Practical Education

After completing the mapping of the topology of the newest anomaly, it became clear that there were both similarities and differences compared to the previously recorded one. Both anomalies had a base in a brane outside the universe we normally perceive as space-time. However, the difference between them was the shape that extended toward Earth.

The anomaly at Hawking was a smooth, concave brane that resembled a valley. On the other hand, the anomaly at Missing Mile was a thin cone that was more needle-shaped. By mapping the magnetic currents, it was evident that the anomaly was sharply localized in an area less than 20 square meters in size - the very location where Trevor's father had murdered the rest of his family. This anomaly was small compared to the one that covered not only a town but also a large surrounding area. Interestingly, there was a potential second location of interest, known locally as the Devil's Tramping Ground.

The files gathered about Missing Mile described the Devil's Tramping Ground as a round track in a field where no grass or flowers grew, and animals wouldn't go. Considering the flux, this was not surprising. However, further analysis using True Magic showed that the phenomenon was most likely purely local rather than transdimensional, unlike the anomaly at the murder house. One of my theories was that the second site was a side effect of the first, although it had been mentioned since the founding of the small town. It was still flagged for potential further research but of much lesser priority.

I postulated that the origin brane for both anomalies was the same. The frequencies of magnetic flux and exotic radiation were in accordance with theory, and further testing would be required to confirm this. In the first anomaly, microcrystals containing traces of exotic matter were discovered, which is an unusual form of matter with negative mass. It would be necessary to test the samples from the site of the second anomaly to see if they also contain such matter. However, considering the presence of hostile life forms in the first anomaly and the previous incident in the second, there may be potential dangers while obtaining the samples.

Not physical ones. I did not think that any monstrous life forms would burst through rifts in space-time while Trevor and I examine the site tomorrow. Even while we would be poking the unknown with a proverbial stick. The topology of a second would not support matter transfer. Not without prohibitive energy costs. But that also meant that we could not open a portal to the other side. To examine the origin of the anomaly, we would need to use more exotic methods.

Well, at least I would get to test special blindfolds in live conditions.

But from the experiments performed on the first anomaly, it was known that where the barrier between was thin, or more precisely when the orthogonal distance between two branes was less than a certain length, electromagnetic radiation, sound vibration, and some psychic energy were able to travel from one brane to the other. There was a dampening effect. Strong enough for life forms native to the other brane to be severed from their hivemind without an open gate. However, that could be because the hivemind psychic connection was presumed to be bidirectional. The dampening effect was much stronger in the direction from Earth than to it. Whether that was a general property or specific to the Hawkins anomaly was something that was yet to be determined. It was in my planned activities to examine whether that was also true in the second instance of the intersection.

Having reached a stopping point for now, I stretched and stood up from the high-tech computer I was working on. There was no further work to be accomplished until more data arrived. The rest of the operations were automated and would continue harvesting and collating data without any further input from me. It was unfortunate that the computer I was using was so limited, even if it was the newest model provided by Aperture Science, intended for military rather than civilian use.

Half of a year was just not enough time, even with Bounded Field I set. Sometimes I really missed access to my smartphone, but sacrifices had to be made. 

This seemed like a good time to review the witness accounts that Trevor was supposed to have collected. But he had yet to return. Two also hadn't come back. I had anticipated that at least one of them would interrupt my work, but it seemed they were taking longer than expected.

And it was getting late. I had some tasks for Trevor tomorrow. He was after all the one who begged to be part of the investigation of the Missing Mile anomaly. I could understand. He wanted to know, to find some reason why his father did commit that atrocity. Some reason why he would never do something like that. And even if I did not expect any ground-shaking revelation I would still like to know any pertinent incident possibly caused by the anomaly before examining it in person.

And Two was still under observation. I had fixed the consequences of his little mishap. However, there were compelling reasons for me to keep him here instead of immediately returning him to the Io space base. A mere memory of that place's detrimental effect on mental stability was not to be underestimated. I was almost certain that I had burned all of his forbidden recollections, but memory could be tricky. And even a fragment could have nasty side effects. What was that boy thinking? I thought that what happened to Ten when he caught a glimpse was warning enough. I suppose half of a year was long enough for curiosity to overcome fear.

Some of it was my fault. As they say, idle hands do the devil's work. I really should find some way to keep them occupied.

Speaking of Io, I really should check how other Numbers were taking Two's absence.

Leo, I silently called drawing the attention of one of the three Personality Cores embedded in me. Leo was given the task of oversing children on Io. More precisely, he used pets that I had created for the children to keep tabs on them. It was for their own good, of course.

