The embarrassment {88}

Kenzo removed his palm from Sukuna's face, creating some distance between them. In a swift motion, he hurled himself through the shadows, moving effortlessly between the trees. A dismantle slash surged towards him, but Kenzo, with calculated precision, shifted his body position, allowing the destructive force to pass by harmlessly.

"Huh... I expected much better coming from you," Kenzo remarked, a hint of disappointment in his voice. There was no immediate response from the King of Curses, but Sukuna wasted no time in retaliating. He unleashed a barrage of attacks, each strike infused with malevolence and an intent to obliterate. Yet, Kenzo seemed to dance through the onslaught with an uncanny grace, effortlessly dodging every move.

The shadows, once a mere backdrop, became an extension of Kenzo's will. As Sukuna's attacks met only air, frustration flickered across the King of Curses' face. Kenzo, ever composed, seized the opportunity to counter.

With a swift movement, Kenzo closed the gap between them, his form melding with the shadows. A series of shadow-infused strikes were unleashed upon Sukuna, each carrying the weight of the darkness itself. Sukuna, caught off guard by the sudden turn of events, struggled to defend against the onslaught.

The clash intensified, the battle between the Shadow Monarch and the King of Curses reaching a crescendo.

As Kenzo effortlessly evaded Sukuna's attacks, a smirk crept across his face, replacing any trace of disappointment. With an air of audacious disrespect, Kenzo decided to make his sentiments known.

"Is this the extent of the mighty King of Curses' power? I expected more from someone who claims to rule over curses and chaos."Kenzo said as he dodged another one of Sukuna attacks.

Sukuna's eyes narrowed, a flicker of annoyance flashing across his features. Unperturbed, Kenzo continued his verbal assault.

"You talk a big game, but here you are, flailing like a novice. Maybe the years have dulled your edge, or perhaps you were never as formidable as the legends say."Kenzo said as he proceeded to imprint his fist into the king of curse guts.

The King of Curses, usually brimming with confidence, found himself at the receiving end of Kenzo's unrelenting taunts. Each word was laced with disdain, an intentional provocation designed to chip away at Sukuna's composed exterior.

" You're nothing more than a relic of a bygone era, a fading shadow clinging desperately to relevance."Kenzo said as he kick Sukuna away

As the words hung in the air, the tension between them intensified. Sukuna, unaccustomed to such blatant disrespect, seethed with an anger that fueled his next onslaught of attacks. Kenzo, reveling in the psychological warfare he had initiated, continued to dance through the curses, his disrespectful taunts echoing through the shadows that bore witness to this malevolent duel.

"Let see if your arrongance hold against truth jujutsu"Sukuna said befire making the hand sign require for his domain.

"Domain expansion,Malevolant shrine"Sukuna said as he opened his domain

Sukuna's Domain Expansion creates a Buddhist shrine decorated with skulls. Malevolent Shrine had a unique trait; it doesn't create a separate space using a barrier. By allowing an escape route, a binding vow is formed which vastly increases the guaranteed hit's effective area with a maximum radius of nearly 200 meters.

As Sukuna's Malevolent Shrine unfolded, the atmosphere around them shifted drastically. The air became dense with malevolence, and the once-shifting shadows solidified into an eerie shrine adorned with grim decorations. The skulls seemed to stare with malicious intent, amplifying the ominous aura of Sukuna's domain.

Kenzo, though momentarily caught off guard by the sudden change in scenery, quickly regained his composure. His eyes darted around, analyzing the new environment created by Sukuna's Domain Expansion.

"Is this the best you can muster, Sukuna?" Kenzo taunted, his voice echoing through the malevolent shrine. "Is this the best you have"

Kenzo's simple yet impenetrable domain provided him with a distinct advantage against Sukuna's destructive Malevolent Shrine. As the surroundings crumbled and disintegrated, leaving only Kenzo standing within the protective barrier, he remained remarkably composed.

Sukuna, despite his initial confidence, found himself unable to breach Kenzo's defense. Frustration and intrigue danced across his face as he witnessed his relentless attacks being rendered futile. The king of curses, however, seemed to revel in the challenge.

Kenzo, with an air of indifference, acknowledged Sukuna's efforts. "So, this is your domain," he remarked, not a hint of concern in his tone. "It's not even worth me showing mine."

In a sudden burst of movement, Kenzo closed the distance between them, launching into a relentless assault. His blows landed with precision and force, exploiting the vulnerability of Sukuna within the confines of his own Malevolent Shrine.

Sukuna, despite being on the receiving end of the beating, couldn't help but chuckle. The malicious grin on his face widened as he reveled in the intensity of the one-sided confrontation. "Entertain me more, more," he urged, his laughter echoing through the crumbling remnants of his domain.

The clash between the two, with Kenzo's calculated strikes and Sukuna's enjoyment of the spectacle, painted a surreal scene within the fading Malevolent Shrine. The air crackled with tension, a symphony of destruction and amusement, as the battle unfolded in a dance between the relics of a bygone era and the unyielding force of modern techniques.

As Kenzo continued his assault on Sukuna within the protective confines of his simple domain, the king of curses found himself increasingly fascinated by the audacity and prowess of his opponent. Despite the one-sided nature of the confrontation, Sukuna's laughter echoed, resonating with a mixture of amusement and genuine admiration for the unexpected challenge.

"You're not like the other sorcerers," Sukuna mused between laughs, dodging Kenzo's relentless strikes with an uncanny agility. "I can feel the freshness of your techniques, the unpredictability. It's exhilarating!"

"Found it"Kenzo said suddenly looking at the shrine before suddenly the Shrine exploded.

"That your domain taken care of,now Yuji come out"Kenzo said nonchantly upon looking at Sukuna,this man wasnt a threat to him as nothing he could do could reach Kenzo.

Kenzo had become much,much stronguer and unless Sukuna could adapt to his skill he was fucked,this fight might have been a bit more fair if it had happened before his awakening but he was awakened now as the new shadow monarch and this weak power that the king of curse possess was nothing to him.

"Yow"Yuji suddenly said as he gained control over his body.

"Thank you for holding Sukuna back until i came back"Yuji said to which Kenzo just reply

"It wasnt much....he wasnt that much of a threat to begin with"Kenzo said nonchantly with his hands in his pocket.

Yuji looked at Kenzo,he felt different...he felt stronguer than before....everything would be fine now that he was here.

"Where Gojo,this blindfolded idiot may be lazy but he wouldnt let it get that far"Kenzo said spreading his senses all over Shibuya and noticing the Chaos unfolding below.

"Gojo-sensei has been sealed"Yuji added to which Kenzo just looked annoyed saying

"This goddam idiot,he really took getting put in a boxed seriously"

A/an starting from here no more double upload.