In here I am your god (127)

The air was thick with dust and the metallic tang of blood. Kenzo stood amidst a desolate wasteland, the once proud buildings of Shinjuku reduced to rubble by the Dragon Monarch's relentless onslaught. The monstrous creature loomed large, its eyes glowing with a sadistic glee as it regarded Kenzo with predatory amusement.

The Dragon Monarch roared, launching itself at Kenzo with earth-shattering force. A manic grin spread across its monstrous face as it grasped Kenzo by the head, intending to slam him into the shattered concrete.

But in a flash of dark energy, Kenzo vanished. In his place, one of his meticulously crafted shadow soldiers materialized just in time to receive the full brunt of the attack. The monstrous fist connected with a sickening thud, sending the shadow soldier flying through the debris.

"Interesting way to fight, using the weak to survive" the Dragon Monarch chuckled, its voice a booming rumble. Its amusement only fueled Kenzo's resolve.

With a stoic expression, Kenzo opened his mouth, his voice echoing in the ruined cityscape. "You shouldn't mock them," he declared, a hint of steel lacing his words. "By the end of this, you will be one of them."

The Dragon Monarch's grin widened, a predator intrigued by its prey's defiance. "I like that arrogance," it boomed, its voice laced with a hint of begrudging respect.

Kenzo closed the distance between them in a blur of movement. In this fight, his strength paled in comparison to the Dragon Monarch's raw power. But Kenzo wasn't brute force, he was strategy and precision. He weaved around the Dragon Monarch's monstrous swings, exploiting its sheer size to his advantage. Each attack, every maneuver, was a calculated risk aimed at finding a weakness.

The clash became a deadly dance on a stage of devastation. The Dragon Monarch rained down blows with devastating force, each one leaving deep craters in the already ruined landscape. Kenzo, with his nimble movements and shadow soldier tactics, chipped away at the creature, his cursed energy empowering his attacks.

Their battle raged on, a testament to the unwavering will of a lone sorcerer against a destructive god. Would Kenzo's calculated precision triumph over the Dragon Monarch's overwhelming power? Or would the desolate wasteland become a testament to the destruction brought by the monstrous being? The battle hung in the balance, waiting to be tipped by the next strategic move, the next desperate attack.


Kenzo mentally sight to himself this would be harder than he though, he could feel the connection he had to that shadow soldier vanish as the dragon monarch reduced the shadow soldier to nothing more than ashes.

Kenzo used his control over the gravity to pull the dragon monarch toward him before he suddenly surrounded them inside a gravitational field of some sort where he had full control over everything that was happening inside.

Before using his control over Gravity to do something he had learned from Yuki.

As Kenzo got into position as the dragon monarch came toward him.

Kenzo landed a solid punch in the dragon monarch stomach which caused him to puke out a huge amount of blood.

The impact sent shockwaves through the ravaged landscape. A torrent of crimson erupted from the Dragon Monarch's maw as it was sent hurtling backwards, the force of the punch augmented by Kenzo's gravity manipulation. Its monstrous form slammed into a nearby mountain, carving a crater and sending tremors through the earth.

A heavy silence descended for a moment. Then, a booming laugh erupted from the dust cloud obscuring the impact zone. The Dragon Monarch emerged, its face twisted in a gruesome grin, blood dripping down its chin. "This is fun!" it roared, its voice laced with a disturbing delight even amidst the pain.


The dust settled around the Dragon Monarch, its monstrous form shaking off the debris. Blood dripped down its chin, a testament to the impact of Kenzo's attack. Yet, an undying thrill coursed through the creature. This wasn't just a fight anymore; it was a game, a challenge that had awakened a primal hunger within it.

"That was exhilarating!" the Dragon Monarch bellowed, its voice echoing through the ruined cityscape. A predatory glint flickered in its crimson eyes as it focused on Kenzo. "How did you, manage such a blow? Tell me your secrets, Shadow Monarch!"

Kenzo, ever the pragmatist, remained unfazed by the creature's excitement. He studied the Dragon Monarch for a moment, his own eyes narrowed in concentration. Then, with a stoic expression, he began to explain.

"It wasn't raw power alone," Kenzo said, his voice calm and measured. "I manipulated the battlefield's gravity to my advantage."

The Dragon Monarch's head tilted, a flicker of curiosity momentarily replacing the bloodlust in its gaze. "So that field you created was not for show huh"

"By creating a localized field," Kenzo continued, ignoring the surprise on the creature's face. "Within that field, I could increase the effective mass of my fist. The impact wasn't just from my own strength, but from the amplified force of gravity itself."

The Dragon Monarch's grin widened, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth. "An interesting trick," it rumbled, its voice laced with grudging respect. "But will it be enough to stop a being like me?"

