Ben's Pov

As soon as he walked out of the store he said Lugard what are you doing with that guy?,

The minute I heard his voice I turned around only to meet a guy who was not only my age mate but he also looked exactly like me, infact I could say that the resemblance between us was uncanny if not for our clothes there probably won't have been any difference between us.

At this moment I had just realized that I had a doppelganger and from what the bodyguard said, his name is Kenneth and seeing him weakened me completely it was like I had become paralyzed with shock.

After a minute of silence between the three of us the huge driver who was still standing behind me suddenly spoke up and said

“Master Kenneth I am so sorry sir I mistook this guy here for you please overlook my error”

“No problem Lugard I can see why you made such a mistake that delivery boy and I have an striking resemblance so I understand your perspective,"

“By the way may I ask what is your name” he asked?


“Uhm!! My name is Bennett Travis but just call me Ben” I answered while I was still in shock.

Hmm he exhaled as he walked down the steps of the store's entrance till he got to where I stood and he stretched his hands towards me in attempt to give me a handshake and he said

“Hello Bennett my name is Kenneth Clayton but you can call me " Ken".

“Hi Ken I answered and took his hand and shook him and I continued there's no need to call me Bennett rather just call me "Ben".

“I can understand how awkward this must be for you but it is really nice to meet you” he said

“I know but I don’t awkward is enough to describe this situation I said and laughed

He looked at me and laughed a bit, then said understandable any way Ben how old are you he asked.

“I am eighteen years old” I answered

Same here he replied.

That's nice but I don't really like telling people my age I prefer to leave them guessing but I told you because i feel weirdly complicated around you I said

“Are you serious !! What a coincidence not only do we look alike, we are the same age and we Don't like talking about it too, we're like twins He said as he laughed

You're right though I wonder what else we have in common I said while laughing

Why don't we find out he said I know a cafe that's not to far from here if you're not busy why don't we get coffee. He asked.

Sure that isn't a bad idea, and I am not that busy I still have an hour left before I have to leave let's do it I answered

Mr Kenneth said Lugard as he interrupted us I am sorry but I will have to cut your conversation short sir I just got a call from the house maid that your friends Kira and Mike came too visit you too discuss somethings concerning the trip so we have to leave right now if we don't want your friends to wait too long

Oh okay Lugard let's do that, and Ben do you mind if I borrow your cellphone for a bit ken asked

I don't mind here I said as I removed my phone from my pocket and handled it over to him.

Ken took my phone after I unlocked it and after a few minutes he gave it back to me and said that's my phone number, save it and give a call later so we can finish our discussion okay.

Sure no problem I answered and saved it while he got into the black Porsche that was parked in front of me and the driver drove off as I waved to him.

As soon as they drove off, I texted Ken briefly and walked to the Bus Terminal to take a bus.

But on the way, my mum texted me and told me that I have to go pick up my siblings up from school because she had to take an extra shift so she would be extremely busy, then she sent me money to hire a cab to take my siblings home after picking them up.

In less half an hour the Kitchen making lunch, while I was cooking I noticed that we had run out of a few ingredients and spices, so I went to the convenience store that was in the next street to buy some foodstuffs.

In a matter of moments, I started preparing lunch in the kitchen for my siblings with the small groceries I had bought.

Then thirty minutes later, the meal was ready and we sat down to eat. While we ate we heard our doorbell so I went to check who it was,

When I opened the door, I saw my best friend

Wow Alya Good afternoon how are you doing I said.

I'm good if i remove the stress of my multiple part time jobs I am really alright

She replied.

That's good as for the stress it's normal we are all experiencing it what are you doing here at this time of the day.

Uhm nothing really I just came to hang out with you because I got work early today she answered with a gleeful smile that was basically screaming for Joy only that she didn't actually scream.

At this point I became suspicious and weirded out at the same time which resulted in serious confusion on my end so in an attempt to clear the air i asked her "why did you get of work early?".

Oh it was nothing, You know that I work part time in a Fast food restaurant she asked.

Of course I do its your 3rd part time job, I answered.

Yeah you're right, would you believe me if i told you that our Boss has a mould allergy she asked.

What are you serious that is weird and gross, please tell me you're joking I replied

Sadly I am not it's the truth and that's not all, during one of her routine maintenance check today she came across mould spores at the back of the kitchen grill and she immediately had an allergic reaction and then went into cardiac arrest (She had a heart attack) and later passed out .

As soon as she passed out all the restaurant staff that witnessed started to panic except for our my co-workers who managed to keep a level head and called an ambulance to take our boss to to hospital.

In about five minutes the ambulance arrived and took our boss into the hospital where she was treated and admitted .

After she got admitted the hospital called her husband to come and check on her which he did

Shortly after checking his wife and talking with his wife's doctor, he came back into the restaurant and scheduled a mould removal process for the entire restaurant and gave is the rest of the week off for the mole removal to be completed.

After getting some free time my hands I decided to stop by to say hi and that is how we got here.

Oh my boss alright I hope she is not in a critical condition I asked with concern .

Relax Ben she's fine and everyone is all right stop being such a worrywart she said.

Oh that's good anyway do you have any other plans for the rest of the day I asked

No I don't why do you ask she said.

Na I just wanted to ask you to grab a drink cuz I feel like going out but I didn't want to go alone.

Oh sure let's do it I don't mind .

Okay then just wait here while I go get changed. after a few minutes I got dressed and we went out and got our drinks, while we had our drinks, I told her how I met my look alike earlier today and we also talked about some other things.

Then we took a short stroll, had a few laughs and we went our separate ways.

I ended up getting home a bit late, luckily my parents had just come back from work so they didn't really

complain, in the end I just greeted them, had dinner and turned in for the night.