Ken’s POV

The news that I had become friends with Kira and Mike spread like wild fire and it was the only thing anyone in the school could talk about.

Whereas I was still shocked, to be honest when they first came to our class I knew who they where immediately but I didn’t care I just minded my business and I am pretty sure they noticed it .

When they first came everyone flocked around them and tried to start a conversation with them at point the most popular girl in a school Silvia gave them a personal tour of the whole school which she rarely does and to top it all off Tommy the most popular and apparently most handsome according to the girls in our class came and joined them during the tour.

This continued throughout the week , the popular kids kept doing things they never did just to impress Kira and Mike but I didn’t care, infact I didn’t even look their way rather I spent my time studying either in the library or in our classroom during lunch.

The following week during lunch time on Monday, I decided to get lunch from the cafeteria today, so I went in and got my lunch then sat alone in an empty table in the cafeteria like I always did for the past three years and then it happened.

Kira and Mike came and sat down with me when l looked up I realized that they were in front of me and I got a close view of them and to be honest Kira was very beautiful and Mike was handsome in my opinion more handsome than tommy, but not as handsome as me.

"Yes I said that I may be humble and I am hiding my wealth but I can still be Vain if I want to".

Anyway I was surprised when they sat in front of me because they normally sat with the popular kids so I was about to ask why they sat with me then Tommy and Silvia came and asked them but the insulted me like they always did while asking but I didn’t care.

Surprisingly, Mike and Kira shunned them and told them that I was cool and that they wanted to hangout with me and would rather be friends with me than hangout with spoilt brats like them.

Whoa what the heck I said to myself, then I spoke up and asked them why they stood up for me and what they really wanted from me because I was very confused.

They turned to me and asked to talk to me in private and we left the cafeteria together while everyone stared at me

We decided enter an empty classroom, we got there and sat down then they turned to me and said.

Ever since they were young they were surrounded by a lot of people because they were the grandchildren of the great Emerson Family the owners of Streamlight TV so they were filthy rich.

Some of them truly cared for them and had little to no interest in their wealth while others were leaches who only hung around them because of their family’s wealth.

As a result they realized at a very young age that people where cruel and that they shouldn’t just trust anyone lucky for them their family was very close so they rarely had family disputes so their parents came together and taught them how to read people and their surroundings because they wanted them to be surrounded by good people who truly want to help them without having any ulterior motives.

As a result they learnt it and became very observant and quick-witted around people and have been using it for the past three years to pick their friends and the people they kept around them.

Then they told me that standing up for me in front Silvia and Tommy was a calculated move and definitely not a deceitful move infact they only did because they did what the had always done and discovered the good people from the bad people in our class.

I looked at them and told them that I understood them and I could relate because I had been part of the popular crowd in my old school but I still didn’t understand why they wanted to be friends with me of all people since I covered up the fact that my dad is a popular politican in order to have a regular school ife.

They turned to me and said that they truly wanted to be my friends because they watched me and wanted to have someone who wasn’t moved by wealth and popularity but was still caring and understanding.

To be honest their words were quite warm and relatable and I almost agreed on the spot but I didn’t have much trust in them so I declined at first but they didn’t back down and spent the following week trying to befriend me and I eventually agreed.

Kira, Mike and I eventually became good friends and I actually enjoyed their company and I found out that they were really nice, honest and friendly,

We grew closer and started doing everything together from hanging out to studying to just lazing around we did it all together.

I also found out that Kira had a younger sister named Kelly and Mike had an elder brother named Tony, they introduced me to them when I first visited them in their family mansion.

Although we were very close I never told them much about myself but everything changed during my second year of high school when we were going on a school trip so we went shopping, then on our way home we witnessed and accident and the driver died.

After the accident I saw the drivers body then had a panic attack and passed out I eventually woke up in a hospital with Mike, and Kira by my side and then my dad came in and they discovered my secret.

Then I was discharged from the hospital the following day and tried to leave discreetly because of my friends but they caught me on my way out and asked about my secret since I had no choice I told them everything and they immediately consoled me and agreed to keep my secret from the rest of our classmates

Two years Later (Present Day)

Mike Kira and I had just graduated from high school and we finished as part of the Top five students in our year.

The Emerson Family took a liking to me and my dad and started backing my dad's his political career.

Our parents were proud of us and bought us first class tickets to the Bahamas for a vacation to celebrate our graduation

We were leaving soon and I was really excited for the trip and was sorting out my things for the trip when I was informed that we didn’t have anymore blue soda for the trip.

The Blue Soda is actually blueberry soda but it’s called blue soda and Mike, Kira and I really loved that soda and I planned to take a carton of it for the trip and since we didn’t have anymore at home I called Tanner’s Superstore’s Oakdale branch and places an order for two cartons of Blue soda.

The following day I went to pick it up I left home in the afternoon around 2pm and went to the store to pick up my order

I got to the store twenty minutes later and walked in and met the cashier and asked for my order.

She turned to me and asked for my e-receipt for the order so I brought out my phone and showed it to her.

The minute I showed her the receipt her face suddenly turned pale and I could tell something was wrong with the order but before she could say anything about it a young guy came into the store and said he came to make a delivery.

The cashier asked me for a minute and went to meet him I was about to take a proper look at the guy but Mike suddenly called me so I turned to answer the phone

After a few minutes I finished talking to Mike on the phone I turned to the cashier who had come back to the counter and then gave me the cartons of Blue soda that I ordered.

When she gave it to me I put it in a shopping cart and I took it outside only to see my bodyguard talking to the delivery boy and even heard him address him like he usually addressed me so I just called out to him and said

“Lugard what are you doing with that guy?”.

At that moment both Lugard and the delivery boy turned to look at me and then I saw the face of the delivery boy’s face and he looked exactly like me he was my doppelganger .

To be honest I very shocked and apparently so was he and Lugard

Out of all the things I expected to see today this was definitely not a part of it.