The Journey to the Divine Pinnacle Mountain - Edith & Drew

I guess, it's made from trees and then transformed into papers." Drew said while staring into her eyes and managing to swiftly row the boat as though it was as swift as wind and soft as clouds.

"It's as though anyone can simply make it, trees are everywhere. Even in the skies." Edith responded as she looked around towards the horizons of the scenary infront of them. It was rather beautiful, it looked as though she felt apprehensive about the potential threats they could face even though, their plane of equivocal meridian were fortified. Maybe she began to wonder if the dragons arrived around here to retrieve the golden flower, that have value for it's worthy potent gold and the shine that it reflects under the sun. 

"Yeahhah. You make sense and that's a very clever opinion but, it doesn't really work that way. It pretty much works in some kind of a chronological synchronity but later i think it sort of ends up collecting a massive void of webbed malfunction." Drew smiled and chuckled shortly after he said.

"I suppose it would be quite hypocritical of me to say that a thing like time would not determine our ability to harness existence. Perhaps these differences could complicate the explainations generally made by most scholars, but it questions sciences that are not customarily receptive to unpercievable phenomenas like, reactions of elements, a chemical reaction turned into spirituality, love and compassion. What use it is if it cannot bring changes & shifts in the paradigms of an earthly world." Edith said without too much expression that would dismiss her now self-centered self, she was much too contained and focused about the consequences of the parallelity of time that her mind could not be diverted from her self-inflicted tasks. She looked at Drew and smiled with reassurance, somehow she also felt very emotionally withdrawn from the conversation and felt that her attention now felt diverted like bi-polar disorder. 

"Now, father always advices me to explore the human world because my visions concerns constructive critisisms about them. You must feel the same way too, that my knowledge precedes me and that my opinions about humans is much too arrogant for my own good." She continued as though she suddenly changed her mind to refurbish her state of attention towards him.

"I wasn't really going to say anything but i was going to say that no matter how much they over-look your opinions and neglect the possibilities you've derived from your studies, just know that your knowledge is infact very important to us. And especially, to Elysium. And the things that Genesis God created for the living." Drew resonated in enlightenment suddenly, when he noticed that Edith was having trouble with a certain divine ephiphany.

The solidatiry presence of one another they shared a moment of togetherness in the sudden silence comprised of the element, lonliness. They were both of higher consciousness now to pick up from the reality, of a thing such a lonliness. Drew realized that she must have spent a long time dwelling inside the wonders of lonliness and that it must take so much of herself to surpass it. 

"I suppose lonliness has always followed me as a mode of requirement for my quests of work spheres. And i never once thought that I would finally be on a celestial quest, to lift my fallen soulmate, everybody did wonder why. You. I guess i don't feel so lonely anymore with you by my side." Edith said as she smiled at Drew meekly, she seemed vulnerable from the inability to conceal truth because she felt helplessly shackled by the power of Divine Virtues. 

"Were angels ever forbidded from going to Earth?" Drew asked

"In most cases, they weren't but i think that a huge shift on Earth, concerning the coming of a predatory disorder was what restricted the ascended angels from going back to Earth again, we actually did not hear from Earth, since. Perhaps, such beliefs were over-looked by those who did have the abilities to descend to earth." Edith said displaying slight arrogance concering the dwellings on Earth now and to Drew she would seem exceptionally more sensitive about Earth than the other angels. 

"Perhaps, it wouldn't be as lonely as you would be here, all the love of angels and Gods are on Earth, i suppose it would be a tragic thing to happen, if we no longer have the source of connection with Earth. What if one day, we lose our way and never find one another again, where would we look for ourselves?" Drew retorted as he corrected and praised Edith with motivation.

"Well. Definitely not in our brains but our hearts haha." Edith Chuckled. "You may not know it now and maybe you will once you transform into angel form, but sometimes, we descended to Earth in our lifetimes to repair our incorrections, and with humans, most are connected by chorded parables, like you and me, there are other words to sometimes describe us, soulmates." She said to him so he feels convinced that she knows the ways of heaven and earth yet, she expressed subtle shift of emotions out of paranoia for the unknown and the sacrifices that she may have to bear being an angel.

