We're Still Walking To The Divine Pool Of The Pinnacle Mountain

"I guess, it's made from trees and then transformed into papers." Drew said while staring into her eyes and managing to swiftly row the boat as though it was as swift as wind and soft as clouds.

"It's as though anyone can simply make it, trees are everywhere. Even in the skies." Edith responded as she looked around towards the horizons of the scenery in-front of them. It was rather beautiful, it looked as though she felt apprehensive about the potential threats they could face even though, their plane of equivocal meridian were fortified. Maybe she began to wonder if the dragons arrived around here to retrieve the golden flower, that have value for it's worthy potent gold and the shine that it reflects under the sun. 

"Yeah hah. You make sense and that's a very clever opinion but, it doesn't really work that way. It pretty much works in some kind of a chronological synchronicity but later i think it sort of ends up collecting a massive void of webbed malfunction." Drew smiled and chuckled shortly after he said.

"I suppose it would be quite hypocritical of me to say that a thing like time would not determine our ability to harness existence. Perhaps these differences could complicate the explanations generally made by most scholars, but it questions sciences that are not customarily receptive to unachievable phenomena like, reactions of elements or, a chemical reaction from love and compassion. Mostly, everything that exists. What use it is if it cannot bring changes & shifts in the paradigms of an earthly world. Father Genesis always advises me to explore the human world because my visions concerns constructive criticisms about them. You must feel the same way too, that my knowledge precedes me and that my opinions about humans is much too arrogant for my own good." Edith explained as she quietly feels distracted by him and the hidden ways in which he is capable of noticing little things, even though he was still experiencing something new.

"I wasn't really going to say anything but i was going to say that no matter how much they over-look your opinions and neglect the possibilities you've derived from your studies, just know that your knowledge is in fact very important to us. And especially, to Elysium. And the things that Genesis God created for the living." Drew reassured and wanted further reasons to comfort her nervousness for all things left to uncover between them. And, how he was slowly starting to subside into the element of a grown and enlightened person whilst discovering greater meanings of a life that lied beyond the axis of the courage for the unknown. An adventure that was never before endeavored.

The solidarity presence of one another they shared a moment of togetherness in the sudden silence comprised of the element, loneliness. They were both of higher consciousness now to pick up from the reality, of a thing such a loneliness. Drew realized that she must have spent a long time dwelling inside the wonders of heavenly loneliness. 

"I suppose loneliness has always followed me as a mode of requirement for my quests of work spheres. And i never once thought that I would finally be on a celestial quest, to lift my fallen soulmate, everybody did wonder why. You. I guess i don't feel so lonely anymore with you by my side." Edith said as she smiled at Drew meekly, she seemed vulnerable from the inability to conceal truth because she felt helplessly shackled by the power of Divine Virtues.

"Anyone would believe that loneliness is a peace of cake for beings like angels. Were angels ever forbidden from going to Earth?" Drew asked

"In most cases, they weren't but i think that a huge shift on Earth concerning the coming of a predatory disorder was what restricted the ascended angels from going back to Earth again, i don't think they actually heard from Earth since. Perhaps, such beliefs were over-looked by those who did have the abilities to descend to earth to lift their soulmates." she said, even though, it was evident that she did not think it was a really good idea to tell him all the truths about oneself to him, as the fears that he might turn out to be the one that betrays her, still lingers inside her mind.

"Perhaps, it wouldn't be as lonely as you would be here, all the love of angels and Gods are on Earth, i suppose it would be a tragic thing to happen, if we no longer have that one source of life with Earth. What if one day, we lose our way and never find one another again, where would we look for ourselves?" He said.

"That simply can't happen because soul mates are primordial. And you and i are one, that's how we stand before of one another after the obliteration of existence. You may not know it now and maybe you will once you transform into angel form, but sometimes, we descended to Earth in our lifetimes to repair our in-corrections, and with humans, most are connected by chord-ed parables, like you and me, there are other words to sometimes describe us, soulmates." Edith batted her eyes as she described her point of view of the ironic sarcasm that the situation that brought them together would've still not been understood.

"You must have inexplicable skills at galactic observation for deriving your knowledge out of the stars and its astrology. I guess, since the last solar eclipse that brought total darkness into Earth without the presence of the Sun, the distinguishing and even the identifying of stars in the sky became wrongly estimated by the miscalculations of abstract placements of way too many star alignments and in return, their predictions remain inaccurate. You are but such a magnificence of creation itself, I'm beginning to really admire you for showing me the truth you live, and that is something that makes you more beautiful than ever. Anyone would be." Drew complimented her and quite humbly, he admired this moment that he would never forget.

