Life is a rollercoaster, it circles around constantly with its numerous twists and turns and never waits for anyone, no matter who they are.

Although life is similar to a rollercoaster it has quite a few differences, with the major one being their structure, a rollercoaster has a set design and structure, as a result when it takes a twist or turn, or goes up or down you can tell before it does and you can prepare yourself even if you have just a split second to do it.

But with life the reverse is the case because it has dynamic structure (constant change) that is not set and cannot be predicted rather it is experienced and you never know where you’re headed.

In this case, life becomes a lot similar to the weather, because when it comes to weather people always try to predict it. Sometimes they get it right sometimes they don’t. You may check the weather forecast and it’ll show the day to be sunny, but in the end, you may be beaten and soaked by a serious rainstorm, such is life.

Anyways, enough about the philosophy of life allow me to give you an insight into my life so you can understand why I’m saying all this.

Ben’s Pov

My name is Bennett Travis and I am eighteen years old, I am the first child of Mr. Roland Travis and Dr Mrs. Fiona Travis.

I was born on the Fourteenth of July 2005 in Creston Hospital in Oakdale.

I have five siblings, namely Gwen, Rowan, Jaden, Jade (The Twins), and Gabe. We live in a four-bedroom house with three bathrooms and a rent of Five thousand dollars per month and thirty-six thousand dollars annually which is located in 1450 West Barry Avenue in Lake View East Chicago IL USA.

I’m the first-born child of my parents, and I finished from Metoran Public Highschool Chicago. I wanted to go the University of Chicago to get a degree in pharmaceutical science because I dreamed of becoming a Clinical Pharmaceutical Scientist so that I could help cure research programs for terminal and serious sicknesses but my parents could not afford to pay for the tuition alongside their other expenses.

So, I got a job as a cashier in a small supermarket and a few other part time jobs to help my parents to pay the bills.

My Dad on the other hand is a business manager who works as the Manager of the Finance and Advertising department in Joyner Textiles and Fabrics, which is a small company that produces High quality textiles and fabric. The company opened for business about ten years ago and my dad started working there seven years ago and my dad started working there three years after.

At that time Joyner Textiles and Fabric was the Number one company in their field, they although it was a small company they grew rapidly and beat all of their competition easily because they produced High quality fabric with a stable budget, efficient use of their resources according to their budget and solid connections and Investment Decisions. They were able to get rich, stable and trustworthy sponsors for their company and as a result they flourished

Sadly, their success came to a screeching halt three years ago when one of their most expensive factories caught fire and collapsed killing about five factory workers and leaving ten of them seriously injured, at the end only three of the injured recovered the rest however died.

As a result of this catastrophic event, Joyner Textiles and Fabrics lost nearly all their sponsors which caused the budget to receive a massive hit and that in turn led to quality reduction, the accident was so bad that a lot of their workers resigned.

Shortly after this incident and the loss of workers the company proceeded to increase the salaries of their high ranked (position) workers, in an attempt to keep them in the company then cut almost fifty percent of the salaries of the few low ranked workers like my dad who had stayed because they could not find better jobs to make up for the extra salaries they had to pay.

My dad eventually received a memo telling him his salary had been cut and a lot of his co – workers received the memo and tried to sue the company but were informed that they will have to wait a month for a court hearing, the news was tragic and painful and made life really difficult for my family.

My mum is a doctor, she works in a small clinic and she doesn’t get paid much either, and combining her salary and my dad’s that had already been cut, it wasn’t much, so our entire family had been struggling seriously for the past two years

Now as for my siblings we are five in number I am the first born, and I am followed by Gwen who is the second born and also the first daughter of my parents.

Gwen is my immediate younger sister; her name is actually "Gwenivere" but everyone calls her Gwen except my dad who occasionally calls her Gwenda,

Gwen is two years younger than me and she is currently sixteen years old and she is in high school year two.

Gwen is an introvert who prefers to stay on her own reading a book than to stay around people and she has no interest of any form in outdoor sports rather she is the indoor board game type, plus she is very smart and is a great organizer.

At home we call her the brains of the house, because she is amazing with numbers and money, if you ask me, I think that Gwen has all it takes and more to be a world-renowned accountant or businesswoman, that is why I envy her sometimes.

My younger brother Rowan is the third born, he is fourteen years old and also has the polar opposite Gwen’s personality which is quite queer.

Unlike Gwen, Rowan is a jock who loves outdoor sports is extremely hyperactive and he is an extrovert who talks a lot and likes being around other people.

Rowan is basically the life of the entire family and without out him there won’t be any vibe in the house.

Rowan loves a physical sports although he is smart but he has a dream of becoming a pro athlete but he is yet to decide which sport he wants to go into.

And after him are the twins Jaden and Jade, they are eleven years old.

Jaden and Jade are a unique set of twins. I said this because most twins I’ve seen are usually different but these ones, they rarely fight and they are always in sync, they don’t fight, plus they always help each other out and they always back each other up infact they are so good at defending each other that they become untouchable, unpredictable, and some times scary as long as they are together.

Infact in our house, the only people who can control them when they are together like that is our parents.

Apart from the twins being menaces in the house, they are also very talented.

Jaden is the older twin by thirty seconds and is a talented music lover who has an amazing singing voice and he can play the Keyboard, Drums, Base guitar and Electric guitar.

He is an introvert and usually keeps to him self but when hel plays music he becomes very active and free like an extrovert that’s why he dreams of becoming a musician so that he can be happy doing what he loves

Jade one the other hand has incredible sense of style and fashion she may be eleven but she basically helps my mum and Gwen choose clothes when they don’t know what to wear on normal days or when we have important events to attend,

Jade is very hyper like Rowan but becomes calm when she is watching beauty videos with Gwen’s or Mum’s phone,

She also has quite a temper and hates distractions when working on her fashion skills but she’s actually very nice and helpful and also she dreams of becoming a famous Fashion Designer and Stylist

Finally the last but definitely not the least is Gabe, last born eight years old, Gabe is unpredictable and wild, today he sometimes acts like a lone wolf and other times he acts like a mummy’s boy.

One talent Gabe has is acting, and he’s a pro

Gabe has faked injuries and pretended to be in pain just to put one of us in trouble as a part of his twisted revenge plot, as a result the most dangerous person among all of us is I first, then Gabe

The fact that I am still most respected and feared of my siblings is by ceaseless struggle with Gabe, its like I am holding on to my place with a thin rope that can break at anytime but could still be strong enough to support me.