Chapter Six.

For two months I hadn't visited Sindiswa. I devoted all my free time to reading her insulting journal on my own. Sindiswa had written about me with so much ill, it made me angry. Her abduction started becoming nothing compared to the torture that she put me through. When I finished the journal I realized that the four years that Sindiswa was kept captive were smooth. Her captivity was typical child's play. As I replayed Sindiswa and I's conversations and sessions, I realized that she wasn't paying the price that she should. This girl ruined my life, yet, she ate ... bathed...... in fact she lived. She had oxygen in and out of her body. Other than my anger for my sister, Buhle made it a little hard to go to the warehouse. He called a lot, being that we barely saw each other. I didn't mind the calls, I actually loved that he cared about me that much but he blocked all possibilities of me visiting my sister.

For the passed two months Buhle and I have been on three dates, each were different and amazing. I have grown more familiar with him and some of his friends and cousins. I've only met them once but since Buhle is ever talking about me to them and them to me, it wasn't so hard to create a bond.

These two months birthed the cute nicknames and reduced my shyness. We weren't in a relationship officially but I could feel it coming.

Buhle hadn't met Siwe yet... I wasn't ready to have her met someone I wasn't sure of yet. Now I was sure so I prepared Siwe and Buhle to meet each other.

"Mummy!...... Mummy!.." Siwe screamed excitedly with giggles after.

Buhle was chasing her around the house. I don't know what game they were playing but it warmed my heart to see that they had grown so fond of each other in just a day. They officially met each other this afternoon. Buhle is so talkative and so funny, it was no surprise that him and Siwe got along so well..... she's exactly like him!

"Mummy won't save you." Buhle played along with Siwe, caught her and threw her in the air. Her laughter was priceless.

I was in a mood today. As much as I was happy that my two favorite people met and liked each other, I was irritated. Sindiswa could control my mood even when I didn't see her in a long time.

I was putting snacks in glass bowls. Buhle and I were watching a movie. The plan was, he'd meet Siwe and spend the whole day getting to know her and then the night was ours.

"Siwe it's way passed your bed time." I told Nelisiwe making her laughter stop. She frowned but it was late and I know she knew that.

"But it's movie night." She told me.

"Yes it is.... But for Buhle and I...... you're too young for the movie baby." I told Siwe as I cleared up the kitchen counter.

"Then change the movie." Siwe told me with an attitude I wasn't going to tolerate.

"Babe can you take the bowls and drinks to the living room." I asked Buhle and he did.

"Mama.... I'm not going to tell you again..... it's your bed time, so go to bed." I told Siwe but she didn't move. "Siwe!" I yelled making her burst into tears.

Buhle walked in and grabbed Siwe, rocking her.

"I don't mind watching anything else." Buhle told me.

"But babe it's our night." I complained.

"Let it be our night..... all three of us." Buhle told me and helped Siwe, who wasn't crying anymore, wipe her tears.

"Fine." I said and rolled my eyes.

Siwe got excited but Buhle read my whole mood right now. I was going to explode. He made Siwe go to the living room to pick out a movie before he walked up to me.

"Are you okay?" Buhle asked me.

"No....... I'm so irritated.... The afternoon was for all of us. The night is supposed to be for you and I." I replied.

"Don't be irritated....... I don't mind having Siwe watch the movie with us and I know we'll enjoy it either way." Buhle told me in aims to comfort me.

Buhle pulled me close in his hold and kissed my lips. He had his large palms cupping my face, sucking on my top lip and me on his bottom lip. He finished the kiss off with multiple pecks on my lips making me smile.

"Let's go watch this movie." Buhle told me and held my hand, leading me out of the kitchen.

We were only ten minutes into the movie and Siwe was already asleep. I excused myself and took Siwe to her room, after tuck in I went back to the tv room, Buhle was on his phone, paying no attention to the movie.

"Hey." I popped up and greeted him.

"Hi......... I was watching the movie, I swear...... I've only been on my phone for a second." Buhle told me out of guilt making me laugh.

"So we watch the other movie instead?" I asked after I sat back on the couch.

