The curse {101}

Kenzo, seated atop a nearby building, observed the unfolding spectacle with an inscrutable expression. His sharp gaze surveyed the chaos below as Mahito's domain expanded, distorting reality itself. The clash between Uro and Ryu against Mahito had taken an unexpected turn, and the battlefield now belonged to the whims of Mahito's curse energy.

From his vantage point, Kenzo could see the intricate interplay of curses, techniques, and domain expansions. His keen eyes traced every movement, evaluating the unfolding dynamics of the confrontation.

A sense of anticipation radiated from him, as if he relished the challenge presented by the evolving conflict.

Despite the intensity of the situation, Kenzo maintained an air of calm authority. It was clear that he understood the unfolding events, and his silence spoke volumes about his confidence in the outcome. From his elevated perch, Kenzo prepared to witness the climax of the battle, a strategic observer ready to intervene if needed.

    "That is good enough"Kenzo said upon looking at the current state of the battle,he had learned enough and so teleported the broken body of Uro toward him before looking at her beaten body and putting his hands above her face and then saying "Arise"   Suddenly as if that was the only command needed, Uro body seem to be separating into two being one of them being that of a nonsorcerer while the second one was that of the ancient sorcerer that was in control of the body.

However before she could do anything to protect herself, Kenzo immediately turned her into a shadow soldier not giving her a chance to fight back. Mahito work exactly like he wanted him to,not that he basically had the map plan to separe two soul from one body from watching Mahito use it once he could do it himself but he had to see Mahito do it a second time so that he himself could add his own twist into it which was the ability to instantly turn those soul into shadow soldier.   

Kenzo eyes than landed toward Yuta."Yow,did you evacuate everyone"Kenzo said looking at Yuta who seemed to be looking at the domain expansion. "Yes"Yuta said switching his attention to Kenzo.

"I rescued every single one of the civilians,they are now out of the colony"Yuta added to which Kenzo added. "Great,now only thing left his to take care of the ancient sorcerers," Kenzo said in a blunt voice.

"Kenzo-kun" Yuta said to which Kenzo replied "Yeah" "If I may ask,isnt that unconscious body Uro"Yuta asked to which Kenzo replied "It was but i removed her soul from it only leaving behind the original owner of this body"

"Wait that mean"Yuta said as if realizing something "Yes,it mean what you are thinking,"Kenzo replied to which Yuta replied.Soon enough Mahito domain broke as Mahito seem to be sitting down on the dead disfigured body of Ryu, there was 2 bodies on the floor, one that seemed disfigured and the other that looked perfectly fine. "This was fun," Mahito said with a grin on his face.

Kenzo's eyes shifted to Yuta as he declared, "I will be going back to Tengen's tomb as I have what I came here for. You, on the other hand, make sure to get rid of all the curses here."

"I will," Yuta affirmed. With that, Kenzo vanished before him, leaving Yuta to fulfill the task of eliminating the remaining curses and restoring peace to the affected area. The aftermath of the intense confrontation lingered, and Yuta stood ready to fulfill his duties.

Pov change to the Sakurajima Colony ①.

Maki gazed up at the floating curse muttering the word "ma... ki" repeatedly. There was a strange sense of familiarity surrounding the voice, as if she somehow knew the person or creature behind it. Intrigued and cautious, Maki pondered the origin of the voice and whether it held any connection to her past experiences or encounters.

As Naoya continued his rapid assault, Maki's keen senses allowed her to anticipate his movements with remarkable precision. Dodging his attacks gracefully, she maintained her composure even in the face of his anger.

"Naoya," she spoke calmly, recognizing his voice. "What are you doing here?  I though i had killed you"

The curse seemed consumed by rage, his attacks fueled by a strong desire for revenge. Maki, however, remained focused and prepared to defend herself against this unexpected threat.

Curse Naoya zoomed through the air at incredible speed, launching attacks at Maki with the intensity of a whirlwind. However, Maki effortlessly anticipated each of his movements, dodging and weaving with impeccable grace. Her movements were fluid and precise, as if she could predict his every strike before it even happened.

The frustration grew evident on Curse Naoya's face as he struggled to land a single hit on Maki. His attacks, executed at Mach 3, were met with a seemingly insurmountable level of agility and evasion. Maki's dodges were so smooth and calculated that it appeared as though she was dancing through the air, effortlessly avoiding the onslaught.

Naoya's anger fueled his determination, but Maki's defensive prowess remained unshaken. She maintained her composed demeanor, ready to face whatever challenges this unexpected encounter with Naoya presented.