The clash of the stronguest sorcerer {126}

Kenzo executed a well-practiced roll, narrowly avoiding the Dragon Monarch's earth-shattering blow. A satisfied smirk played on his lips as he saw a bead of crimson welling up on the creature's chin – a testament to the effectiveness of his previous strike.

The Dragon Monarch's laughter echoed through the ravaged cityscape, a sound laced with a disturbing delight. "Excellent!" he roared, his voice booming with sadistic pleasure. "You've managed to draw blood! You are proving to be a most... entertaining opponent."

He swiped his tongue across his lips, savoring the metallic tang of his own blood. "Don't hold back, Shadow Monarch!" he bellowed. "Show me the true extent of your power! Unleash everything you have, for I crave a challenge worthy of my might!"

A thrill, not of despair, but of cautious excitement, shot through Kenzo. This creature thrived on destruction, fueled by the pain it inflicted. Every attack he landed, every ounce of power he unleashed, was a calculated risk designed to exploit that very weakness.

His gaze flickered briefly to the figure still shrouded in shadow, emanating from his own darkness. Perhaps the key to victory still lay within, but for now, he had a job to do.

Kenzo needed to disrupt the Dragon Monarch's momentum, to create an opening. With a flick of his wrist, tendrils of dark energy erupted from the battlefield debris, coiling around the Dragon Monarch's limbs like serpents. The creature roared in frustration, momentarily restrained.

"This charade ends now," Kenzo declared, his voice calm and steady despite the chaos surrounding him. Every action, every movement, flowed with practiced precision. He channeled 'his' cursed energy, focusing it into a single, powerful point at his fist.

The Dragon Monarch strained against the binds, his crimson eyes blazing with fury. Here was the opening Kenzo had been waiting for. With a surge of calculated aggression, Kenzo launched himself forward, aiming for a critical point on the Dragon Monarch's monstrous form. The air crackled with dark energy as his fist, imbued with his full might, hurtled towards its target.

The fate of the battle hung in the balance. Would Kenzo's precise attack find its mark, or would the Dragon Monarch break free from his restraints and unleash another wave of devastation upon the ruined city?

The Dragon Monarch roared in fury, his monstrous form writhing as he ripped through Kenzo's shadow binds with a surge of raw power. The tendrils of darkness dissipated into wisps of smoke, their brief restraint shattered. Kenzo, ever the pragmatist, executed a flawless dodge, leaping just out of reach of the Dragon Monarch's flailing fist.

'A berserker, fueled by his own bloodlust,' Kenzo analyzed with a flicker of grim understanding. This wasn't a creature fueled by reason, but by a primal hunger for destruction. Brute force wouldn't be enough. He needed to exploit this berserker state, wait for an opening.

A pang of frustration lanced through him. The shadow soldiers he'd painstakingly crafted were rendered useless, bound to Gojo's shadow. But a surge of hope followed. He sensed it from miles away – two domains clashing, the unmistakable energy signature of Gojo Satoru. Gojo was holding his ground, it seemed.

'Just a little longer,' Kenzo thought, his expression hardening with resolve. Every second Gojo held his domain meant Sukuna, the King of Curses trapped within Megumi, grew weaker. With each passing moment, the chance to control the shadow soldier currently bound to Gojo grew stronger.

He couldn't afford to be reckless. He needed to conserve his energy, wait for the right moment. Every calculated attack, every strategic movement, was a chess piece in this high-stakes game. He glanced towards the Dragon Monarch, who was now tearing through the battlefield with the destructive glee of a child breaking toys. A grim smile tugged at the corner of Kenzo's lips.

'Let him waste his energy,' he thought. 'The real battle starts when he's exhausted.'

Kenzo focused on his 'own' cursed energy, channeling it through his body.

The air crackled with a raw energy that defied description as Gojo's blindingly white Infinity domain collided against Sukuna's oppressive Malevolent Shrine. The two domains, diametrically opposed forces, battled for supremacy, their clash rippling across the battlefield like a relentless earthquake. At the heart of this maelstrom stood Gojo and Sukuna – not as mere combatants, but as strategic geniuses locked in a battle of wills.

Gojo's signature white hair whipped around him like a halo as he effortlessly deflected a swipe of Sukuna's claws. His blue eyes, usually playful, held a glint of steely resolve. Sukuna, the King of Curses, met Gojo's gaze with his own crimson eyes, burning with a calculating intensity. Both sorcerers knew this wasn't a brawl, but a chess match played at lightning speed, a war of attrition fought with devastating cursed energy.

Sukuna moved with measured aggression, each blow a calculated test of Gojo's defenses. His immense cursed energy crackled around him, a potent weapon seeking an opening in Gojo's seemingly impenetrable Infinity. Gojo, the sorcerer supreme, flowed around Sukuna's attacks like water around a rock, his every movement a testament to his unmatched speed and control. The two strongest Jujutsu sorcerers alive were locked in a deadly dance, pushing each other to their limits.

Gojo's movements blurred, a whirlwind of white and black. He unleashed a flurry of blindingly fast punches and kicks, each aimed at Sukuna's pressure points with the precision of a surgeon's scalpel. Sukuna, no mindless brute, countered with the agility of a predator honed by millennia of battle. He twisted and contorted his body, using his own cursed energy to enhance his movements, dodging most of Gojo's attacks with practiced ease.

A smile played on Gojo's lips, not a playful one this time, but the smile of a predator recognizing a worthy adversary. This wasn't a fight he could win with mere showmanship. Sukuna was a strategic genius, his intellect as formidable as his cursed energy.


A feral grin split Sukuna's face as Gojo's once-impenetrable domain shattered. His sure-hit slashes, previously nullified, materialized with a deafening crackle of cursed energy. A thousand crimson lines erupted across Gojo's body, threatening to tear him asunder. But the sorcerer supreme, ever the anomaly, remained standing. His nigh-unbelievable Reverse Cursed Technique kicked in, healing the wounds even as they were inflicted.

However, the reprieve was temporary. As Sukuna lunged in for the final blow, a figure emerged from Gojo's distorted shadow. Not Gojo himself, but a shadow soldier, materialized just in time to intercept Sukuna's attack.

The newcomer, revealed to be Kashimo, let out a feral roar, his eyes glinting with bloodthirsty excitement. His cursed technique, Mythical Beast: Amber, crackled to life around him, transforming his arm into a monstrous, clawed limb. The grin on Sukuna's face faltered for a second, replaced by a flicker of annoyance. He hadn't expected this turn of events.

The clash of titans was immediate and brutal. Kashimo, fueled by his love for battle, swung his monstrous claw with reckless abandon, forcing Sukuna back a step. The King of Curses, though surprised by the sudden intervention, quickly adapted. A playful smirk returned to his lips as he countered with a flurry of devastating blows.

Gojo, using the distraction, disengaged and escaped the domain's range. With a sigh of relief, he focused his cursed energy, mending the wounds inflicted by Sukuna's onslaught. Inside his mind, a flicker of frustration momentarily replaced his usual confidence.

Back in the heart of the battle, Sukuna scoffed. "Damn brat," he muttered, a fleeting image of Kenzo flashing through his mind. He knew the shadow soldier wouldn't last long, but it was enough to buy Gojo valuable time. The King of Curses, however, wasn't about to let his prey slip away so easily. His crimson eyes narrowed, focusing on the unexpected challenger before him. This fight had just gotten a little more interesting.