Arrest of an Enemy

I woke up in the morning and glanced at the time. Two hours until I needed to get Loro into the garden. I got up and put on black pants, a green shirt, and my boots. I put my hair in a bun and put on my green jacket. I grabbed the cuffs and put them in my pocket along with my pocket knife. Then I looked in the mirror. I was ready. "Cally!" I called once I got out of my room.

She ran over. "Yes, ma'am."

"Y/n," I corrected her gently. "I want you to take me to Loro."

She nodded. "Right this way, Ma'...Y/n." She turned and led the way. "He's in there," she said pointing to the kitchen.

"Cally," I said softly. She looked at me. "This is ending today. So be ready." 

"Okay." She left. 

I sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Then I went in. "Good morning, Loro," I said.

He smiled. "Good morning, my dear. Please have a seat and eat something."

I sat and filled my plate. Then quietly began eating. "So I've been thinking," I said once I finished. "Why don't we go out for a walk in the garden to get to know each other a bit?"

He nodded. "I'm okay with that. When do you want to do it?"

I glanced at the time. An hour until they showed up. "Thirty minutes?"

"Sure." He got up and left.

I paced in my room for the next thirty minutes quietly freaking out. This has to work. When it was time I met him at the door and we started walking. "So you know my favorite color," I said. "But I don't know yours."


Of course. "What are your hobbies?"

He thought for a minute. "I like creating new spells. What are yours?"

I thought for a minute. I didn't have one except..."Decorating." Which I haven't needed to do in a while since I like Lloyd and my room as it is. But I'll be decorating Jonathan's room now that the paint has finally dried. Then Jonathan can sleep in his room instead of ours.

He nodded. "You can decorate our room when we marry."

I blinked. "Okay..." I was not going to marry this guy. Ever. We came up on a bench. "Shall we sit?" I asked motioning to it.

He nodded and sat down. I sat beside him. "You know you really are beautiful," he said.

I smiled. "Thank you." I looked around at the flowers. "I think the flowers are more pretty though."

He snorted. "No, you are." 

I slipped my hand into my jacket pocket and fingered the cuffs. This was going to happen. "So how did you teach yourself magic?"

He smiled. "I stole something that, if I ate it, I would get powers. So I did and I'm pretty powerful.

Not more powerful than me, I thought to myself. "Can you show me a demonstration?" 

He held up a hand and a ball of fire appeared. "Voila."

I moved fast. I snapped one cuff on the outstretched hand and twisted his other arm around his back. Then I hook the other won with that and now he was handcuffed. I stood and smiled at his shocked expression. "Did you really think I'd marry you?" I scoffed. "I'm happily married. I love my husband and I wouldn't leave him for anyone."

Rage filled his eyes and he tried to get out of the cuffs. "You bitch," he snarled.

I knew he couldn't get out of them because one, they numb his magic and two, he couldn't pick the lock because I had slipped all the tools out of his pockets. I looked at my watch and looked up. The Ninja landed all around us. "This wasn't the plan," Nya said growing.

Lloyd's arms came around me. "Y/n," he breathed relief evident in his voice.

I wrapped my arms around his waist. "I'm unhurt."

He kissed me fiercely. "Never do that again," he growled.

I chuckled. "No promises." I paused. "Is Jonathan...?"

"He's with my parents," Lloyd reassured me.

"Good." I stepped out of his arms and went to the door to the palace. "Cally, it's over. Come on out."

After a few minutes, the girl came outside. "Is it really?" She asked hopeful.

I held out a hand. "Come on. I'll show you." I led her to where Loro was cuffed. "See? You can go home now."

Her eyes filled with tears and she hugged me. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

I hugged her back ."You're welcome," I said softly. I turned to Kai. "Kai, can you take Cally to her home?"

"Sure. Where is it?" Kai said.

"North of here. It's a small village," Cally said.

Kai made his elemental dragon and held out a hand. "Let's go then." He pulled her up and they flew off.

I watched the dragon until I could no longer see it then I turned to Loro and smirked. "And you get to go to jail," I said clamping a bracelet on his wrist that would keep his powers numb when the cuffs came off. Only I could take the bracelet off so we don't have to worry about him slipping it off. I turned to the others. "Who's taking him to prison and who's coming home with Lloyd and me?"

"Nya, Cole, Zane, and I are taking him to the prison," Jay said. "You, Lloyd, and Pixel are all going home."

I nodded. "Sounds good." Lloyd made his elemental dragon and Pix and I climbed on. I leaned my head against his back as he took off. "I wish I could do this," I murmured.

"Maybe you will," Lloyd said.

I snorted. "Doubtful."

"You just have to try."

I glanced at Pixel and she smiled. "I'm not getting involved," she said.

I groaned. "Just focus on driving," I huffed at Lloyd. He laughed. It's great being near him again and I can't wait to see my baby. Now I just need to find a way to tell Lloyd I'm pregnant again. You know what? I'll tell him when we're alone together and I won't tell anyone before him. I shut my eyes and fell asleep.