Now, where did I leave it? I was sure that I had put it somewhere among the spare parts.

Reporting, he silently answered.

Leo, can you give me a status update on the Numbers?

They are all asleep. There was some distress due to Two's absence. But, between Archer reassuring them that Two is fine and the comfort provided by pets, they settled quickly. All except Two's closet cohorts, Three, Four, and Five. They remained emotionally distressed until they fell asleep, but from my observation, it was because of a mixture of guilt and dread of punishment. They were almost certainly involved in Two's ill-advised actions. Whether assisting or inciting, Leo silently reported while I was searching through the boxes of spare parts, my fingers tracing over the various knobs, wires, and circuit boards. The boxes piled up around me like miniature skyscrapers. I could feel the sweat on my forehead as I dug deeper, scattering wires and screws haphazardly across the table. The once-organized workspace now resembled a disaster zone, with parts strewn about like the aftermath of a tornado. 

It was not here. I had failed to locate it amidst the chaos I had created. I didn't have time to clean up the mess. It would have to wait for one of the androids to handle it later. Did I put it among weapons?

The weapons were stored in a more secure container. An Aperture Science storage cube, heat resistant enough to survive the photosphere of some stars, shockproof, bulletproof, rocketproof, terminal velocity proof, King Kong proof. It was a perfect cube, measuring about one meter on each side, with a smooth, matte-black finish that seemed to absorb light rather than reflect it.

You had ONE task: monitor the children through artificial pets and prevent any serious injury. How did you miss Two following a service android into a forbidden area? You should have stopped him before it came to that, I mentally admonished Leo, while my fingers deftly manipulated the intricate controls of the storage cube.

It was difficult to open if one did not understand Aperture technology. This is one of the reasons why the military was not interested in purchasing them. After all, the American military was never particularly interested in having intelligent soldiers. Unfortunately, all attempts to simplify opening the storage cube resulted in severe degradation of performance. For now, it remained for internal use only.

Two is both clever and quite adept at detecting and avoiding surveillance. After going over his past actions, it was obvious that he had not only deduced the purpose of the pets but also mapped all of the video equipment. Also, I must note that a rattlesnake, while completely suiting Two's preferences, is not the most mobile of animals. He had his pet locked in his room while he snuck after Tamiel.

It seemed that I had unintentionally misled Trevor. I hated it when that happened because I much preferred lying on purpose. There was a normal gun among the packed weapons. Well, normal was a bit stretching it. It was one of the latest Aperture designs. In Aperture, it was known for years that covering the gun barrel with Propulsion Gel, and thus giving it negative friction, with significantly improve the firearm. But before I had designed a cheaper recipe, it was quite impractical. No matter how much better the firearm was, no one would buy it if it cost more than a tank.

It was a peculiar-looking semi-automatic pistol, with a barrel in a Z-shape. That was a consequence of using Repulsion Gel to lengthen the barrel. Even without coating it with Propulsion Gel a longer barrel resulted in a higher muzzle velocity which meant the bullet traveled faster and with more force. With that addition, it was even more pronounced.

The edges of the Z-shape are coated with Repulsion Gel, which allows for a perfect bounce. When firing the gun, the bullet would initially accelerate forward, then bounce off the Repulsion Gel edges, travelling backwards before bouncing forward again and exiting the muzzle.

Some of the test subjects had reported that more difficult to handle and aim accurately. For me, it was relatively easy to manage.

Still, I had no use for it. If I was who packed this I wouldn't have included it. I wondered why Igor did. 

The revolver next to it looked more like a work of art than a deadly weapon. Rather than being mass-produced, it was personally forged by me, a combination of Elven craft and Mystic Code. The barrel was adorned with intricate Tengwar runes, spelling the name Cantamirëi, the spell-weaver. The grip was crafted from eldrich wood, with three dials with an intricate pattern of occult symbols etched into it.

The bullets it fired were made of gems charged with magical energy, each carefully selected for their unique properties. The cylinder was made of dark, iridescent metal and held six mana-charged gem bullets. The outer shell of the chamber of the cylinder was marked with a unique symbol, so I would know which gem I had put in which place. The cylinder was attached to the frame with a series of gears and dials, allowing me to modify the effects of firing by manipulating the positions of the occult symbols etched into the grip combined with a particular gem.

