued in a chaotic symphony of curses and clashes, each combatant pushing themselves to the brink. Yuji, caught in the twisted dance orchestrated by Mahito, fought not only against the physical adversaries but also against the psychological torment that sought to break his spirit.

As the twisted dance of battle unfolded, Yuji's determination reached new heights. Fueled by a potent mix of anger and the unyielding desire to protect, he unleashed a relentless assault on Mahito. The cursed spirit, momentarily caught off guard by the sheer ferocity of Yuji's onslaught, struggled to respond.

With a calm expression, Yuji surged forward, his fists and kicks a blur of cursed energy. Mahito, attempting to defend against the onslaught, found himself overwhelmed by the sheer force and speed of the attacks. Yuji's strikes landed with precision, each blow carrying the weight of pent-up frustration and the collective pain of those affected by Mahito's malevolence.

The tempo of the battle shifted dramatically as Yuji channeled the power of Black Flash into his punches. With every impact, a burst of cursed energy erupted, creating shockwaves that resonated through the battlefield. The very fabric of Mahito's cursed form seemed to quiver under the force of Yuji's assault.

The culmination of this relentless barrage was a sequence of devastating punches, a tenfold onslaught that left Mahito reeling. Five of those strikes were infused with the destructive power of Black Flash, amplifying the impact and further distorting Mahito's cursed form.

The air crackled with the residual energy of the onslaught as Mahito, battered and disoriented, struggled to maintain his composure. The sadistic grin that had adorned his face faltered, replaced by a grim acknowledgment of the overwhelming power he faced.

With a final, powerful kick, Yuji sent Mahito sprawling backward, a testament to the culmination of his growth and the strength he derived from the bonds he forged. The battlefield now bore witness to a decisive moment, where the balance between curses and humanity teetered on the edge, and Yuji stood as the unyielding force challenging the malevolence that sought to consume it.

With each Black Flash-infused strike, the impact on Mahito was magnified exponentially, the cursed energy resonating with a power beyond the ordinary. The very essence of the cursed spirit seemed to recoil under the immense force of Yuji's blows.

The first Black Flash-empowered punch connected with Mahito's form, causing a violent eruption of cursed energy. It sent shockwaves through the battlefield, distorting the very air around them. Mahito, unable to fully comprehend the sheer intensity of the blow, was thrust backward, his cursed body visibly contorted.

As the second, third, and fourth Black Flash-enhanced strikes followed in rapid succession, Mahito's form began to unravel. The cursed energy radiating from the impact points disrupted the cohesion of his essence, exposing vulnerabilities within his once-imposing figure. Each punch left a lasting imprint, not only on Mahito's physical form but also on the core of his cursed being.

The fifth Black Flash-infused strike, the culmination of this devastating sequence, struck Mahito with unparalleled force. The cursed spirit, now teetering on the brink of dissolution, emitted an anguished howl that echoed across the battlefield. His once-twisted visage contorted in pain as the aftermath of the Black Flash left a visible imprint, a testament to the overwhelming power unleashed by Yuji.

In the wake of this relentless assault, Mahito lay battered and weakened. The malevolent spirit, whose arrogance had fueled countless atrocities, now faced the consequences of underestimating the strength that had blossomed within Yuji.

Mahito, sprawled on the battlefield, his cursed form in tatters and his malevolent energy waning, found himself at the precipice of a grim realization. The twisted smile that had once adorned his face contorted into a grimace of pain and frustration. The ominous aura that had defined him began to flicker and fade.

Amidst the echoes of his own defeat, Mahito's mind grappled with the undeniable truth—he stood before a force beyond his comprehension. The power wielded by Yuji, fueled by the resonance of Black Flash, had become an insurmountable obstacle. No longer could Mahito revel in toying with human emotions or manipulating the very fabric of souls; he faced a monster, a force of nature whose determination transcended the boundaries of his understanding.

As the reality of his impending defeat settled in, Mahito's malevolence contorted into a begrudging acknowledgment. He, the embodiment of humanity's darker impulses, found himself outmatched by the very species he sought to extinguish. The once-confident curse spirit now harbored a seed of doubt, a realization that this encounter marked the end of his reign of terror.