Dragon monarch (124)

The tremor from Kenzo's shadow had barely subsided when the Shadow Monarch himself launched a surprise attack. In a blur of movement, he materialized directly in front of the newly emerged figure, a figure that remained shrouded in a veil of darkness.

Before anyone could react, Kenzo slammed his hands together with a sharp crack. From his fingertips, a geyser of crimson erupted. It wasn't mere blood, but a condensed essence of 'his' own cursed energy, propelled at an ungodly speed. The air around it crackled with a sonic boom so potent it pulverized everything within a thirty-meter radius.

The Dragon Monarch, momentarily distracted by the new new move, barely had time to react. He raised his arm in a defensive maneuver, the draconic armor absorbing the brunt of the attack. The impact sent a shockwave through his entire being, leaving a searing gash across his forearm, the first true wound he'd sustained in the fight.

A low growl rumbled from his throat, a mix of surprise and annoyance. "Is that all the Shadow Monarch can offer?" he bellowed, his voice tinged with disappointment.

Kenzo, however, remained undeterred. A wide grin stretched across his face, revealing a glint of madness in his eyes. "How about you come and find out yourself," he challenged, his voice laced with a dangerous edge.

The scene presented a captivating tableau - the wounded Dragon Monarch, embodiment of raw destruction, towering over the grinning Kenzo, a figure fueled by desperate resolve. In the background, the newly emerged figure from the shadows cast a watchful and ominous presence. It was a standoff pregnant with untold power, a clash that could potentially decide the fate of the world. Who would emerge victorious?


The Dragon Monarch, his fiery grin replaced by a snarl, charged at Kenzo. The very air vibrated with the raw power of their impending collision. As they met, the ground groaned under the impact, the clash echoing like thunder throughout the battlefield. The force of it rippled through the air, sending shockwaves that reached far beyond the desolate fighting ground. In cities miles away, unsuspecting civilians stumbled, bewildered by the tremors that seemed to emanate from the earth itself.

Kenzo, despite his smaller stature, fought with the ferocity of a cornered beast. He weaved between the Dragon Monarch's swings, using his agility and mastery of shadows to his advantage. While the Dragon Monarch's blows could shatter mountains, their sheer power and predictability made them easier to dodge. Kenzo, on the other hand, rained down a relentless storm of attacks. He materialized tendrils of shadow from the battlefield's debris, tripping the Monarch, then used a burst of darkness to teleport behind him, landing a solid hit on the exposed back.

The Dragon Monarch roared in frustration, his fiery aura flickering dangerously. He was used to overwhelming his opponents with brute force, yet this nimble Shadow Monarch was proving to be a thorn in his side. Every time the Dragon Monarch lunged, Kenzo danced away, leaving behind a trail of destruction where the Monarch's fist connected with the ground.

The battlefield itself became a weapon in Kenzo's hands. He manipulated the very shadows cast by the crumbling buildings, forming platforms to leap from, creating shadowy snares to momentarily bind the Monarch's movements. The fight was a bizarre ballet of destruction, a deadly dance between raw power and cunning tactics. Who would tire first, the relentless storm or the elusive shadow?


Kenzo gritted his teeth, a bead of sweat tracing a salty path down his temple. A sick feeling churned in his stomach as he watched the Dragon Monarch rampage across the battlefield. Shinjuku, once a vibrant city, was now a smoldering wasteland, a testament to the destructive power unleashed by this monstrous being.

Finding another suitable location to fight was a pointless endeavor. Everything within range, it seemed, was fair game for the Dragon Monarch's insatiable hunger for annihilation. The very air crackled with a malevolent energy, a byproduct of his unleashed power.

Despite the growing sense of dread, a flicker of defiance hardened Kenzo's resolve. He couldn't afford to falter. The fate of the world rested on his shoulders, on his ability to contain this destructive force. He had to find a way, any way, to turn the tide before everything was reduced to ashes.

