The Call

The next day Lloyd was worse. I brushed his hair away from his face and gave him his medicine. I was a little worried. I don't know if I'm doing this correctly. I mean he is part dragon and oni. And he's in his dragon form right now. I brushed my hand against one of his wings. His tail twitched but that was the only reaction I got which told me he really wasn't feeling well because he loved it when I rubbed his wings. I sighed and kissed him gently on the forehead. "I got to go meet Gaara," I whispered.

He groaned in pain but managed a small nod. "Be..." He faltered and couldn't say anything else.

But I knew what he was going to say. "I'll be careful," I promised. I left the room and went outside. Other Lloyd was already out there. "Hey," I said.

He glanced at me. "How is he?"

"Worse," I said unhappily.

He nodded. "He'll get better."

"Maybe." I looked at my watch. "Nightmare will be opening the portal in about two minutes."

"Yeah. I'm surprised Lloyd didn't try to come out here with you."

I glared at the ground. "He's in so much pain he can't even talk," I growled.

The portal slid open and Gaara walked through. "Hey, Gaara," other Lloyd said casually.

"Hello, Lloyd, Y/n," Gaara said. "How is your husband, Y/n?"

I winced. "Bad. Really bad and I can't heal him." I sighed. "Anyway, come on. Let's get inside." I led them to the kitchen. "This is the only place that everyone rarely comes to," I explained to Gaara seeing his slightly confused look.

"I see."

"So what's up?" Lloyd said.

I rolled my eyes. "Give a minute, Lloyd."

Gaara smiled. "It's been a while since we've all seen each other and I thought it might be a good idea to drop by."

I leaned back in my chair. "Sorry I haven't remained in contact, Gaara."

"It's fine. It seems like you've had a lot to deal with," he said glancing at my stomach.

I blushed. "That didn't happen until a month ago!"

He chuckled. "Alright. When did you find out Liam and a brother?"

"Stepbrother," I corrected. 

He frowned. "Why is that important?"

"Because he wants to be in a relationship with me and since he's not really related in any way he doesn't have to worry about it being wrong."

"Do you think this could turn into a war?"

"Honestly? I don't know. We're all hoping it won't but no one can predict the future, right?"

"Right. Unless you gain another power."

I winced. "Please don't say that. I don't want another power. I have enough as is." We fell silent then other Lloyd chuckled. I frowned. "What's so funny?"

"Oh, it's hard to imagine Lloyd went from being your bodyguard to being your husband," he replied snickering.

I scowled. "Not funny." 

"From what I hear, he hated princesses because of Harumi but now he's friends with her."

I shook my head. "Not really. He tries to avoid her the best he can but he does trust her now."

"Yes, you two got together in my world," Gaara said.

I smiled. "Yeah. That's when Lloyd showed me his dragon form too."

"That you hid from me until I came here for the war."

I winced. "He didn't know how anyone would react."

Gaara frowned. "I have Shukaku. People used to think of me as a monster but now they don't. Is that how they reacted?"

I shut my eyes. I don't like thinking about how Lloyd went on a rampage when I died. "Yeah, people did. But they calmed down once they realized he was destroying the city because he was overwhelmed with grief." My phone rang and I blinked. It was an unknown number but I answered it. "Hello?"


"M-mom?" I stuttered in amazement.

"I need to talk to you."


I heard her sigh. "Please come to the palace so we can talk."

I hesitated. My husband would be pissed if I went there without him. "Umm...I'll come but can you wait for a week?"

"No, this is important. I need to talk to you now."

I tried to figure something out. "Can't you come here to the monastery?"

"No, I have to watch David."

"He's nine," I snapped. "He won't be alone there. There's Dad and all the servants."

"Y/n please just come here."

"I'll think about it." I hung up before she could say anything. "That was my mom. She wants to talk to me," I told Gaara and the other Lloyd.

"Lloyd's not going to be happy if you go without him," other Lloyd observed.

"Thanks for pointing out the obvious," I snapped at him. I stood. "I'll be right back." I went into our room and found Lloyd in the middle of a coughing fit. I sat beside him and waited for it to be over. When it was I said, "Lloyd, my mom just called me. She has something she wants to tell me but wants me to come to her instead of her coming here. I think I'll go."

He shook his head weakly. "," he forced out.

I smiled. "You can't stand and you need your rest. I'll bring Gaara and the other you with me. Okay?"

"No." He tried to get up but fell back against the pillows in exhaustion.

I put a hand on his shoulder when he started to do it again. "Lloyd, you're staying here," I said firmly. "You need to rest so you can get better. Please. I'll be safe." I brushed my lips against his forehead. "Besides, Nightmare will be there too, you know."

He groaned. "I...hate...being...weak."

"You aren't weak. You're sick," I said sharply.


I sighed. "Saying it in Spanish does not make calling yourself weak any better."

He opened his eyes just to glare at me. "No."

I dropped my head onto his shoulder. "Lloyd, please. It could be something important. Like she knows stuff about Loro. I mean she did sleep with Liam so she might know about him."

"" He was breathing hard from the effort it took to talk.

"It could be. If it is I'll have Gaara, other Lloyd, and Nightmare." I paused. "I'm able to fight too."

"Nothing...I it?"

"Nope." I kissed his forehead again. "Rest. I'll be back later." I went back to the kitchen. "You two are coming with me," I said.

They both stood. "Okay," Gaara said.

"We'll walk." I paused. "Oh, and Nightmare will be coming to but that's mostly because he doesn't let me out of his sight anymore."

They nodded and we headed to the palace.


Débil = Weak