Maybe what confused her more was if this love they had for each other was real or if it were because there were intrusions that would have caused obstructions in the future of theirs. She wasn't completely aware if he would still be the same angel she knew and if they were seperated by the causes of their metaphysics and it's elements. Her instincts did guide her at times and she was a little withdrawn from holding conversations about the evident differences in the things they both knew, because right now, he didn't remember anything yet. 

"You must have inexplicable skills at galactic observation for deriving your knowledge out of the stars and its astrology. I guess, since the last solar eclipse that brought total darkness into Earth without the presence of the Sun, the distinguishing and even the identifying of stars in the sky became wrongly estimated by the miscalculations of abstract placements of way too many star alignments and in return, their predictions remain inaccurate. You are but such a magnificence of creation itself, i'm beginning to really admire you for showing me the truth you live, and that is something that makes you more beautiful than ever. Anyone would be." Drew smiled at her and admired how both their skins were now glowing and basking in the same sun and sudden emotions of melting away with her arrived from nostalgia that wasn't known or cognizient to him.

"You continue to flatter me with such profound choices of words and affection, yet i must admit that, we're not too different from one another, you're just of the male species that stands to be the only difference. And you're quite an exceptional being yourself, you just do not harness to it's senses yet." Edith blushed and hid it away immediately 

Soon enough, they were close enough to the Pinnacle mountains, the quiet murmurs of the sea breeze that the soft river embraced with its subtle touch was the subtle breeze that seeps through the gaps of these mountains. And never ever sounded this quiet and inertly peaceful.

They had to now get off the ferry and walk on foot to the top of the pool.

"Perhaps, we could walk from here onwards until the Pinnacle Mountain. I hope you can bear this time with me for a little longer, it is not such a short walk." she sighed and walked much further from him.

"Heh i sure can. Infact, it would be such a delightful experience to walk tiredly to find the Divine waters but even much more, to walk beside you. Unless i have to fight demons or sea sermons." Drew smirked as he looked at her from a distance that she created between them.

Edith bursted in laughter and said "Fight demons and sea sermons, Is that something you secretly wish to do right now." she said

"Would you find it much interesting if you had to fight a beast instead, for this test." Edith added and her questions sounded rhetoric like a mode of distraction and the atmospheric surroundings around them began to appear much contrastingly to their reality, it wasn't a design that was planned but one that nature had made to adapt to such a perfection and designs of synchronity.

"Er..Well, I'm down for any kind of a challenge. Maybe, i'll take down a demon with my hidden demonic abilities too. heh" He boasted as they walked forward together and Drew looked cherishable and withdrawn by the moments of perfection with her.

"Well, it's much too peaceful here for there to be any conflicts between two different kinds of beings co-existing without terror, things were like that only a thousand years ago. But, if you train hard enough you'll attain strength to vanquish demons that try to harm you. That's for sure." She pointed at him as she described the lengths of his capabilities.

"Well currently, i'm capable of stopping time and moving in immeasurable speed, i suppose that is considered a benifit for agility. Even though i haven't used it since the time at the quantum plane. That's how i ended up in that plane of holograms." Drew said, even though he was nervous about Edith's purpose with him and was distracted sometimes, by self-doubts.

"I personally think that time travelling is a very nice thing but sometimes there are possibilities of leaving fragments of your soul that you can leave behind leaving traces of errors and mistakes that it comes with, unless in rare cases such as your yin and yang are cultivated with true balance." She said to him and stared at him from the corner of her eyes and, she wasn't sure if he would find her lectures and advices much ostentatious even for herself. Because something deep within told her he must already know of such things.

With much recollections from his studies as well as his introspects into the subject Yin and Yang, he thought that her statement about the Yin and Yang was not entirely correct and he quietly laughed in his head.

"Well, i only bent time once which lead me to bear paradoxic consequences of a time-loop. Which was okay for me as both the levels of my enegy were balanced. There i met a girl known as Lilo, she knocked on the door and when i opened it, she said things about the end of the human world. She was infact a stranger who claimed to know me." Drew confessed to her because he felt that telling her the truth fit the element of this moment in the time of this revelation that was divine.