A glance towards the figure still shrouded in darkness, emanating from his own shadow, offered a sliver of hope. Perhaps, just perhaps, this hidden power held the key to victory. But for now, Kenzo had to buy time, to distract the Dragon Monarch long enough for whatever power lurked within the shadows to manifest.

With a renewed surge of adrenaline, Kenzo launched himself back into the fray. He became a whirlwind of shadow and steel, his movements a blur as he danced around the Dragon Monarch's furious attacks. Every dodge, every maneuver, was a calculated risk, a desperate attempt to exploit the openings in the Monarch's relentless assault.

The Dragon Monarch, increasingly frustrated by his elusive opponent, roared in fury. Buildings crumbled under the force of his swings, the ground itself cracked and heaved with each earth-shattering blow. Yet, Kenzo persisted, a relentless thorn in the side of the mighty beast.

The scene was a horrifying tableau – a lone warrior, fueled by desperate hope, facing off against a destroyer god, laying waste to the world. The outcome hung in the balance, a knife-edge between annihilation and a sliver of salvation.


Desperation gnawed at Kenzo. The Dragon Monarch's relentless assault was slowly pushing him towards his limits. The once-vibrant city was a desolate wasteland, a chilling testament to the creature's destructive power. But giving up wasn't an option. The fate of the world rested on his shoulders, on his ability to contain the raging monster.

Taking a deep breath, Kenzo made a gamble. He reached within himself, channeling the stolen curse technique – Sky Bending. Uro's power, the ability to manipulate the very fabric of space, surged through him. It was a desperate attempt, a technique he barely understood, but it was his only shot.

With a battle cry, Kenzo propelled himself towards the Dragon Monarch. Just before contact, his fingers snapped, a sharp crack echoing through the ravaged landscape. It wasn't a physical attack, but a distortion of space itself. A small area directly in front of the Dragon Monarch's face warped and compressed, an invisible force crushing inwards.

The effect was brutal. Instead of external wounds, the Dragon Monarch convulsed as his internal organs twisted and compressed under the unseen pressure. A strangled gurgle escaped his throat, his eyes widening in momentary surprise.

But to Kenzo's annoyances, the surprise quickly morphed into something far more unsettling – excitement. A manic grin stretched across the Dragon Monarch's face, his crimson eyes blazing with a terrifying delight.

"Interesting," the Monarch boomed, his voice a distorted rasp due to the internal damage. "A curious technique. It seems you've unearthed a rather... fascinating toy."

He flexed his massive arms, and to Kenzo's utter annoyance., the damage inflicted by the Sky Bending technique began to recede. The Dragon Monarch's body, fueled by his destructive essence, seemed to be rapidly healing itself.

This newfound development sent a wave of despair crashing over Kenzo. Not only was his attack ineffective, but it had somehow invigorated the very being he was trying to vanquish. He had underestimated the Dragon Monarch's power, his capacity for destruction.

"You fight a valiant fight, Shadow Monarch," the Dragon Monarch chuckled, the sound devoid of humor, laced only with a chilling anticipation. "But your efforts are futile. This world will crumble, and I will be the harbinger of its end. Now, allow me to demonstrate the true meaning of destruction!"

With a renewed surge of demonic energy, the Dragon Monarch lunged at Kenzo. Kenzo, heart hammering in his chest, knew this desperate gamble had failed. He had to regroup, to find another strategy, or all hope would be lost. But would he have that chance? The answer hung in the balance as he barely dodged the Dragon Monarch's earth-shattering blow, the battle hurtling towards a terrifying climax.

"This is fun"The dragon monarch said as Kenzo sensed portal opening all throughout the battlefield.

Kenzo look around and the dragon monarch said.

"You didn't take I came alone did you know"

Kenzo felt it from all the portal,something strong would come out.

He smiled upon seing it...exactly as he had planned it.

A/N.....Chapter came late due to me forgetting to rewrite the chapter.