"You continue to flatter me with such profound choices of words and affection, yet i must admit that, we're not too different from one another. And you're quite an exceptional being yourself, you just do not harness to it's senses yet." Edith said without being excessively affected by his compliments but having centered hints of arrogance.

Soon enough, they were close enough to the Pinnacle mountains, the quiet murmurs of the sea breeze that the soft river embraced with its subtle touch was the subtle breeze that seeps through the gaps of these mountains. And never ever sounded this quiet and inertly peaceful.

They had to now get off the ferry and walk on foot to the top of the pool.

"Perhaps, we could walk from here on-wards until the Pinnacle Mountain. I hope you can bear this time with me for a little longer." she said

"Heh i sure can. In-fact, it would be such a delightful experience to walk next to you to a heavenly pool of pure water. Unless i have to fight demons or sea sermons." Drews eyes glistened as she smiled at her thinking she wouldn't laugh at his joke this time.

Edith burst-ed in laughter and said " Is that something you secretly wish to do right now. How adorable!"

"Would you find it much interesting if you had to fight a beast instead, for this test." she walked ahead of him and joked yet resisted to appear nonchalant and mischievous in heaven. 

"Er..Well, I'm down for any kind of a challenge. Maybe, I'll take down a demon with my hidden demonic abilities too. heh" Drew made gestures of certain mastery of martial arts and joked to her..

"Well, it's much too peaceful here for there to be any conflicts between two different kinds of beings co-existing without terror, things were like that only a thousand years ago. But, if you train hard enough you'll attain strength to vanquish demons that try to harm you. That's for sure." Edith looked at him from the corner of her eyes as she walked in front of him now...and this indicated to him hidden emotions from nostalgia and the way she keeps trying to conceal it.

"Well currently, I'm capable of stopping time and moving in immeasurable speed, i suppose that is considered a benefit for agility. That's how i ended up in that plane of holograms." He exclaimed to her with much inquisitions like a young boy, perhaps he wanted her to know the reasons why such things happened in the first place.

"I personally think that time traveling is a very nice thing but sometimes there are possibilities of leaving fragments of your soul that you can leave behind leaving traces of errors and mistakes that it comes with, unless in rare cases such as your yin and yang are cultivated with true balance. Its nothing too serious i've known." she dismissed and indicated with a hand gesture.

With much recollections from his studies as well as his introspects into the subject Yin and Yang, he thought that her statement about the Yin and Yang was not entirely correct and he quietly laughed in his head.

"Well, i only bent time once which lead me to bear paradoxical consequences of a time-loop. Which was okay for me as both the levels of my energy were balanced. There i met a girl known as Lilo, she knocked on the door and when i opened it, she said things about the end of the human world. She was in fact a stranger who claimed to know me." Drew said, as he confessed to her about the wonders of the time he spent on that time dialation, in the remnant of a quantum plane.

He thought about it again and again and he knew that it was time to let go of the thought of that quantum plane being the only remnant left of Earth.

"Hm Lilo! What a beautiful name. How did she get there..Perhaps, she was a lover of yours.. from a past?" Edith diverted the tensions of a much complex reckoning as such and instead asked him about Lilo.

"Have you ever been in love before?" and continued

"No, i never have fallen in love before however, I've read vast books about them and fallen in love with them from libraries and movies, unknown to the rest of the world. I would not realize it if i had ever fallen in love, because a thing like love is not a thing to find, it's a thing to experience and feel, yet i cannot fully confess to you if i have or haven't fallen in love with you because, i'm unsure that this is how it feels. Or it could be, that you're an angel, and much succumbed by the common notions of being loved by most, and those that feel captivated by holy presence." He smirked in subtle instincts of bitterness by the uneasy imbalance of what may happen between them after he takes a jump into the pool.

"You can love me because i love you too but in this present moment it requires me to stay honest to my codes of holy conduct, and i cannot encourage for you to unintentionally bring careless inconveniences of adoration and compassion that you feel towards someone like me, i am but an angel at your service. Besides, maybe it is the past that required fixations, during the many ages of the evolution of Love." She said like she was always already adapted to such situations of unexplainable awkwardness and to compliments of her beauty from the others around her.