"Hm Lilo! What a beautiful name. How did she get there..Perhaps, she was a lover of yours.. from a past?" Edith said and she wanted to seem very keen to know about it because she did not want Drew to know that she did not actually want to know anything about it and to Drew, it 

"Have you ever been in love before?" She turned facing towards his direction, behind her and asked timidly without the intentions to appear forceful.

"No, i never have fallen in love before however, i've read vast books about them and fallen in love with them from libraries, unknown to the rest of the world. I would not realize it if i had ever fallen in love, because a thing like love is not a thing to find, it's a thing to experience and feel yet i cannot fully confess to you if i have or haven't fallen in love with you because im unsure that this is how it feels. Or i could be, that you're an angel, and much succumbed by the common notions of being loved by most that feel captivated by the holy presence of enlightenment." Drew answered with much focus on how much he is impacted by the love and felt that Edith doubted his knowledge and awareness of his righteous supriority.

"You can love me because i love you too but in this present moment it requires me to stay honest to my codes of holy conduct, and i cannot encourage for you to unintentionally bring careless inconviniences of adoration and compassion that you feel towards someone like me, i am but an angel at your service. Besides, maybe it is the past that required fixations, during the many ages of the evolution of Love." Edith responded without expressing too much of attention towards what romance would be like to her with someone unknown from Earth.

They were now infront of the Pinnacle Towers and mountains and just before that, they saw strange people that suddenly arrived from some kind of a tech inside cylindrical hoists of transportation, like avatars, and were blue in color, they began staring at them, clicking photos and laughing sarcastically as though they were making intelligent observations of a momentariy experience of romance and at the same time cherishing it as judge hosts. They were gone soon enough after their speculation and neither of them knew what that was and who they were and how they intended to cause them no harm at all.

"Who were they, i think they were clicking photos and taking videos of us. Strange!" Drew said

"Perhaps, they're just visitors for another realm." Edith wavered her hand at them and smirked at Drew

"Or perhaps they're your fans." Drew looked at her smirk and responded

"I doubt they're fans, we don't have fans in our world. Well! this is the gate to the Divine Pinnacle...i was hoping that you found it worthy of your time & experience. It is beautiful, isn't it." she said happily

"Yes it is rather extraordinary, there's such a calm presence of the resonance in it's heavenly nature that surely cannot be compared to the nature on Earth. Maybe, i'm most captivated by how i will always cherish this moment with you, in the beauty of this magnificient valley of heaven where a river flows to the sound of melodies, one that personifies you and your soul." drew was cheerful now and realized he was ready for whatever was to come his way.

"Hm." she smiled and paused to smirk. "You never fail to flatter me with your words of these momentarily captivations that your eyes behold... One day, a golden flower appeared in the court of Elysium with its roots, and as it just lay floating, we couldn't make much of it but perhaps, it revealed a gene from another source of nature, and we couldn't tell what it was, so we planted them here at the Pinnacle Tower Mountain, they say once it really ripes the golden touch in the composure of the flower can derive maleable and valueable gold." Edith said and changed the topic into something much knowledgeable and interesting.

"Come! I shall direct you into the Pool of Infinity, and instruct you how to plunge into it. If the prophesy is true and you possess the gene of a God, you may be revived with wings and a consciousness with memories of Elysium may return to you." Edith said to Drew and remained entitled to brining his presence to the divine pinnacle mountains.

As they entered the gate to the pool, they were surrounded by the forecefield of vibrance from the energy of purity, Drew could not move at his own pace and moved in slow momentarily fractions as the energy beyond the gate contained a super- carnal source of the power of light. The gate to the pool was in front of them and it opened swiftly before them, it was incredibly bright and the reflections of the light energy refraction from the oracle fell pulverizingly and vocariously, onto the pool of the pure waters, there was a presence of an activated magnetism of certain energy that gravitated in their presence as the beaming of this golden light fell onto their faces when they entered. On both the sides, there were two mountains shaped exactly like one another, they were slanted inwards towards one another, and this sort of hoisted a concentrated spotlight in the middle of the pool, where the light passed through and fell into the middle of the pool of holy water. 