"No.......... Now that Siwe is gone....... I want to do something else." Buhle told in a seductive tone and pulled me closer to him.

Buhle pulled me close to him by my thighs and palmed my neck on the left and kissed me on the right side. I knew what he wanted to do, I just didn't know how far he wanted to take things. I don't think I knew what to do either. Buhle continued kissing my neck which made my breathing pace increase.

"I'm a virgin." I blurted out in a panic. Buhle just stared at me, listening. "I just don't want you to think I know how to uhm....... I don't know how to do anything........ not like nothing nothing........ I just haven't tried anything other than....... kissing."

"You've never been touched?" Buhle asked me, with his hand slowly touching my thigh moving closer and closer to my middle.

"No." I told him and twitched as he got closer but he stopped right before he could touch my center. "I'm actually scared........ and I'm so embarrassed because I'm twenty years old..... I'm supposed to be way passed this stage right?....... I'm not supposed to be as lost as I am and I'm supposed to be ready for sex and all that." I rambled.

"You're not ready?.......... And what exactly scares you?." Buhle asked me.

"I'm scared to not be able to please you like other women have." I spoke honestly avoiding the first question.

"First of all........ being ready to have sex with someone has no age on it...... whether it's your first time or sixth time...... when you're in a serious relationship and you place a sacred circle around sex....... Your age or experience doesn't matter.... It doesn't rule your decision to take that step.......... And then...... I'd never compare you to other women...... especially now that you've told me that you've never sexually explored a man...... it would be unfair to expect you to know something you haven't tried." Buhle said and paused. "I will wait for as long as I have to for sex....... I'm not pushing you to do anything you don't want to do...... and when I said I wanted to do something I didn't mean sex." He added.

"Then what did you mean?" I asked.

"Let me show you..... not here though.... Upstairs."

Buhle had this look on his face. It was a thirsty look. I was turned on but terrified.

Buhle let me lead him to my room. During our walk up, all I could think of was all the possible pleasures besides sex. I was getting hot between my legs. When we walked into the room, Buhle grabbed my hand and walked over to my bed, he sat and I remained standing.

"Rate how comfortable you'd be to stand in front of me with nothing on at all at the top?" Buhle asked me.

To be honest it was a good 0.5 out of a hundred and now I was panicking.

"Uhm.... Maybe 3........ out of 50." I answered.

"Okay......... what about being completely naked? From top to bottom" Buhle asked.

"0.5........" I answered after a gasp.

"Okay." Buhle responded and smiled almost laughing at me. "Tonight will be a great night then because I will see you naked.........In fact I have to for what I want to show you." He added.

"Okay." I replied.

"Do you think you'll be okay?" Buhle asked me. "Do I have your permission?....... Do you trust me with that 0.5 and that 3?"

I nodded my head yes because I was nervous, I couldn't get any words out. I was ready for whatever Buhle wanted to do. I was actually burning with want. My heart was racing...... I have never been naked in front of a man, in fact I haven't been naked in front of anybody ever since I was six or seven. I have always been closed up for some reason.

"Take your top off." Buhle commanded.

I hesitated. I was ready for Buhle to do the undressing. Doing it myself was going to be harder. My top was body hugging and had no necessity for a bra so I didn't have a thing under my top. One strip off and my breasts were going to be at Buhle's sight. Buhle was patient. His stare, however, never broke.

Slowly..... I took my top off. I had my medium sized breasts hanging out and I didn't know how to stand or where to look at this point. This was a whole lot. Buhle stared at my breasts for a while and then pulled me closer to him, positioning me on his lap and started kissing my lips, as he kissed my lips and neck he had his hand gripped on my right breast squeezing gently. I let out low moans..... my breasts were clearly very sensitive to this type of touch. At that moment I wondered what sex felt like because Buhle's mere touch and kisses made my whole body feel some type of way. Buhle picked me up, turned and laid me on my bed never breaking the kiss.

After the kisses on my lips, neck, breasts and stomach Buhle stood over me. He then untied the strings to my shorts making me breath out.

"Lift up." Buhle ordered and I did as he said.

