Ben’s POV

A Month Later

It’s been a month since I met with Ken at the grocery store in Oakdale. Although he collected my number, he hadn’t contacted me since then.

I didn’t tell anyone about Ken except Alya, who advised me not to text him but rather wait for him to contact me first so that Ken will respect me.

I thought about what she said and decided to do it by waiting for him to contact me but in the end he didn’t. I was very busy with my life so I didn’t have much time on my hands to think about it. Although I wonder why he didn’t say anything after asking for my number.

In the end I gave up and focused on my life, he was obviously rich and had everything he could ever want whereas I am so broke that I couldn’t even afford to go to college.

To be honest we were leagues apart and in totally different social classes so there was no way he’d have my time.

That was how I stopped thinking about him but then the strangest thing happened, I was at work in Tanner’s Superstore on a Monday afternoon when I got a call only to hear Alya.

“Ben please I need your help I am supposed to deliver some makeup products to a rich family in Oakdale but I just got a call that my mum fainted and was rushed to the hospital. I have to go and check on her please help me you’re my only hope.”

“Oh My God how could that have happened I hope she is alright?” I asked worriedly.

“Just text me details and I’ll get right on it my Boss owes me a favor for helping him last month I’ll just use it now so relax and go to the hospital and tell me what the doctor’s diagnosis is,” I replied.

“Okay Ben I will and I really appreciate you for doing this for me, and I will send you the details via email thank I owe you one bye” She said and cut the call.

After dropping my call, I immediately went to my Boss’s office and got permission from him before taking a taxi to Ayla’s workplace which happens to be a cosmetic store.

I went through the details of the delivery that Alya sent through email and got there and picked up the products that I was helping her to deliver, then took another taxi and went to Oakdale.

After about thirty minutes I got to Oakdale and made my way to the address Alya had given to me but as I was walking, someone bumped into me and caused the bag of cosmetics in my hand to fall.

I immediately turned around to pickup the bag when I noticed that it was just a young teen boy, so I looked at him and said,

“Hey are you alright?”

“Yes, I am” he replied.

“Okay that’s good but next time make sure you watch where you are going whenever you go out okay?”.

“Okay I will,” he said.

“Good” I said and was about to stand up when someone suddenly ran to where I had bent down to, snatched the bag from me, and started running away.

Everything happened so fast and I was dazed for a few seconds but I eventually realized what had happened and gave chase.

By the time I started, he had given me quite a gap and entered a backstreet and just as I was managing to catch up, he suddenly turned.

Luckily, I saw that and went after him but when I took the turn, I had lost sight of him and was about to move when I heard a loud thud from behind me and immediately turned to see a girl standing from behind me with a guy lying on the floor.

She was a blonde, very beautiful but had a furious look on her face though she still looked beautiful. I actually liked her stature and the fact that she looked so cool but it was just that.

(Okay before I get on with the story, I have to say this I have this I tend over expatiate or emphasize on how a woman looks, please I am not a pervert it’s just that I lived with three women so I always had to give my opinion on how they looked so now it has become a habit.)

So back to the story the girl looked down to the boy on the floor took the bag from him then held him up by his ear and dragged him to where I stood and said’

“I am so sorry about what happened, actually this brat is my younger brother and he is a real piece of work but I will deal with him" She then returned the bag to me.

“Its okay as long as I got it back, there is no need to apologize,” I answered.

“That is true even if I don’t have to, he does,” she said before turning to the boy, letting go of his ear and hit him hard on his neck causing him to fall to the ground with a muffled voice.

I could tell that the boy was in pain because his knees hit the ground with a lot of force when she hit him. Out of pity, I was about to stop the girl from doing anything to him again, but before I could, the boy suddenly started crying.

“I am so sorry sir I shouldn’t have stolen the bag from you it was a foolish thing to do please forgive me!”

“It’s alright I forgive you but make sure you never do that again” I said'

“Don’t worry he will never do it again because by the time I am done dealing with him he won’t be able to steal from even a baby” said the girl with the furious look she had restored.

The she turned to me and said,

“Once again I am sorry for my brother’s foolish actions please forgive him,”

“Your clothes are already dirty because of run I am so sorry please let me pay for your dry cleaning” she added.

The minute she said that I realized that my trousers had gotten dirty it was probably because of the puddle that was in the backstreet when I passed .

“Oh it okay it’s not necessary” I replied.

“No, I insist,” she said “please can I have your number so that I can send you the money for the dry cleaning”

After realizing I had no choice, I gave her the number and was about to leave when she asked me,

“Sorry please what is your name so that I can save it”

“Oh its Ben” I answered.

“Oh okay Ben thank you for forgiving my brother I appreciate your understanding I’m Katelyn by the way but call me Kate I thought you should know so you won’t be surprised when I send it to you” she said.

“Okay Kate I will be expecting it” I said and walked away.

while hearing her tell her brother to stand up and kept on yelling until I had left.

After a while I eventually got there , and I noticed that the place was huge infact I couldn’t call it a house but an enormous mansion.

I looked at the mansion in awe and I wondered if I could become rich enough to buy a house like this, I stared for a few more minutes than I went to doorstep and rang the bell.

I rang the bell and waited for a few minutes but no response which was weird. I also noticed the fancy doorbell that had a loud but very nice tone that anyone in the house would hear.

Based on how the doorbell looked I could tell that they probably installed speakers that were connected to the bell around the house so the fact that no one answered was suspicious.

Now I know what you guys are thinking how did I know that doorbell was linked to speakers that surrounded the house?

To be honest I don’t know either I just now, I have always been very observant and was able to know or guess thing that I shouldn’t be able to, I guess I am just gifted.

Anyway, let’s get back to the story. Even though I was surprised that no one answered the door I decided to ring the doorbell again but before I could the door suddenly opened up and a beautiful black girl with an amazing figure and a dazzling outfit.

I was surprised to someone like that open the door but I ignored it and was about to talk when she said

“You what on earth are you doing?”