Crafting the gun had been an arduous process, and the end product was less powerful and versatile than simply holding a charged gem in my hand and using a spell inscribed in my Magic Crest. However, the gun had one advantage: by using mechanical means to fire the mana-charged bullets, I avoided the risk of incurring backlash from this World. I was growing weary of the constant nosebleeds that came with any supernatural ability.

We need to ensure that this does not occur again. What course of action would you suggest?

I could give notice every time a child is separated from their designated pet, but that would be inefficient. The pets have proven to be insufficient for childcare supervision, and the root of the problem lies in verbal communication. Although the pets do understand human speech, they cannot speak back. My suggestion is to either install more Personality Cores on the Io base - with GLaDOS alone, it would bring the base to full operational capacity - or solve the issue with the Personal Androids.

 I rummaged through the rest of the contents. There was a flamethrower, a metal tube, with a nozzle assembly at one end for directing the flame. Attached to it via a hose was a fuel tank in the shape of a backpack. A grimoire that was covered in ancient letters and symbols, with a foreboding atmosphere emanating from its pages. Dozen grenades, marked with blue, orange, and white stripes. Those were actually paint bombs, filled with gels. Orange for Propulsion Gel, which had a unique ability to reduce friction below zero. Blue for Repulsion, which besides its elasticity-inducing properties was also very destructive to anything with an internal skeletal structure. White for Conversion Gel, which made any surface it covered suitable for placing a portal. 

 And speaking of portals, the portal gun was in that storage cube, the Aperture logo proudly emblazoned at its side But it was nearly at the bottom, next to the medical supplies that I finally found what I had been looking for.

GLaDOS? Do you suggest that I assign GLaDOS to childcare supervision? Are you malfunctioning?

It would be a good test of her obedience. And children would be of some use. They have been just a resource drain for now. 

That is not your decision to make. I am the one that assigns the value. But the last suggestion has some merit. Solving sanity-eroding effects from exposure would have other beneficial effects. I think that the proper way to approach the problem would be in limiting perception. There are two ways to approach the problem: block the emitter or block the receiver. For first, I think a variant of a concealment charm would do the trick. As for the second, it is obvious: a modified Mystic Eyes killer. Naturally, I would also have to modify it to cover all senses. If it works, that also means that we could allow access to the Otherworld to a select few.

The tri-axial compass was a masterpiece of craftsmanship and engineering, with a circular base made of polished brass that gleamed in the light. The intricate engravings etched into the brass depicted alchemical symbols and geometric patterns, suggesting a deep knowledge of both science and art. The rotating needle or dial was also made of brass, with a finely detailed arrow indicating the direction of magnetic north. The compass face was protected by a smooth, polished quartz lens that refracted and reflected light in a mesmerizing pattern.

But there was more to it. It was also tracking Mystic Code. Like the revolver, it required no supernatural power from the user. Just a sympatric link.

Good thing I had snagged a lock of hair, from both boys. I decided to start with Trevor. As soon I had put the wisp of reddish-blond hair into a small, almost hidden, compartment in the compass, the needle began to move. 

Before I exited the shop, I gave an order to Cid. "Have the mess dealt with."

Now, with access to Personal Androids, I couldn't fathom how I had managed without them. Then again, I did have Archer.

The moon was full and the sky clear, casting an eerie glow over the deserted shops. I liked the look better. The ruin looked mysterious, instead pathetic. The needle pointed mostly down the street, which was no great surprise. Trevor was likely at that nightclub. What was its name? Something vaguely druidic. Sacred Yew, that was the name. I may not have needed the compass after all, but I preferred to be prepared.

A brisk walk cleared my head a little. I may have to adjust my work-life balance a little. But there was just so much to do. And it was not like I did not enjoy the work. But burnout would be annoying. After this, I promised myself, that I was going to drag Archer to that deserted island for a short vacation. 

The compass needle veered left, pointing right at the abandoned shop with a faded sign that read "Bridal Bliss". What could he be doing in there? I hope that he did not manage to run into trouble.

The shop was weathered, and the windows were covered in dust, but I could still make out the outlines of empty hangers and dusty racks inside. I did see not Trevor, he must have been further inside. The door was slightly ajar, and as I pushed it open, it creaked loudly. The air inside was stale and musty, with a hint of mothballs.

I heard a loud moan, from further back, right where the compass was pointing. Alarmed I rushed to the sound, but what found hidden in the changing room was not as urgent as I thought.

Well, at least I would not have to waste time looking for Two. His hair was quite recognizable from the back. And the boy he was pressing to the wall must have been Trevor from where the compass was pointing. And moaning was definitely not a cry for help.

