It was a Friday morning at half past six. I had just woken up from my sleep and was unwilling to get up but I later dragged myself of the bed because I had a morning shift at one of my part time jobs.

The minute I got up from my bed, I went downstairs to do my chores, which took just a few minutes to finish, after getting my chores done i went back upstairs to take a shower and get dressed for my shifts at my part time jobs for the day.

After dressing, I went to the dining room were I met my family already seated and were waiting for me to join them, and I did after washing my hands.

My parents and siblings finished their breakfast quickly, infact for a moment there I thought that they were rushing their meals but i wasn’t surprised at all because my siblings were going to school while my parents had to go to work,

But I ate normally and after a few minutes I finished my breakfast,

After breakfast, Rowan and Gwen, took care of the dishes while the twins cleaned the dining room and went outside with my other siblings to catch the school bus.

My mum left for the clinic after watching my siblings catch the bus, leaving my dad and me in the house.

My shift normally starts by 9am on Fridays but I am expected to be at work at least thirty minutes early, so I leave house by 8am since my work place is twenty minutes away, in order to get to work forty minutes early.

But today my dad offered to drop me at the bus terminal on his way to work, so I locked up the house and entered the car with him and alighted ten minutes later, then waved goodbye to my dad and got into the bus, and after another ten minutes I reached my work place forty minutes early as planned.

My first shift of the day was at tanner’s superstore owned by my boss Mr. Tanner Hills.

When I got to my workplace (Tanner Superstore) I started working immediately, Sadly, today was a slow day so we didn’t really have a lot of customers, and it was because of the store that was opposite us,

The store opened up a few months ago and then they slashed all the prices of the groceries, and the other things that they were selling, as a result we lost most of our customers to them but we still had some customers.

A few hours passed and the clock struck one in the afternoon, and my shift ended, so I clocked out and went to Zuri’s Snack Bar the place where I had my second shift for the day.

Zuri’s Snack Bar is a small restaurant that serves light meals, appetizers and sometimes Desserts, and I work there as a Waiter.

The snack bar is normally full of customers but nothing special ever happens and my shift always goes smoothly, but today was an exception because after an hour of working I noticed that I had five missed calls from Mr. Hills , my boss at Tanner Superstore, but before I could call back, he called me again, so I picked the phone and said

"Good afternoon sir this is Ben, please sir why have you called me so many times I hope you’re alright sir ?,".

"I’m okay But I need your help it’s an emergency" he said with a worried tone.

Sir what happened I asked after hearing his tone.

"Well one of our branches

in West Stanford avenue , (A small neighborhood in Lincoln park Chicago which is about five miles away and costs about fifteen dollars by bus for thirty minutes and thirty dollars by taxi for twenty minutes.) was expecting a delivery of twenty cartons of Blue Sodas but the truck delivering it got into a terrible accident and all of the sodas were burnt completely and the driver was barely able to escape".

"Oh My God!! Sir this news is really Sad, please how is the driver doing I hope he is alright?" I asked with concern.

. He is in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) receiving treatment because his injuries were very serious and he ended up in a critical condition but he will be okay" he answered.

"But that is not why i called, the branch still needs those sodas because a very important customer has booked for three cartons of the Sodas and I need you to deliver it to the branch in time for the customer to pick it up", he begged.

" Sir I would really love to help you but I am working a shift right now I can’t afford to leave by workplace now,. I am so sorry sir but I really can’t do anything sir, my hands are tied" I replied.

"Okay I understand you but this is an urgent matter and the branch can’t afford to loose this customer and I am willing to pay you overtime if you deliver the sodas to that branch" said my boss as a last resort.

About ten minutes after my boss said that, I found myself in front of Mrs. Zuri my second boss (The owner of Zuri’s Snack Bar) asking her for a leave for the day because of the situation that had just come up,

But to my utmost surprise she gave it to me without me having to talk much and she didn’t ask me any questions concerning why I wanted a leave, she just gave it to me.

Fifteen minutes after taking my leave from the snack bar I rushed down to Mr. Hill's store where I saw him already waiting for me to arrive.

When I got there I greeted him saying "Good afternoon sir, I am here , please where are the sodas that I am delivering?".

" Its right here he said pointing to the cartons that were set beside him" , then he dipped his hands into his pocket and gave me sixty dollars to take a taxi to go and come back and in less than ten minutes minutes I was in a taxi on my way to Lincoln park with the cartons of Blue Soda.

I got to the branch twenty five minutes later due to the traffic that we met on the road.

When I got there I stepped out of the car with the cartons in my hands and I walked into the branch and I met the branch manager and handed them over to him then he thanked me and gave me a tip for the delivery, I thanked him well for the tilp and left the store.

Shortly after leaving the store, I stood in the front of the exit and waited for a taxi and then a tall man who had a huge muscular body wearing a black suit, shades and a gold watch walked up to me and took off his shades.

Now that he had gotten close to me I got a proper look at him and I noticed that he looked like an FBI agent and I immediately got scared and wondered if I did something wrong.

At the time the only thoughts in my head were,

Why is he in front of me ?, What does he want from me ? but before I finished my line of thought he spoke up with an impressively deep voice and said,

"Master Kenneth are you done shopping? and what happened to your clothes?, and where are the things you bought he said respectfully".

I looked at the man shockingly and speechlessly wondered what was happening?.

.Based on how he looked and what he said I guessed that he was a personal assistant or bodyguard so I relaxed a bit.

But he thought I was his master and the look on his face was that of someone who knew what they were doing, or at least thought they knew what they were doing but I was sure that he had confused me with someone else.

Still I wondered, what would make him confuse me with someone else, what on earth is making him think that I am his master I asked myself.

Suddenly, the door of the store exit flung opened and a guy who was probably my age walked out.

As he came out he saw me and the bodyguard and said "Lugard what are you doing with that guy?".

The minute I heard his voice I turned around only to see a guy who was not only around my age but he also looked exactly like me, infact I could say that the resemblance between us was uncanny, if not for our clothes there probably won’t have been any difference between us.

At this moment I had just understood why the bodyguard made the mistake, it was because his master was my doppelganger(look alike), realizing this I stood there speechless.