Yuki {89}

Acting swiftly, he grasped Yuji by the shoulder, and with a subtle twist of space, they teleported to the source of the disturbance. As the world reformed around them, Kenzo found himself amidst the Kyoto students, Panda, and an unfamiliar figure whose strength was unmistakable, likely on par with a grade one sorcerer.

Kenzo surveyed the scene before him, taking in the battered forms of the Kyoto students, the bruised Panda, and a few unfamiliar faces. His gaze finally settled on Utahime, recognizing her amidst the chaos. However, his attention was immediately drawn to the strongest presence in the room.

There stood a tall, imposing young woman with a commanding presence. Her slender yet athletic build suggested a formidable strength, and her light skin accentuated the contrast with her long, flowing blonde hair. Two tufts of hair framed her face, giving her an air of both elegance and fierceness. Her wide brown eyes held a determined gaze, with thin eyebrows and pronounced eyelashes adding to the intensity of her expression.

The young woman sported a sleeveless, dark-colored vest reminiscent of traditional Chinese martial artists' attire. The vest was neatly tucked into light-colored, high-waisted jeans, covering a significant portion of her stomach area. Completing her ensemble were dark boots and red baggy cargo pants, emphasizing a blend of functionality and style.

Kenzo approached the woman and inquired, "Mind cluing me in on what just happened?"

"Yeah, sure," Yuki replied, prompting a mental sigh from Kenzo. She didn't seem as eccentric as Gojo; perhaps she didn't have a few screws loose after all.

"But first, what's your type of woman?" Yuki asked with a grin, leaving Kenzo standing there stunned. It appeared he had made an incorrect assumption about her personality.

Kenzo let out a mental sigh upon hearing her words. She sounded familiar, reminiscent of a certain person he had encountered before. To expedite the conversation, Kenzo opened his mouth and replied, "A girl with an athletic physique."

"Alright," Yuki began, her smile fading into a more serious expression. "Here's the deal. Someone hijacked Geto's body. They're on a mission to optimize curse energy, taking it to the next level of evolution. The whole thing is a grand plan to reshape the landscape of cursed techniques."

"Oh, yeah, I forgot to add," Yuki continued, her tone grave, "he awakened the soul of an ancient sorcerer inside a present human body and plans to make them fight to the death." Kenzo stood there, momentarily stunned by the magnitude of the revelation.

Breaking the silence, Kenzo asked nonchalantly, "Where is Gojo's seal?"

Yuki simply shrugged before replying, "Don't have it."


Yep, Kenzo was already over it. He then turned towards the woman and said, "Did you see where exactly he used the move where he awakened them?"

"Oh yeah, right there," Yuki said, pointing towards a specific location. Kenzo walked towards it before opening his mouth and saying, "Arise." As those words left his mouth, the shadowy figure of a familiar curse emerged – Mahito.

"You can raise the dead, isn't that convenient?" Yuki remarked, to which Kenzo responded with a simple, "It helps."

The shadowy figure of Mahito bowed its head. Kenzo looked at it and commanded, "I want you to heal everyone here." Mahito nodded obediently and walked towards the hesitant Kyoto students. Kenzo reassured them, saying, "Don't worry, he will just heal you. You have my word." The students seemed to ease up a bit, revealing a surprising level of trust in Kenzo.

However, Yuji appeared particularly reluctant, understandably hesitant to be healed by Mahito.


After a few days of relentless curse extermination by Kenzo's shadow army, the damage caused by the curses released by Geto had significantly diminished. Kenzo's efforts were making a noticeable impact on restoring order.

However, the higher-ups, alarmed by the news of Sukuna's increased control over Yuji's body, decided that Yuji needed to be eliminated. Unwilling to let this happen, Kenzo took matters into his own hands and swiftly dispatched those who sought Yuji's demise.