"You two could not have found a nicer place for this?" I interrupted. It was a bit rude of me, but I had already come this way. Just leaving felt like a waste. Besides what I said it was true. This place was both dirty and quite uncomfortable. But I suppose that was normal for teenagers, having sex in awkward places. 

They both jumped, surprised by the interruption. Two turned towards me, revealing the rather dishevelled figure of Trevor, his muscle shirt pushed upwards putting his smooth belly on display. I noticed that Trevor's pants were undone.

Two was in a similar condition. His fly was open, his hard cock proudly sticking out. 

"Dr. Johson?" Trevor asked, his voice a bit husky. His face was flushed with a rosy hue, and his lips were slightly swollen from the intense kissing session. His eyes were half-closed, with a dreamy expression that suggested he was lost in the moment.

"Ace. I am busy," Two said, a wicked little smirk on his face. His eyes on the hand were sharp and radiated satisfaction like a cat that had gotten its paws on a plump little mouse. 

"You know him?" Trevor asked Two, suddenly more alert.

"It's a recent thing," Two nonchalantly replied to the boy he had been kissing, and then said to me, "Go away we are busy."

Unashamed, he pushed his hand under red headed boy's pants.

"Just one moment," I said, a bit annoyed. I did work to be done before tomorrow's excursion. Those two were fit young men, and I don't think they were planned to stop until completely exhausted. "Did you complete the task I assigned to you, Trevor?"

"Yes," Trevor replied, caught between embarrassment and arousal. I think that look quite suited him. "But do we have to talk about what happened to my family now?"

"Just tell me if there are any other similar incidents, and I will stop bothering you."

"You should stop bothering him right now" Two aggressively interjected. He had been idly playing with Trevor's dick while we talked, but now he seemed almost protective.

"I will come to you next," I replied sternly back. Perhaps a bit too stern. Because both boys flinched back. "Trevor, incidents."

"Nothing. There were no other incidents. At least none that Kinsley knew about," Trevor promptly replied.

"How peculiar. There should be more. Especially since the intersection is still in progress."

"What are you talking about?" Two interjected, his eyes narrowing like a cat eyeing a plump canary, just waiting for its owner to leave the room. "Is this going to take much longer?" His words were laced with impatience, each syllable emphasizing his eagerness to return to ravishing Trevor.

"Which of those questions do you want to be answered?" I asked with subtle mockery. I was doing both of them a favour. Longer foreplay made a better climax. They were just too young and impatient to know it.

Indulging my sadistic urges with two pretty boys was just a fortunate side effect.


"I thought that you were in a hurry."

"That's just this one, how long are going to keep bothering us? We have things to do."

"If It shouldn't take much longer. I am done with Trevor. Now you," I said. Because I could not call him Two, nor did I know by what name, if any, he introduced himself to Trevor, I also asked, "What was your name again?"


I was glad that he took my suggestion. 

"Just a quick check. No flashbacks, hallucinations, or cannibalistic urges?"

"Why are asking such things dr. Johnson?" Trevor interjected, suddenly alarmed. "What is wrong with Damien?"

"He was exposed to certain stimuli which have an unfortunate effect on mental stability. Simplified, he has learned things that men are not meant to know. Don't worry, I fixed him. He should be safe."

"Don't say it like that!" Two's voice trembled with alarm as he quickly placed his hand protectively over his groin.

I just raised my eyebrow. I could see it. He was exaggerating, trying and failing to be funny.

"Like the police box?" Trevor asked.

"The Police Box?" Two was suddenly interested.

"An experiment we had done with item recovered from Hawkins anomaly. Answer my question, Damien."

"No," Two said, "the only way I am planning to eat Trevor is in a fun way. Are we done?"

"We could be. But I have a proposition for you. There are better places to have sex than this wreck. Like, for example, the shop we are using as the temporary base. I have managed to get the water running."

"And what you for that?" Two said slowly, crossing his arms. "A piece of the action."

"Damien," Trevor admonished, blushing even, "I am sure that Dr. Johson plans to be elsewhere when we do it."

"I could occupy myself elsewhere. But if you do not mind, I would like to observe."

Two snorted and said, "Old pervert."

But his tone did not match his words. He sounded a bit intrigued.

"Make no mistake. This is a scientific curiosity, not a fetish. The fumbling of two inexperienced boys is not going to make my day. But if you are planning to get rid of that pesky virginity Trevor, I would be interested in observing what that does to your body, from a psychic aspect. Finding ethically sound test subjects for that experiment had proven unordinary difficult."