Buhle proceeded to pull off my shorts and underwear at the same time. I was now on my bed laying completely naked as he eyed me. This was new and I surprisingly loved it. Since I had never been touched by a man before, every finger I felt anywhere close to my middle made me moan. When Buhle finally had his fingers on my clit I went crazy.

"Get as loud as you can........ and keep your legs open for me okay." Buhle told me and I obeyed.

Buhle pulled me closer to the edge of my bed and knelt down, putting my knees over his shoulders. Buhle inserted his tongue between my lower lips and ate me up. The sound the interaction made and the feeling made me moan loudly...... It took a lot for me to keep my legs open but I had too. Buhle sucked on my clit and widened the separation of my legs. I moaned so loudly across the walls of my room, with my hands gripping the sheets all so tightly. I could feel an intense build up between my legs. I was about to orgasm. I finally cum and lost ever bar of energy I had in my body.

Buhle got up and went to the bathroom, he returned immediately with one of my face rags.

"Can I use this?" Buhle asked me when he reached me. I nodded my head yes.

Buhle used the rag to clean me up. I was so shy now. He wiped the sides of my thighs and wiped me off right at my center. I was watching him look right at the most private part of my body. After Buhle was done he took the rag back to the bathroom and came back.

"You good?" Buhle asked me and helped me sit up. I couldn't even make eye contact. "Do you want to put some clothes on? I can't get you something." He told me.

"Can I have my robe..... it's over there." I told Buhle and pointed to my closet where my robe was hanging on one of the doors.

Buhle got the robe and handed it to me. He helped me wear it and then he sat next to me. I glanced at his hard but I couldn't asked about it. It's not like I knew what to do about it. Buhle took his phone out of his pocket, to check the time I assumed.

"It's so late...... I have to go home." Buhle told me. " or maybe I can stay over and we can cuddle." He added.

"Uhm........ you can go home and then I can call you...... and tell you how much I miss you." I replied.

"Okay." Buhle said with no fight.

After kisses and teases to my clit Buhle got up to leave and so did I. I walked him to the front door.

Buhle and I stood outside facing each other, as we concluded our night, Buhle started playing with the strings to my robe the whole time we talked until he untied them completely making me hurriedly cover myself up.

"Buhle...... we're outside!" I complained.

"Yeah...... but it's midnight no one's out here...... let me see you ...... please........ one last time." Buhle begged.

After looking around, I let Buhle untie the strings to my robe and exposed my nakedness to his eyes.

"You're so beautiful baby." He complimented making me smile with all my teeth and my eyes half closed.

Buhle grabbed my waist and pulled me in for a kiss. My arms were struggling over his shoulders and his hands were on my bare bottom, squeezing gently. After the wet, passionate kiss, Buhle looked into my eyes and slid his hand between my legs. The awareness of being outside left my body the second Buhle curled his fingers inside me, moving them in and out. Buhle blocked the loudness of my moans with his mouth.

My legs grew weak as I got closer to my climax.

"Right there.... Ahh." I managed to voice out.

"Right here?" Buhle asked me teasingly.

"Mhm." I agreed. Slowly after which my legs started trembling and I made a mess on Buhle's hand.

Buhle closed my robe and tied it up again.

I wished Buhle could spend the night but I wasn't ready to tell him about my condition.

"...... I miss you already." Buhle told me before our final kiss goodbye.

After Buhle left I walked into my house, locked my door and went to sleep. Tonight was a good night.


(NEW LOCATION; small, disorganized and filthy )

I sat on a clean chair opposite my sister just staring at her. It was five in the morning. I visited my sister in the mornings most times to avoid public attention. I changed Sindiswa's location, or rather I instructed one, two hours ago. For precautions sake of course and mainly for my new methods of torture. This warehouse was a walk in from a grocery store that barely had customers. The owner was Luthando's grandmother, with her Alzheimer's disease, I knew I was safe and this warehouse offered a better and less suspicious parking. It wasn't a warehouse actually..... it was more of a storage room. Luthando however had it all set up, from the sound proof walls to the chairs and bed. Luthando prepared the equipment I now needed too. I had each visit with my sister well planned out and this time I wasn't going to play around.

