Cheezy touch {100}

The clash of two domain expansions created a surreal landscape, a realm where the distorted spaces of Uro and Ryu intersected, creating an intricate tapestry of swirling energies. Mahito, observing this clash with a grin, understood the inherent flaw in their collaboration. Ancient sorcerers were not known for their trust, and the tension between Uro and Ryu was palpable.

As the clash intensified, Uro and Ryu exchanged wary glances. Their annoyance with each other momentarily took a backseat to the looming threat of Mahito. The calamity grinned, realizing the predicament they had willingly thrust themselves into. It was a calculated move on his part to exploit the inevitable moment when their domains would collapse.

For Mahito, this was an opportunity – a chance to strike when both sorcerers were vulnerable. He opted not to open his own domain, reserving it for the critical moment when Uro and Ryu were succumbing to curse technique burnout. Mahito reveled in the irony that their mistrust would be their downfall.

Ryu and Uro, both aware of the delicate situation, were hesitant to undo their respective domains. Each held a trump card – a sure hit within their territory. However, the fear of the other turning hostile once Mahito was dealt with stayed their hands. It was a game of strategic patience, a test of who would break first.

As the clash continued, the distorted spaces fluctuated in response to the sorcerers' wills. Mahito, like a puppeteer orchestrating the unfolding drama, bided his time. His grin widened as he anticipated the moment when the domains would collapse, leaving Uro and Ryu vulnerable to his impending assault.

The clash of domains became a metaphorical chessboard, and Mahito positioned himself as the player with the foresight to capitalize on the impending chaos. The tension in the air thickened as the three forces – Uro's space manipulation, Ryu's concentrated blasts, and Mahito's malevolent presence – converged in a complex dance, each move carrying the weight of uncertainty.

Mahito seized the opportune moment amidst the clash of domains. With a sinister grin, he rushed towards Uro, the distorted spaces providing a chaotic backdrop to his calculated assault. As he reached her, Mahito's hand made contact with Uro's face, a malevolent touch that heralded the transfiguration of her very soul.

In that harrowing moment, Uro felt the essence of her being being tampered with. Mahito's curse technique worked its insidious magic, and the changes began to manifest. The destruction of her soul's integrity was like a silent scream echoing through the distorted dimensions.

Specifically targeting her arms, Mahito's transfiguration wrought havoc on the spiritual and physical levels. Uro's real arms, corresponding to the afflicted portions of her soul, were gripped by an eerie numbness. It was as if they ceased to exist, a surreal sensation that disconnected her from the very limbs she once took for granted.

Mahito reveled in the success of his transfiguration, watching with sadistic satisfaction as Uro grappled with the bizarre reality imposed upon her.

As Mahito cunningly used Uro's body as a shield against Ryu's granite blast, the collision sent shockwaves through her domain. Uro bore the brunt of the attack, her form battered and broken under the force of the curse technique. The strain on her domain became apparent as it started to crumble, giving way to the encroaching influence of Ryu's own domain.

However, Mahito wasn't finished. In a swift and calculated move, he threw Uro's injured body toward Ryu, who skillfully evaded the projectile. As Ryu avoided the incoming attack, he locked eyes with Mahito. It was in that fleeting moment of connection that Ryu realized the true danger. Mahito had used the diversion to close the distance, and before Ryu could react, he felt the searing pain of his own soul being transfigured.

The excruciating sensation reverberated through Ryu's essence as Mahito's curse technique took hold. The pain was unbearable, and Ryu found himself caught in the clutches of Mahito's insidious abilities. The ancient sorcerer gritted his teeth, trying to endure the onslaught, but the transfiguration persisted, warping his very soul in a grotesque dance of malevolence. Mahito's grin widened, a sinister celebration of his successful maneuver, as he continued to revel in the chaos of the battle.

With Ryu forcibly expelled from his host body, he found himself standing alone, distanced from the ongoing chaos. Mahito, reveling in his successful separation, wasted no time. The remnants of Ryu's domain crumbled, and the malicious grin on Mahito's face widened. In the blink of an eye, the battlefield transformed as Mahito initiated his own domain expansion, the "Self-Embodiment of Perfection."

As Mahito's domain unfolded, an oppressive atmosphere blanketed the area. The very essence of the environment seemed to distort under the influence of his overwhelming curse energy. The battlefield had become Mahito's domain, and in this space, he held an unparalleled advantage.

Ryu, now relegated to a separate body, could only watch as Mahito's power manifested in the expansive domain. The fight had taken a drastic turn, and the ancient sorcerer found himself in an incredibly precarious situation, standing on the precipice of an overwhelming force that sought to consume him entirely.