"So, what are you saying that if want a nice place to fuck we have to let you watch?"

"Damien, don't be so crude."

"But you like me being crude," Two teasingly said, and then after a small pause added with a predatory smile, "Virgin."

"How amusing," I dryly said, "But let's keep to the topic. No. The offer to use my place is not conditioned for you taking part in that experiment. As I said if you shy, I can make myself scarce."

"So, what is in for us?" Two asked.

"Instruction," I replied, "Copulation is a skill. And as with any other skill, it can benefit from the transfer of experience. To put it simply, I am going to teach you how to have much more fun than you could achieve on your own. And in return, I don't ask much. Just to participate in my little experiment."

It took a little more persuasion, but they did agree with my proposal. Two was both eager and a bit sulky. He was probably thinking something like: we could have figured it out on our own. Trevor in contrast almost seemed relieved.

"Problem with pornography is that most are written as entertainment, and not an instruction manual," I said as we were walking back to the shop I rented. "Without experience separating what could be pleasurable from what at best is unpleasant, and worst could lead to injuries is difficult."

"Should you just go with what you feel is right?" Trevor asked. He was holding Two's hand He had grabbed it as we exited the abandoned bridal dress shop and was yet to let it go. 

"Instinct?" I replied, "Well you may have some success, but it is more likely that the first few times would be rather awkward."

"I know what I am doing." Two added, his blue eyes glinting under the pale light of the moon. "I don't need long explanations. It is simple. There is a dick and a hole. Just put one into the other. It hurts a bit at first, but it feels really good later." 

"Unless you want it to hurt, and some people are into that, then you doing something wrong. Don't worry, I going to instruct you on how to do it properly."

Two was about to say something more, but then Trevor sneaked in a kiss. I suppose that was one way of shutting him up.

When we returned to our temporary base, I saw that the mess I made had been cleaned up.

"Before we start, you two should clean up. Unfortunately, we have no proper facilities, but there is water running now in the toilet. Washing at the sink will be a little tricky, but you could manage it together. Wash your anus, including just the inside, with soap and water.

While the boys were busy, I gathered I required materials I would need to properly record the loss of virginity.

For the purpose of examining the newly found intersection, I have brought a lot of cameras, including but not limited to an infrared camera, an ultraviolet camera, a hyperspectral camera, and a high-speed camera. Without that blessing from God, it would not be possible to take an auric video with any of them. But I had that blessing, and with a miracle impossible was achieved.

For the boy's comfort, I set up the small mattress in the centre of the room and positioned the cameras around it, ready to record from different angles. Then I used a sharpie, writing occult symbols around the lens of each camera that would convert spiritons into photons.

As so expensive scientific equipment had become expensive occult equipment.

"Are we shooting a porno?" Two announced his return with that question. He was naked and hard. Trevor was with him, also naked and hard. They were holding hands. "I don't mind. I always wanted to star in one."

"What grand ambitions you have. Well, if you like it, I could let you keep a copy. If Trevor does not mind."

"I would like a copy too," Trevor said, almost shyly. I was not sure how he managed to sound shy, while naked and with an erection, but it was adorable.

"Do prepare to be a bit disappointed. The end result may not be that arousing. I am recording your auras." I pointed my hand to the mattress. "Take your place. Have you decided who will top?"

"Top?" Trevor asked.

"Top one who fucks. Bottom one who gets fucked," Two crudely explained, "I am top."

"Ok," Trevor agreed.

"Catch," I said as I tossed the metal hand cream container to Two. The naked psychic boy deftly caught the container, with just a little telekinesis. He examined it curiously, turning it over in his hands.

"This is a nice container," he said, admiring the sleek design and smooth surface. "What is it?"

"It's hand cream," I replied. "It's perfect for keeping your hands soft and smooth, but more importantly it is an adequate substitute for lubricant. I didn't bring any condoms for you, but I know that you are both disease-free, so we can skip them for the occasion. But that don't let that become a habit. Safety is important. Damien lay on the mattress on your back. Trevor, after he does that, go and sit on his chest."

Two followed my instructions, but Trevor had a question. "I thought he was supposed to be on top?"

"It is a topsy-turvy day. The bottom goes up, and the top goes down," I dryly said, and then explained more gently, "Jokes aside, the position top was not meant to be literal, or even permanent. In this context, it just meant one who does the penetrating. When initiating a neophyte, like you, it is useful for a novice to be on top. So, you can set your own pace. Don't be nervous, it is very important that you relax. I know it can be hard with all those sensations coursing through your body but take a breath. Or two."