"I'll get straight to the point." I started.

Sindiswa wasn't on any drug today. I needed her full attention.

"I'm not going to continue playing around...... I read the whole journal...... God! deserve to burn in hell do you know that.......when I finished reading the journal, I realized that I'm being really generous with this whole abduction..... because you're whole..... healthy....... With every page you exhausted your hate for me....... You deserve to be dead right now....... But I can't just kill you just like that....... You deserve to feel pain slowly...... I need you to digest it all." I closed. " I've never been violent or psycho but....... It's always a pleasure to try new things right?" I asked and smiled. I diverted from anger to happiness.

As Luthando prepared my tools (knives, pins, scissors, needles, blades, chainsaw, chopping board) only to mention a few, my heart was filled with uncertainty. I wasn't this type of person but something deep in my mind controlled me. I felt like one of those crazy people in the horror movies.

As Luthando prepared my table of torture, Sindiswa started screaming and crying her eyes out. It was so amusing to be in the room looking at her but hearing nothing. My brain was numb..... I couldn't process what was happening in my currrent environment. I knew the agenda though and I couldn't wait to get the first phase done with.

I got surgical gloves from my purse and put them on. According to my brains reading, Sindiswa had her mouth wide open screaming, but I couldn't hear her still. I loved this feeling..... maybe my high from an hour ago was finally kicking in. I'll always come like this for sure.

The first object I picked up was a blade. Today I was giving my sister a tattoo or rather engraving my name on her arm. I want her to look at her arm every morning and be reminded of me.


"That will be forty rand." Luthando's grandmother (Grace) told me at the counter. " what took you so long my dear?" She asked me.

" well, I always take my time shopping and I forgot where the lip balms were....... I love your lip balms." I told Grace making her smile.

If I was going to use this store as an alibi for when things possibly go south. I might as well be smart about it.

" thank you." I told Grace after she gave me my change and left the store, heading to my car.

I walked to my front door, smiling at the tall figure of Buhle. He had a bouquet of roses in one hand and a gift bag in the other. It was 7:45 AM. Buhle has never come to my house at this time, but today he texted if he could and since I like his presence, I didn't mind.

"Good morning." I greeted Buhle with a smile when I reached him.

"Good morning." he replied, and kissed me, after which he handed me the flowers and the gift bag.

"Thank you." I told him. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" I asked Buhle and directed him to follow me inside my house.

"Well......... I wanted to see you........ and to be honest, I don't really know when I'll see you again." Buhle responded when we're in the living room.

I looked at him in confusion before I spoke. "Why don't you know?" I asked.

" I have a two week work project in Gambia.......... And those two weeks start tomorrow......... I actually have a flight to catch right now or rather in the next hour." Buhle told me making me a little sad. I had just started loving and enjoying his physical presence.

"So then I'll see you after two weeks."

" Uhm..... when I get back in two weeks....... I have two days of implementation with my dad and knowing the size of this project and knowing my dad's pressure......... I don't think I can see you.......... Or if I do, it will be for a really short time........ and that's only if I'm the partner that's picked for implementation anyway." Buhle told me.

"Okay........ that's like a month, right?" I asked.

" I have two weeks of Gambia..........then I have a trips with the shareholders and stake holders at my spot......... I don't know how long it will take...... But they are trips to organize the expansion of our Works to three best guess is two months....... One and a half months.......okay, I don't want to pin a duration on it......... maybe I can even come home sooner." Buhle told me. I just nodded my head and avoid eye contact.

" I know." Buhle continued, and raised my head up to look at him by my chin. " I'll call you every day......... text you every morning and night." Buhle assured me, making me force a smile. Buhle pulled me close to him and kissed me, the kiss was passionate and sloppy. Buhle's hands wondered around my body, grabbing my face, my neck, my waist and bottom. I wanted more but clearly I wasn't going to get it because Buhle broke away from the kiss and kissed my cheek. He had to leave. I walked Buhle to his car, after one last kiss, he drove off.