A Day Later

I glared at a pair of handcuffs grumpily. I couldn't get my power to infuse with the stupid things. The Ninja and my husband were out searching for Loro at the moment so I was alone with Hydra and Jonathan. I glanced at the crib. I wish he could talk. I turned back to the cuffs and tried again. Didn't work. I chucked them across the room. "Stupid fucking things," I growled.

"Hey, look on the bright side, at least Jonathan didn't wake up to that noise," Hydra said.

"Callarse la boca," I snapped.

She held up her small claws in surrender. "I'm just saying."

I forced myself to calm down. "This is getting tiring. Those cuffs seem to push my power out instead of absorbing them." Jonathan whimpered in his sleep and we both looked at him. He settled down again. 

"Just take a break. Then try again later."

I stood up from my desk and stretched. "I can't wait for Jonathan to grow older."

"You do know he won't talk until he's like...three, right?" Hydra said.

I sighed. "I know." I thought for a minute. "I think I'm going to head to the training room."

Hydra looked at Jonathan. "Is he coming?"

I rolled my eyes. "Obviously." I gently picked him up and grabbed his stroller. He started crying so I started rocking him until he fell asleep. Then I strapped him into the stroller and rolled it to the training room. Then I began training. 

Hydra came in fifteen minutes later. "Did you purposely forget to bring me with you?" She asked panting.

I smirked. "Maybe."I punched the punching bag again.

"Jerk," she muttered.

The door opened and my husband walked in. He kissed me briefly before scooping Hydra up and setting her down on the stroller handle. "So how's it going with the handcuffs?" Lloyd asked.

I punched the punching bag harder. "Bad. The stupid things won't let my power infuse with them," I growled doing a spinning kick.

He left and came back with the cuffs. I glared at them and he chuckled. "You're going to let a pair of handcuffs beat you?"

I turned my glare on him. "No, I just need a moment to calm down then I'll try again." Jonathan started crying. "Can you pick him up? I want to do some more training."

Lloyd nodded and gently picked Jonathan up. "Have you spoken to your mom recently?"

I shook my head and continued punching the punching bag. "Why?"

"Well, you did say you'd let her visit and she hasn't met Jonathan yet."

I stopped punching the bag and just stared at it. "I know," I said quietly. "But I don't know if I should have her come here with Loro trying to get Jonathan."

"If Loro was going to use her to get Jonathan, he would have done it by now," Lloyd told me while starting to rock Jonathan.

"Maybe or he's just waiting."

"Doubtful," Hydra muttered.

I shot a glare at her. "He probably hasn't thought of it yet. If I start talking to her he'll get that idea."

"Jeez, I didn't know you were paranoid."

I looked at my husband. "Can I chuck the lizard out the window?"

Lloyd blinked and looked from Hydra to me again. "What happened between you two while I was gone?"

"She threw the handcuffs and I commented that she was lucky Jonathan hadn't woken up when they had hit the wall. It made her mad at me for some reason," Hydra explained.

"Some reason?" I said angrily. "You do realize you said that smart-ass comment right when I was ready to strangle someone, right? It made me want to chuck you across the room so instead I came here and made you walk."

Lloyd frowned. "Maybe you two shouldn't be in the same room for the rest of the day."

"I wouldn't leave Jonathan with her either. If she's ready to strangle someone she might do it to him," Hydra said.

I saw red and just managed not to launch myself at the stupid stroller. I looked away and tried to force myself to calm down. Not working. "Hydra, please leave," Lloyd said. Then I felt his arms come around me. "Calm down, Y/n," he said softly.

"Lloyd, I don't understand what's wrong," I said worriedly. "I've never gotten this angry with someone and I've never actually thought of hurting someone when I am angry."

"You stopped yourself and you would never hurt Jonathan."

I turned to look at him though I couldn't bring myself to look him in the eyes so I looked at that ground instead. "Lloyd, when she said that I actually wanted to do it," I said quietly.

Lloyd gently tilted my head up so he could look into my eyes. "When did this start happening, Y/n?"

"Yesterday after we got back from the park," I whispered. " I found myself getting mad at things that never made me mad before."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

I looked away from him. "I don't know."

"Y/n, look at me." I shook my head. "Y/n," he growled. I lifted my eyes back to his. "I'm your husband. You need to tell these things." He pushed his hair out of his eyes. "You need to heal that spell out of you."

"I tried. I can't." I shut my eyes and waited for his anger to burst out. Wait, when did I start being afraid of Lloyd? Was whatever Loro did to me working on all my emotions? I opened my eyes, turned away from Lloyd, and ran for it.


Callarse la boca = Shut up