Trevor obeyed, his posture becoming less tense. He moved to join Two on the mattress.

"Don't sit. Straddle him. Your weight should be on your knees, and there should be at least a handspan between your ass and his chest. Just like that. Now, Damien, you should have clear access to both his penis and anus. His penis should be close enough that you suck on it, and if not, Trevor, move a bit forward."

Trevor did move forward a bit, shuffling his knees. Once the boys settled in a comfortable position, I continued with instructions. 

"Damien, before taking Trevor into your mouth, be sure to cover your teeth with your lips, creating a loose, soft O-shape with your mouth. Take his entire cock into your mouth and have it rest there for a couple of seconds. Now have it glide slowly out. Pause dramatically, then repeat a couple of times, choosing to lick the frenulum underneath the tip with either your tongue's tip or the flat part of your tongue. Now mimic thrusting by moving his member in and out of your mouth as you slowly tighten your lips around his shaft and use your tongue to apply additional pressure. The tongue action can be circular, quick, or lingering, or involve more of a licking or pressing up against his penis's hot spots. Experiment a bit. See what Trevor likes. Actually, feel what Trevor likes, you are a psychic, and you can feel his emotions. Drive him wild, but slow when you feel orgasm approaching. Revel in his sensations, let his lust build up yours."

Trevor let out a series of moans and grunts while being sucked. Once I judged that it was time for the next phase, I gave the next set of instructions.

"Next, use the cream Cover your fingers and between his cheeks copiously with it. Lubricate your finger with the cream and insert it into his asshole. Wait until you can feel Trevor relax then apply more cream and push deeper. You'll feel the sphincter muscles at this point; these need to relax for Trevor to get fucked. Trevor, deliberately tighten them. You'll be surprised how strong they are. Relax them. Grip and relax these muscles several times."

"So good," Trevor moaned, "More, I want more."

"Pust it deeper in Damien. Once your finger gets beyond the inner sphincter, it enters the rectum, a wider space. You'll notice the change in texture. Move your finger in and out a couple of inches at a time. Time it to the same rhythm you are doing the suckling. You are doing very well Trevor. See there is nothing to fear. See how easy it is."

"Can I have his cock now?" Trevor breathlessly asked. Two grunted with his mouth full in agreement.

"Lest add another finger first. Add another finger Damien, and while doing that cover your penis with cream using your other hand. I know that I am asking you to do many things at once, but you are a capable young man, and I am sure you can manage. Just follow my voice."

"I can't take any more." Trevor exclaimed, "Please, I am ready."

So needy. "Shh, relax. Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast. Discipline brings greater pleasure."

"It is too much. And it is not enough. Please."

"Beg some more. Tell Damien what you want. Tell him how good a job he is doing. Abandon shame."

"Your mouth, your finger, it feels divine. But I want more. I am greedy. I want your cock. I want it so bad. I want it to fill me."

"Damien, you can stop now."

Two obeyed and Trevor let out a soft moan of displeasure. "No. Don't stop. I have learned my lesson. I can be patient."

"This is not a punishment, Trevor. Although we can play with it later. Damen has been doing all the work, It is time for you to pitch in. Now move backwards, until you reach Damien's hips. His penis should be directly under your anus." I waited while the ginger-blonde boy moved, shuffling over the other naked boy's torso until I saw that he reached just the right place. "Stop. This is the perfect place. Sit on his penis, slowly. You may have to use your hand to guide it into you. Just like that. Now that the head is in, sit slowly. If you feel any pain pull away gently and rest before trying again. The interval will give the sphincter time to relax and open. Good. Good. Don't stop until you sit firmly on his hips. Now push up and down. Rock forward and backwards and feel his cock inside. Remember how grasped his fingers with sphincter muscles, now do the same with his penis."

"Ride me hard," Two added his own encouragement, "Ride me like a stallion."

"Damien, you just relax your body. Let Trevor set the pace. You will be tempted to buckle your hips. Don't. Not the first time. Focus on your mind. You can already Trever, now push your own sensation to him. Build a bridge. You will find during sex that is remarkably easy to do, especially if you are both gifted. Once you do that, you will be able to create a feedback loop. Experience penetrating him and experience him being penetrated. Share that with him."

"Yess, I can feel him," they both spoke at once, synchronized, "I am cumming."

The white liquid spattered over the Two's naked abdomen. I stopped the cameras. There was no point in recording further. The experiment was concluded.