The art of jumping and the art of sneak attack (79)

Pov change.

Dagon, the special grade curse, displayed an unnerving resilience that seemed to defy the onslaught of attacks unleashed upon him. Maki, Naobito, Nobara, and Nanami formed an uneasy alliance, each member contributing their unique skills to the relentless assault on the aquatic menace. Their blows landed with precision, and the battlefield echoed with the sounds of clashing weapons and curses.

Maki's bowstaff whirred through the air as she delivered powerful strikes, aiming to incapacitate Dagon. Naobito's calculated movements, enhanced by his projection sorcery, allowed him to strike with precision, exploiting the weaknesses revealed by his allies. Nobara's nails, imbued with cursed energy, punctuated the assault, seeking vulnerable points on Dagon's body. Nanami, with his swordsmanship, orchestrated a series of precise strikes, aiming to sever any regenerating limbs.

Despite their combined efforts, Dagon's regeneration proved to be a formidable challenge. The cursed energy that enveloped him facilitated a rapid recovery, nullifying the impact of their attacks almost as quickly as they were executed. The frustration among the group grew palpable as they realized that traditional methods might not be enough to overcome this aquatic behemoth.

As they were fighting suddenly Dagon felt as if something was wrong,he felt as if he was inside a domain tug of war as Megumi into the scene opening his own domain"Chimere shadow garden".

As Megumi appeared onto the scene he yelled out Maki name before tossing her playful cloud,a weapon that would improve her striking strenght by a lot.

"Just in time"Maki said as she grabbed the weopon that had appeared beneath her,She then toss her bowstaff into the shadow as she now was using the playful cloud.

"How foolish"Dagon said as he try to activate his sure hit attack against Megumi and then he felt it,his sure hit was canceled as he was in a domain clash,as long as the domain clash lasted then he wouldnt be able to activate his sure hit.

"So i just have to kill him..That should be easy"Dagon said summoning fish Shikigami and sending them toward Megumi who was currently focused.

However before the fishes even reached Megumi,they were destroyed by Nanami and Nobara and now that Maki had playful cloud,Dagon was being tossed around,the weopon amplifying Maki already immense strength was now turning the overgrown octopus into a sushi.

Megumi had some time to refine his domain expansion meaning as of now,even if his domain didnt have stable had barrier but he didnt use them and instead just focus on trying to find a way to leave this thing domain.

And if this battle ended up taking alot from him,he would use round deer to heal himself and his allies,now all he needs to do is break this fish domain.

Megumi eyes had a determined look to them as he started to pout his curse energy into his domain along with using all the knowledge he had acquired recently about barriers.

Megumi then smile as suddenly Dagon felt his domain breaking.

Megumi smiled before all of the sudden,Dagon saw cracks appeared in his domain.

How was this happening....It was simple really....

Domain usually have a weaker shell on the outside.....Megumi summoned his divine dog totality outside and made it attack the barrier as soon as he himself was inside the domain.

As Dagon domain broke,Megumi domain took control and he finally decided to had barriers to his domain as suddenly the battle field was now his shadow.

Dagon look furious and try to use his curse technique but due to him having expanded his domain.....he was currently suffering curse technique burn out.

He would have to survive exatcly one minute in order to get it back.....the thing was however....he wouldnt get that much time....Dagon was now facing Megumi domain sure hits attacks,Maki powerfull ass hits...Naobito projection sorcery and the only reason he could keep up with Naobito to begin ith was because of his domain buff along with the fact that he used his sure hit to slow the old man down.....

There is also Nobara and Nanami and to make it all better he was now being restrained.....So hum.....





After Dagon had died,Megumi decided to close his domain and all the shikigami that he had summoned return back to his shadow...

This was easy...

And then he blinked.....why was he outside and how did he get outside..

Megumi found himself face to face with a striking figure. Towering over him, the tall and muscular man exuded an undeniable presence, his black eyes piercing through the turmoil surrounding them.

Dressed in a loose white sweater that hinted at both comfort and functionality, His mid-length straight black hair framed his face, and a subtle scar on the corner of his right lip added a touch of ruggedness to his otherwise composed demeanor. The black pants and shoes completed a simple yet imposing ensemble.

Back inside where they were.

Maki turned around to look at the window that Megumi had been thrown toward,she swore she saw someone grab Megumi before tossing him outside and jumping after him,even though she saw it,she was unable to react to it properly.

Her eyes immediately turn around her as she felt the presense of another special grade curse....

Looking at the corpse of Dagon slowly dissapearing Jogo held the ashes of his fallen comrade before laying him to rest.

Jogo then stood up before looking at the human in the room,he then speedblitzed Nanami before burning him into a crisp..

"That one"Jogo said before rushing toward Maki to give her the same fiery treatment.

Maki however moved out of the way of the attack and barely managed to dodge it.

Naobito try to attack Jogo but Jogo dodged the old man attack before sending some insect toward the man.

Naobito dodged the Insects with some difficulty,As Jogo was about to attack him,he was suddenly attack by a playful cloud hit from Maki that sent him flying.

The curse spirit puke out blood....he almost died...

As Jogo reeled from the impact of Maki's strike, blood gushed from his mouth, staining the air with a sickly aroma. The playful cloud, amplifying Maki's strength, had delivered a blow powerful enough to make even a special grade curse like Jogo vulnerable.

Maki, her expression fierce and determined, seized the opportunity to press the advantage. She swiftly closed the distance between them, her weopon poised for another strike. However, Jogo, though wounded, demonstrated the resilience characteristic of his cursed spirit nature. He managed to evade Maki's immediate follow-up attack, the flames around him flickering ominously.

Jogo healed his damaged before suddenly dissapearing from Maki sight,he then appeared sent a bunch of fire base attacks toward her making sure to not get close to her,he was overwhelming her but he had to make sure to not get close or else he would die.

As Naobito rushed toward Jogo the curse spirit smiled before he rushed toward the old man with fire in his hands.

As Naobito try to touch Jogo in order to freeze him into a frame,Jogo was one step ahead as soon as the old man hand was about touch him an ember insect was seen behind him.

The second Jogo was touched and thus frozen into a frame,the old man was turned into a fried crispy Chicken wing.

"2 down"Jogo said before looking at the two women left on the battlefield....Guess he will go for the weaker one first....In an instant Jogo appeared infront of Nobara before before giving her the same treatment as Nanami.

As Nobara started to burn,Jogo rushed toward Maki and started using Hits and run tactics...He would kill her.

The second she showed a sign of weakness Jogo rushed toward her aiming to kill her but as soon as he got withing distance a shadowy hand grabbed him before tossing him through several building.

The shadowy figure slowly walk toward Nobara before putting the fire out and feeding her something from a red vial,he did the same to Maki before it looked at the curse spirit that was about to regenerate.

"For daring to raise your hands on my liege queen"Malgrim said before pulling out an axe.

"For that sin you shall die"Malgrim then rushed toward Jogo.

Malgrim, the mysterious figure with a shadowy aura, swung his axe with incredible speed and precision. The strikes were aimed at Jogo, who, despite his attempts to dodge, found himself in a relentless barrage. The clash of metal against the fiery essence of Jogo's cursed spirit form echoed through the area.