Drew thought that the way these two mountains were perfectly aligned from every corner it signified the nature of perfection, as he observed closer, he noticed there they were perfectly symmetrical even without minor dents and unidentical differences. The water in it was formed by some kind of a condensation process from the clouds that were specifically different from the surrounding cloud formations.

"So that's where you must plunge yourself, and right into the middle there where the reflection of collected light source falls in that circle. And it isn't too deep though." Edith said to him refraining from expressing the awkwardness and the sympathy that she feels for what he may realize and things he may remember once he transforms into his angel form.

Then she plucked a shiny and shap object from the air and quickly pricked his finger and dropped his blood into the pool. Drew removed his clothes and walked infront showing no signs of fear or cowardice because right now he did not want to fail himself nor did he want to fail Edith and the prophecy that was meant to be completed. Drew walked into it slowly and at first Edith thought that he would ask her questions and be prancy from nervousness but surprisingly, he didn't respond to her in his usual element. Drew wore no clothes and was naked now, and he didn't really turn around to look at Edith but instead, swam ahead and he caught a glimpse of orb particles of colors floating around the middle where the rays fell and glistened like crystal bubbles. The sudden gravititional forces around him and the waters sucked him like a vaccum and a sudden energy surrounded him and he felt the sensations of a warm embrace that clutched on his soul and made him comfortable in a suffocating situation under the water. He jumped upward and plunged back into the pool without any instructions he followed his own instinct.

Edith watched from the land, and she stood next to the glowly flowers of gold and at the back of Drews mind, he still remembered an image of what she would look like as she stood there and watched him and it was like the ability of the third eye.


Suddenly, strange fragments of colors filled with light appeared above the water before He bursted out of the pool and his body remained levitated along with the crystal particles that encircled his bright aura. He appeared unconscious and his head remained pulled backward while his eyes were blackened and his body was resonating in distinct vibrations of energy around him, his body felt captivated by a source of light and he felt love, love that suddenly started to captivate his body, soul and his mind. 

The winds roared in the moment and brought with it an unusual atmosphere of darkness, like the mesmerizing nighttime and it's luminicent twilight. Drew's body was levitated above magic waters that bore the nature of rivers and seas. And the chakras started to accumulate an inter-entanglement of energy that began to collide into the channeling of energy from the divinity and the magic of both the Sun and the Moon. He did possess the gene of a God as they predicted and his vision was now clear. His body now transformed into a magnificient formation of flesh and soul that represented his divine masculinity of a metaphysical Angel being. His wings now emerged from the strike of a lightning and he was now in control of his flight.

He now remained afloat above grounds as his wings emerged during the transformation, Drew turned around to look at Edith and he flew towards her now with the use of his wings.

"I never thought i'd get my wings back honestly, i guess father knew i had yearned for the return of my wings. Before you speak any words of solitary information to me, i must let you know that i know and remember who i am. I am Leo, angel of the constellations and a primordial God of the stars. Ive been on Earth to dwell in the endeavors and the incorrections of my past but was somehow left inside the ruins of protection, there wasn't any forms of reachability towards earth and their people but i was confined to a parallel realm like Earth, called Old Fork. I could not make any meaning out of what impurities may still be left on the surface of Earth, maybe things that could have resulted from my own doings my love, but im here to seek retribution from you." Leo said to her and expressed channeling of warm embrace for her that which was always within.

"Welcome back Leo! Its such a wonderful sight to have you infront of me again. As for your own dwellings on Earth it fell into notice that your journey to earth was but your own affiliations in the past, and the afflictions with its people. During the time of your absence, Poseidon had slowly left the throne after the passing of elements from seasons and cycles lead the changes to take place without conflicts in the celestial order of Elysium, the throne was then passed to the current God King, Genesis our heavenly father. Also, speaking of wings, he had made many a wings re-emerge on angels from fallen stars, with the use of his blood." She wiped her tears and weeped as Drew walked closer to Edith and hugged her by when his wings bursted out and emerged and lifted Edith into his wings and shot into the sky.