Kenzo didn't respond. He knew words wouldn't sway this creature. He had revealed his tactic, not out of arrogance, but because underestimating his opponent would be a fatal mistake.


A steely glint flickered in Kenzo's eyes. He knew brute force wouldn't win this brawl, and his last maneuver had bought him precious time to formulate a daring plan, a gamble inspired by Gojo's Infinity. With a surge of cursed energy, he channeled it not outwards, but inwards, manipulating the very fabric of gravity within his own body. This wasn't just about increasing his density; it was about manipulating the very essence of gravity itself.

Sweat beaded on Kenzo's brow as he focused his power to an excruciating degree. He needed to create two singularities, two warped points in space-time – a white hole, a spewing source of immense energy, and a black hole, a point of infinite density that devoured everything around it. It was a technique bordering on forbidden, the immense strain threatening to tear him apart. But for the sake of stopping this destructive entity, he had to try.

With a guttural roar, Kenzo unleashed his creation. Two swirling spheres materialized in the air before him – one a blinding white, the other an inky black, existing in an impossible proximity. They pulsed with a terrifying energy, threatening to rip the very fabric of reality apart.

The Dragon Monarch, sensing the immense power emanating from the spheres, roared in challenge. It opened its maw, unleashing a torrent of white-hot fire that incinerated everything in its path. The flames engulfed the nascent singularities, momentarily flickering in their intensity.

But then, with a surge of Kenzo's will, the spheres pulsed once more, their power overwhelming the dragon's fire. In a blinding flash of light, the white hole and the black hole collided, forced together by Kenzo's desperate control. The result was a terrifying anomaly – a miniature singularity, a swirling vortex of unimaginable power that defied comprehension.

Before the Dragon Monarch could react, Kenzo hurled the anomaly with all his remaining strength. It hurtled towards the monstrous creature, a beacon of destruction. The Dragon Monarch, fueled by its battle lust, raised a claw to intercept, its laughter echoing through the ruins.

The anomaly collided with the Dragon Monarch's claw, and for a horrifying moment, there was silence. Then, a shockwave erupted, throwing both the Dragon Monarch and Kenzo back with unimaginable force. The ground liquefied, buildings crumbled into dust, and a crater the size of a city block formed where the impact occurred.

Kenzo coughed, blood trickling down his chin. His entire body ached, the strain of creating and manipulating such a technique pushing him to his limits. He looked towards the crater, a flicker of hope battling against the overwhelming fear. The Dragon Monarch emerged from the dust cloud, its monstrous form battered, scorched, and missing an entire arm.

Yet, the creature wasn't defeated. It stood tall, its crimson eyes blazing with an even greater ferocity. A roar of pure, unadulterated joy erupted from its maw, a sound that sent shivers down Kenzo's spine. This wasn't just a resilient opponent; this was a being that thrived on destruction, a creature that reveled in the chaos it caused.

Kenzo knew this fight was far from over. He had wounded the Dragon Monarch, but he hadn't subdued it. In fact, he might have just ignited a far more terrifying battle rage within the monstrous being. He had to act fast, to devise a new strategy before the Dragon Monarch unleashed its full fury upon the world. The gamble had paid off momentarily, but the true test was yet to come.


A wave of disbelief washed over Kenzo's face as the dust settled around the Dragon Monarch. The monstrous creature stood there, battered, scorched, and missing an entire arm. Yet, it wasn't defeated. In fact, it seemed to be thriving on the punishment. A primal roar erupted from its maw, a sound that echoed with a disturbing glee. This wasn't just a powerful opponent; this was a being that reveled in destruction, a creature that seemed to grow stronger the more damage it took.

Kenzo felt his resolve harden into a cold determination. This wasn't a fight he could win with brute force or clever tactics alone. He needed to end this, and fast. He needed to unleash everything at his disposal. With a deep breath, he channeled his cursed energy, the air around him crackling with a dark power.

"Domain Expansion..." he began, his voice echoing with a newfound urgency, "...Realm of the Obsidian Sovereign!"

The world dissolved into darkness. The ravaged landscape, the crumbling buildings, the very sky – all vanished, replaced by an infinite expanse of obsidian rock. Gravity pulsed within this domain, a constant, oppressive force that weighed down on everything. The Dragon Monarch, momentarily disoriented, found itself trapped, its monstrous form struggling against the crushing weight of Kenzo's domain.

Within the Realm of the Obsidian Sovereign, Kenzo was the absolute ruler. He manipulated gravity with an ease he could never achieve in the outside world. The very fabric of reality bent to his will, amplifying his own strength and speed while simultaneously weakening his opponent.

"Inside this domain, I am your god"

A/N....i got creative with Kenzo gravity power, I hope the explanations didn't sound like ass pull.