Rebirth through Misogyny {102}

Naoya, driven by a toxic mix of anger and misogyny, accelerated even faster towards Maki. His eyes glowed with an intense hatred as he refused to accept the idea of being defeated by a woman. The curse that enveloped him seemed to amplify his negative emotions, turning them into a relentless force that drove his every movement.

Despite his increased speed and aggression, Maki continued to effortlessly evade his attacks. Her movements were a testament to her skill and control, as if she anticipated every twist and turn in Naoya's assault. Naoya's frustration only deepened as his attempts to strike Maki were met with empty air.

Maki, on the other hand, remained composed, her focus unwavering. She saw through the hatred that fueled Naoya's actions, and with each dodge, she displayed a quiet determination to overcome this cursed opponent.

Naoya, fueled by his toxic emotions, roared with anger as he continued his relentless assault on Maki. His voice reverberated with a mixture of frustration and deep-seated hatred.

"You think you're so special, don't you? Dodging won't save you!" Naoya spat out the words with venom, convinced that overpowering Maki was the only way to prove his distorted beliefs.

As he zoomed around at incredible speeds, he taunted Maki with his misogynistic rhetoric. "You can't escape forever! I'll make sure you pay for humiliating me!"

Despite his aggressive words, Maki remained silent, her focus unwavering. She continued to gracefully evade each attack, displaying a level of skill that only seemed to enrage Naoya further.

Driven by his toxic mindset, Naoya's attacks became increasingly erratic and aggressive. The sky echoed with the sound of his furious shouts as he sought to impose his will on Maki, blinded by his own warped sense of superiority.

As Naoya's rage intensified, a dark energy enveloped him, causing a monstrous transformation. His body contorted and expanded, taking on a new, menacing form. The curse's silhouette became sharper, and his movements grew even more fluid. The dark energy manifested into a hardened shell, granting him enhanced speed and durability.

Now equipped with a faster and more resilient form, Naoya's attacks became swifter and more relentless. His movements seemed like a blur as he darted through the sky, aiming to catch Maki off guard. The sheer hatred emanating from him fueled this evolution, amplifying his curse power.

Despite the physical transformation, Naoya's toxic mindset remained unchanged. If anything, the newfound strength only fueled his misogynistic beliefs. His attacks were more ferocious than ever as he sought to overpower Maki, convinced that this transformation would secure his victory and prove his distorted worldview.

Maki, with a calm and icy demeanor, looked at Naoya's transformed state. She responded in a mocking tone, "Is that the best you can do? A new form won't change the fact that your curse techniques is still predictable, Naoya."

She gracefully evaded his attacks, effortlessly anticipating his moves. Despite the increased speed and durability, Maki seemed unfazed, as if she were dealing with nothing more than a nuisance. Naoya's frustration grew, but Maki remained composed, ready to demonstrate that true strength went beyond physical transformations.

Maki, drawing her sword with swift precision, suddenly closed the distance between her and Naoya. Surging forward with newfound speed, she caught Naoya off guard. He attempted to evade her, darting away, but Maki relentlessly pursued him.

In a surprising turn of events, Naoya shifted tactics and accelerated, reaching an incredible speed of mach 4 as he aimed to slam into Maki. Despite his increased velocity, Maki remained composed, expertly predicting his movements and preparing to counter his attack.

Maki used Naoya own speed againts him as she let him slash himself into her sword,slashing the curse known as Naoya in half.

Even as Naoya was sliced in half by Maki's sword, his deep-seated resentment and refusal to be defeated by a woman echoed in the air. The curse was physically separated into two halves, but his lingering hatred and misogyny persisted.

Maki, unfazed by his stubbornness, observed the two severed parts of Naoya with a cold expression.

Maki looked at the two halves of Naoya's form and couldn't help but scoff at the sight. She mocked, "Is this the grand result of your rebellion against women? A pathetic curse, cut in half and still spouting nonsense about not losing to a woman. How utterly disappointing."

Her words were delivered with a cold and mocking tone, emphasizing the absurdity of Naoya's futile resistance. Despite being reduced to two separate pieces, Naoya's pride seemed unyielding, but to Maki, it only served to highlight the pettiness of his existence.

Naoya, fueled by his deep-seated misogyny, replied with venomous words. "You think this changes anything, woman? I won't lose to the likes of you. I'll evolve, become stronger, and crush you. This is just the beginning."

His words were laced with arrogance and a determination to defy what he perceived as the natural order.

Naoya, seething with anger and frustration, spewed demeaning words at Maki. "You may have won this round, but don't get too comfortable, woman. I'll come back, stronger and more powerful than ever. You'll regret underestimating me."

Despite Naoya's attempts to belittle her, Maki remained unfazed, her expression unchanged. She had dealt with enough arrogance and misogyny in her life not to be affected by such words.

With a swift and decisive strike, Maki put an end to Naoya's existence.

She couldn't be bothered by his empty threats and misogynistic rantings. As Naoya's form dissipated into nothingness, Maki sheathed her sword and turned away, the encounter with the cursed spirit now behind her. She had more important matters to attend to, and wasting time on someone like Naoya wasn't part of her agenda.

Maki, unimpressed by Naoya's futile attempts, looked at his dissipating form and coldly remarked, "You talk too much." With that, she turned away, leaving the remnants of Naoya's curse to vanish into the air. She had little time for meaningless banter, especially from someone as misguided as him.