Ken’s POV

My name is Kenneth Clayton but everyone that knows me calls me Ken except my father who prefers to call me Kenneth.

I was born on the 25th of may 2005 in Barrington clinic located at West Barry avenue to Mr. Richard Clayton and Mrs. Janet Clayton

My parents are the best parents on earth.

My dad is a politician while my mum is a corporate lawyer and State Prosecutor

My dad works as a city council member and alderman in charge of commerce in the city,

So he was Charged with the task of overseeing trade and all business procedures and growth in the city and all local government decisions that affected the commerce and the industries of the city, and city policies that affect the businesses of the city passes through him for approval.

Although he was powerful and got paid very well he still wasn’t satisfied with where he was currently.

My dad is a very hardworking man and at the same time a very ambitious person, who always dreams big and that’s why he wants to become the president of the US, but for now he is aiming for governor of Chicago.

My mum on the other hand is a State Attorney that works for a law firm that is backed up by Lake View State Council.

She is also very good at her job and has a sixty percent win rate in court and also gets paid well.

We were happy, even though we were not Very rich neither were we poor but we were still comfortable.

Then two weeks before I turned three a political party known as the Honored Economic Labor Party “HELP” had just burst on the political scene of the US and was making massive progress and suddenly shot to fame.

The party was and still is a reputable and highly respected party because of they stood firm with their vision which is to stand as people with the Citizens best interest at heart all the time.

Thanks to this the party became very popular and respected,

However they didn’t let their fame derail them and remained humble and even expected the same from their members.

They even turned down a large number of their members who applied to run for office because they believed that they didn’t exhibit the personality expected of a candidate of their party.

But they surprisingly reached out to my dad and gave him a proposal to join their party which they rarely did.

When my dad received the proposal he immediately accepted and processed it as fast as he could

Then a month later he was told that they wanted him to contest for mayor in Lincoln park which is the neighboring City of Lake view as a candidate of their party.

He was also told that a primary was held a week ago and the votes where unanimously in his favor.

After hearing the news he was shell shocked and very happy he even took my mum and I to a five star restaurant to celebrate and we were happy for him and shared laughs as we congratulated him.

Two weeks later we moved to Lincoln Park, because my dad was about to start his campaign for the Election.

My mum was able to get another job in a law firm in Lincoln park known as Darius Seed law Firm.

The firm was a huge company that dealt with a lot of major cases ranging from large business conflict to punishment of extremely dangerous criminals all with the power of the city of Lincoln park backing them up.

But to be honest I am someone who finds sudden change uncomfortable and finds it difficult to adapt to the new environment and change,

That’s why when we first moved to Lincoln Park I did not like it because I had to leave of my friends and amazing neighbors but I did it anyway because I did not want to be the reason that my dad will have a hard time here

Sadly the neighbors didn’t make things any easier, infact they were very snobby and rude to my parents and their children were downright cruel and they never missed an opportunity to bully me because they were all very rich.

Apparently the party gave us a house in West Hartfield avenue which happens to be one of the estates that houses some of the richest families in Lincoln park and compared to them we are just an average family but they looked down on us there.

I really hated this estate but I put up with it for dad.

Then a month later the campaigns for elections had just concluded and the following day was the day of the election, and within four days the election was over and the results was being tallied,

The winner was announced and it turned out, to be My Dad.

That day my mum and I were at home during her day off with my dad when we heard the news, we were very happy and my parents jumped off their chair and began dancing weirdly while I stood up from my chair jumped on my dad out of excitement and told him congrats and we continued to celebrate.

Then my dad threw a party to celebrate winning the election, and the following week he was inaugurated as The Mayor of Lincoln Park, and another celebration started and this time it was for the inauguration.

After my dad’s inauguration everything changed, we were moved to the mayor’s manor which turned out to be a huge luxurious Mansion in Charleston avenue the estate for the political leaders of Lincoln park.

We settled in easily and our new neighbors were very nice to us and I was no longer bullied and to be honest life was great,

My dad’s pay literally tripled now that he was mayor, and he sent me to the most prestigious private school in Lincoln Park, and I made friends there easily and became very popular although it was probably because I was the mayor’s son but I didn’t care.

Four years later

I was already seven years old and was already halfway through with elementary school,

While my dad had just finished his first tenure as mayor of Lincoln Park and it turned out to be a very fruitful one and the city experienced massive growth, the standard of living improved as well and there was peace in the city

But it didn’t stop there my dad announced that he would be running for a second term as mayor of Lincoln Park and after the announcement all everyone could talk about was the upcoming election.

Unfortunately just when the election was a few days a away it was postponed by two weeks because was Mr. Martin Garrick the previous city council treasurer, alderman in charge of finance and CEO of Garrick Corp was found dead in his Study and the police claim it was suicide.

But my mum didn’t believe that it was a suicide infact she had a hunch that it was a murder and she investigated it

Then a month later after election was held and my dad won as I expected, she took the case to court and claimed Mr. Martin didn’t kill him self but was murdered and showed more than enough evidence to prove that it was his stepson Shawn Garrick that killed him and that his Stepfather Mr. Martin wasn’t the first person he had killed, infact he had killed a lot of people but Mr. Martin covered it up.

When my mum revealed the results of her investigation to the court Mr. Shawn was arrested and faced trial in court with my mum leading the prosecution and in the end he was to be sentenced to death after fifteen years of hard labor in prison.

The news of his arrest and my mother‘s work on the case spread like wild fire and in the end her reputation improved greatly and her workplace Darius Seed law Firm with the backing of the state held a ceremony to congratulate and thank her for what she had done.

But it didn’t stop there my dad been inaugurated as mayor of Lincoln Park for a second term was to give her an award during the ceremony for her great effort in exposing the truth, and she took it from him happily.

Then after my mum received her award we meant to go home and my dad was meant to go with us but he had a work emergency so it was just me and my mum,

On our way home right on the main road a car overtook us, then the same car came and drove in front of us and suddenly hit the brakes right in the middle of the road causing our car to crash

into him, and after that everything went Dark.