Gringotts and Wards

After a quick breakfast, Harry and Madam Bones went back to the meeting room. An Elf soon showed in the Goblin delegation, which consisted of four goblins and two wizards. One of the latter looked incredibly like Ron, while Harry recognized one of the former as Griphook, who had shown him to his vault.

"Hello. May your coffers overflow with gold and your enemies tremble before you," Harry in perfect goblin.

All four goblins halted, the shock on their faces clear to one who had spent several months with their kind. From what Neville had told Harry, very few modern wizards spoke the goblin language - mostly those who worked for Gringotts or who had studied it for scholarly reasons. Even fewer knew of the proper greetings to use.

Finally, the leader of the group, identifiable as the only one with a sword hanging from the belt of his three piece suit, nodded his head at Harry. "May the blood of your enemies bathe your weapons, and your vaults never empty," he replied.

Harry switched back to English, recognizing that at least two of the humans present hadn't understood the goblin language. He hadn't gotten a good read on the red-headed man. "I am Lord Slytherin, but you may call me Harry. I am sure you are familiar with Madam Bones, currently the Interim Minister for Magic?"

The Goblin leader nodded curtly. "I am Warclaw, Hogwarts Account Manager." He then waved Griphook forward. "With me are Potter Accounts Manager-"

"Griphook. Nice to see you again," Harry nodded at the Goblin, causing all four to gaze at him in shock again.

Warclaw quickly recovered and waved forward the next goblin. "Also attending are Toughnut, head of Curse Breaking, and Sharptooth, head of Warding."

"Well met!" Harry greeted them as the fourth goblin stepped back into the group.

"We have also brought Warder Abbot," Warclaw continued, gesturing at the witch, "and Curse Breaker Weasley," the redhead stepped forward.

"Any relation to Ron and the twins?" Harry asked curiously.

The redhead laughed. "Those are some of my brothers; I'm Bill Weasley."

"Well met," Harry greeted him. After hearing about the way that Dumbledore and the Weasley matriarch had planned to manipulate and potion him, Harry was inclined to be wary around the rest of the family. However, Bill was clearly trusted by the goblins, so Harry would give him a fair chance and tried not to judge him by the actions of his mother.

"So, where would you like to begin?" Harry asked Warclaw. "With the school accounts, the hiring, the wards, or the curses?"

Warclaw grinned, showing many teeth. Goblins appreciated those who got right down to business instead of wasting time. "We'll start with the Curses and Wards, and send those teams off first."

"Very well." With a wave of his hand, Harry created a map of the second floor south corridor and the sixth floor Northwest hall. "For some time there has been a rumor that the defense position is cursed. That rumor was partially confirmed during the trials of the last few days."

"As you can see on this map, the defense classroom and office on the second floor have not changed in the last fifty years, which is beyond the time frame of the curse. In the faculty quarters on the sixth floor, several rooms have been used by the cursed professors, each of which is marked with a star. Though it is far easier to access the classroom and office, we don't want to rule anything out. It is also possible that the curse is located in another part of the castle, and merely long-reaching enough to affect the defense position, but these rooms are, we believe, the best place to start."

"Well reasoned," Toughnut said. "Do you know who placed the curse?"

"We believe it most likely that it was done by Voldemort himself, though he could have used a Death Eater or other proxy, either willingly or unwillingly." Madam Bones said.

"And do you have a sample of his magical signature?" Toughnut asked.

"As a matter of fact," Harry snapped his fingers and a House Elf popped into the room.

"Yes Master Snake?"

"Please go to St. Mungo's and have them send over a magical signature trace from the spirit that was possessing Professor Quirrell," Harry instructed it.

"Yessir!" The elf popped away and returned a few minutes later. Warclaw and Toughnut had been engaged in a soft discussion in rapidfire goblin, and upon seeing the elf reappear they broke off.

Toughnut gathered the parchment and crystal the elf had provided, along with Harry's map, and stood. Bill Weasley quickly followed him out.

"Now, with regards to your wards?" Sharptooth asked, as Warder Abbott leaned in closer.

A wave of Harry's hand created another map, this one much older and more expansive. "These are the limits of the founders' lands when they were awarded by the Crown," he explained. "At the moment, the wards do not cover most of our land. Additionally, there are partial wards in some locations, such as over Hogsmeade, and a tangled mess of wards over the castle."

The two warders nodded, looking over the map. "What we heirs would like is a multi-part service. First, we need a detailed accounting of all the wards that are on our lands, either full or partial. Second, we need a new ward scheme; one which protects all of our land, while also having reinforced and specific wards in key areas, such as the village and castle. Thirdly, we need the boundaries clearly marked, and the new ward scheme implemented. Finally," Harry smirked, "we would like to speak to someone at Gringotts about guest teaching warding classes to our NEWT students, but I believe that matter can wait until later in the week."

Warclaw grinned toothily again. "You are very ambitious, Lord Slytherin," he said.

Harry grinned right back. "As I should be, Warclaw."

After a quick discussion, the two warders turned back to Harry and Warclaw. "We shall analyze the current wards," Sharptooth decided. "If you will arrange for us to see the boundaries you would like the new wards to fall on?"

"I can take you myself," Harry offered. "When you are ready simply ask for a House Elf and they will summon me. I offer you free access to our land and also the next room over with the brown door, if you need a space to work undisturbed."

"Thank you, Lord Slytherin," Sharptooth said, very respectfully for a goblin. He gathered up the map and then left, followed by Warder Abbott.