Now, having to put the higher-ups in their place, Kenzo decided to have a "friendly" talk with them. With hands in his pockets and a nonchalant attitude on his face, he walked into the higher-up building, ready to make it clear that their interference and desire to harm Yuji were unacceptable. After all, Gojo didn't like them, and they were nothing but a pain in the ass.

he higher-ups, seated in their imposing chairs, looked down on Kenzo with condescending gazes. One of them, a figure of authority, spoke with an air of superiority.

"Kenzo," they declared, "you seem to have forgotten your place. What we say is law, and our orders are not to be questioned. It's time you learn to follow our directives without hesitation."

Despite the dismissive tone, Kenzo remained unfazed. His nonchalant demeanor persisted as he casually responded, "I'm not big on following orders that don't make sense."

Frustrated by Kenzo's non-compliance, one of the higher-ups raised their voice, yelling in a fit of anger. "Your arrogance won't be tolerated any longer, Kenzo! Don't think Gojo will save you from our hands this time!"

In response, Kenzo's expression remained indifferent, but he unleashed a fraction of his aura.

The room suddenly felt heavy, and the higher-ups gasped as if the air itself had thickened. A suffocating pressure enveloped them, making it clear that Kenzo's might was not to be underestimated.

"I suggest you watch your tone," Kenzo calmly stated, his aura intensifying. The higher-ups, now struggling under the weight of his power, realized that challenging Kenzo might not be as simple as they thought.

"As I was saying," Kenzo continued with a cold and unwavering tone, "watch your tone. I'm not here to play your games or bow to your authority. Your attempts to control me are too late. I'm beyond your reach."

The realization dawned on the higher-ups that Kenzo was not to be trifled with. Their earlier confidence waned as they struggled under the oppressive force of his aura. It became increasingly evident that attempting to control or manipulate someone of Kenzo's strength was a futile endeavor.

Kenzo, still emanating an aura of power, locked eyes with each of them. "Consider this a warning. Interfere with my business again, and the consequences will be far more severe."

"If you kill us, the entire jujutsu world will be after you!" the higher-up threatened, desperation in their voice. Kenzo simply looked at them and calmly replied, "Then they will all go to meet you guys, six feet under."

As those words left his mouth, an eerie silence descended. The scent of blood began to linger in the air, signaling the abrupt end of the higher-ups' lives. Kenzo had made it clear that he wouldn't be dictated by threats, and he was willing to enforce his words with ruthless action.

As Kenzo turned around, he found himself face to face with a young man. The stranger had disheveled black hair and piercing dark blue eyes. His attire consisted of a loose white uniform jacket with sleeves that stopped at his forearms. Slender blue jeans tucked into white sneakers completed his ensemble. A katana case rested on his back, adding an air of mystery to his presence.

"Are you the higher-up slave? Because if yes, you will be meeting your master very soon," Kenzo said in a chilling voice, preparing himself for a confrontation.

"No, I am Yuta, a second year at Jujutsu High," the teen now identified as Yuta said, raising his hands in the air.

Kenzo's demeanor shifted abruptly. "Oh... right... my bad," he admitted, scratching the back of his head. The killing aura in the room vanished instantly.

A small bead of sweat rolled down Yuta's face as he remarked, "To think that I almost died."

"Sorry about that, Yuta," Kenzo said, now smiling as if he hadn't just tried to end a man's life moments ago.

"Don't worry," Yuta replied with a sigh.

"Anyway, what brings you here? Last I heard, you were in Africa," Kenzo inquired, looking at Yuta, who explained, "Gojo-sensei had a bad feeling and told me to come back."

Kenzo's expression shifted to a more serious one as he processed Yuta's explanation. "Gojo-sensei had a bad feeling?guess he was right after all"

"What do you mean"Yuta added to which Kenzo just say

"Oh...he got sealed quite litteraly box inside a cube"Kenzo said before telling Yuta most of what he knew and when he ended his sentences he said.

"Alright let go meet up with everyone else"

A/N Kenzo is litteraly a death god so what Yuta saw when he was getting ready to end him was himself dying quickly.