The might of the dragon {123}

A wide grin stretched across the figure's face as he stepped out of the crimson portal, his voice booming through the desolate area. "Oh, you were waiting for me, isn't this marvelous!"

Kenzo squinted, taking in the imposing figure before him. This was the Dragon Monarch, the embodiment of destruction, and he had finally arrived. Here stood the answer to Kenzo's desperate summons, a gamble he knew could tip the scales in their favor or unleash unimaginable chaos.

The Dragon Monarch was a physical manifestation of power. His physique, sculpted with honed muscle, showcased years of battle and dominion. Crimson hair, seemingly ablaze with an inner fire, cascaded down his broad shoulders. A neatly trimmed red beard framed a face etched with both regality and a hint of feral amusement. His eyes, the most captivating feature, glowed with an unsettling crimson light, reflecting the very essence of destruction he commanded.

Clad in shimmering silver-red armor, the Dragon Monarch exuded an aura of authority. The high collar of the armor accentuated his imposing stature, while a reddish-brown tailcoat swayed gracefully with each movement. Kenzo couldn't help but sense an undercurrent of untamed power beneath the regal facade.

A fearsome army materialized behind the Dragon Monarch – a writhing mass of dragons and monstrous beasts, all poised for battle. From Kenzo's own shadow, a counterforce emerged – his contingent of shadow soldiers. Over the past three days, Kenzo had meticulously trained them, ensuring even his weakest soldier stood toe-to-toe with a Special Grade sorcerer. He had even bolstered his ranks with the remaining two Disaster Curses, desperate to bridge the numerical gap. Despite being outnumbered ten to one, Kenzo's forces boasted superior quality.

The Dragon Monarch boomed, his voice echoing across the battlefield, "Yield, Shadow Monarch, and join me! Or die today!"

Kenzo's response was a resolute, "Bring it."

A demonic grin contorted the Dragon Monarch's face. "That's the spirit!" With a flourish, he materialized his battle armor and hefted a draconic sword, its edge gleaming with malevolent power. As he released his mana, a tremor surged through the air, shaking not just Japan, but the entire world. This battle promised to be a fight for the ages.


The Dragon Monarch, a colossus of destruction incarnate, unleashed his fury. A single, primal roar ripped from his throat, a sound that seemed to tear at the very fabric of reality. With a flick of his wrist, a torrent of fire erupted from his draconic blade. It wasn't a mere flame, but a condensed inferno – a white-hot maelstrom that devoured the air itself.

The fire spread outwards with horrifying speed, a tide of incandescent oblivion. Buildings crumbled to dust in an instant, their steel frames melting like wax. Trees ignited in a blink, their screams a ghastly symphony swallowed by the roar of the flames. The earth itself seemed to scorch, the ground turning to cracked and smoldering glass.

Everything the fire touched ceased to exist. It wasn't mere combustion; it was annihilation. The intense heat vaporized all it encountered, leaving behind only the faintest wisps of ash, a chilling testament to the absolute power of the Dragon Monarch's flames.

Kenzo's shadow soldiers, despite their recent enhancements, recoiled from the inferno's fury. Even the mightiest dragons in the Dragon Monarch's army flinched back, their fiery breath rendered insignificant compared to their master's cataclysmic display. The battlefield transformed into a hellscape, bathed in an eerie white light and choked by the acrid stench of utter destruction. The Dragon Monarch stood amidst the devastation, his form a silhouette against the inferno, his crimson eyes blazing brighter than the fire itself. He was a terrifying god of destruction, reshaping the world with a single, devastating act of his will.


"Is that all you could muster?" the Dragon Monarch mocked, his voice a thunderclap amidst the inferno. He towered over Kenzo, his draconic blade dripping with molten steel.

Kenzo, his face grim, dropped into a fighting stance. He knew brute strength wouldn't win this fight. The Dragon Monarch swung his blade with terrifying force, each blow capable of leveling a city block. Kenzo danced around the attacks, a blur of black against the fiery backdrop. His movements were a whirlwind of shadow and agility, barely a hair's breadth away from the devastating edge of the sword.

With every clash, the ground trembled. With every parry, a portion of the battlefield vaporized. Kenzo's shadow soldiers, caught in the periphery of the fight, were instantly reduced to wisps of smoke. Even the Dragon Monarch's own army flinched back, wary of being caught in the collateral damage of their leader's fury.

Despite his masterful dodging, Kenzo knew this couldn't last. The Dragon Monarch's relentless assault was whittling down his stamina, the sheer proximity to the inferno sapping his strength. He needed an opening, a chance to strike back, but the Dragon Monarch fought with a controlled brutality, leaving no exploitable gaps.


While Kenzo weaved a desperate dance around the Dragon Monarch's onslaught, his shadow army waged its own war. Igris, the black flames of destruction dancing around his fists, and Bellion, his colossal form a whirlwind of raw power, tore through the Dragon Monarch's beastly army.

Each blow from Igris was a miniature inferno, incinerating the lesser creatures with a touch. Bellion, a relentless storm, bulldozed through ranks of beasts, his immense size and strength leaving nothing but shattered bones and smoldering fur in his wake. Their movements were fueled by a singular purpose – to finish their fight quickly, to create an opening for Kenzo to strike back.

The Dragon Monarch, while focused on crushing Kenzo, couldn't ignore the carnage his own army was suffering. A growl of annoyance rumbled from his throat. He loathed the thought of his forces being culled before they could serve their true purpose – the utter destruction of everything.


A cruel amusement flickered in the Dragon Monarch's crimson eyes as he surveyed the battlefield. Kenzo danced a desperate ballet around his attacks, but the tide was clearly turning. The Dragon Monarch's army, though suffering losses, was a relentless wave compared to Kenzo's limited forces. Igris and Bellion, while impressive, were mere pebbles against the avalanche.

"Pathetic," the Dragon Monarch boomed, his voice echoing amidst the inferno. "These creatures are but fodder. Their deaths merely pave the way for the true destruction to come."

He unleashed another earth-shattering blow at Kenzo, the force of it momentarily pushing the Shadow Monarch back. Yet, a flicker of something akin to respect flickered in the Dragon Monarch's gaze. Kenzo's agility and resilience were undeniable, even against his overwhelming power.

"You fight with the tenacity of a cockroach," the Dragon Monarch grudgingly conceded. "But even the most resilient vermin meets its end."

He raised his draconic blade, the inferno swirling around it intensifying to a blinding white. This was it. The final blow that would crush Kenzo and leave him free to unleash his true purpose – the annihilation of everything.

A/N....10chapter left till this story end, so just 2weeks.