Ken’s POV

Four Days Ago

Kira, Mike, and I just spent our last vacation day in Los Angeles. We packed our things and were ready to head back home.

Our vacation lasted a month, and it was to celebrate our high school graduation.

We went sightseeing, visited Hollywood, and experienced so much. Honestly, I loved every minute of it, It’s just too bad it had to end so quickly.

I know some of you might argue that a month is quite a long time, but as they say, time flies when you’re having fun, and it truly does.

Even though I spent a month in Los Angeles, it felt like just a week to me.

Anyhoo our vacation came to an end and today we were at LAX ( Los Angeles international Airport) around 10:30pm waiting to board our plane which was meant to leave by eleven.

Our flight was meant to leave at 10 am, but it got delayed by thirty minutes due to an airline issue. Luckily, they it was sorted out quickly.

We eventually boarded the plane by 11am, we we were actually flying first class so when we took our seats the flight attendant came and apologized for the delay.

She assured us that it rarely happens and that they will towards preventing this from happening again

I was Initially annoyed because of the delay but the way she apologized was so sincere so I let it go so did Mike and Kira.

The Flight Attendant eventually left and we took off

After four hours we landed in Chicago and alighted the plane, got our things and waited for our limo to pick us up.

To be honest our lives was perfect we had rich parents who catered for our ever needs and we never lacked a thing.

All we had to do was produce results, although there some downsides like having to keep up appearances and the armada of fake and deceitful people around us Our lives seemed perfect.

But I tell you it is far from it and I came to the realization that only time can open our eyes.

Let’s get on with the story then you will understand

When I got home my dad wasn’t around so I went up to my room but before I did I thanked Lugard for helping me to take my luggage out of the trunk of the limo.

After getting to my room, I took a shower and then picked up my phone to call Mike.

Within a few seconds, he picked up the phone and I quickly said,

“Hey Mike, what’s up?”

“I’m good, what about you?” Mike replied.

“I’m good, just chilling. I just got home. Are you and Kira home yet?” I asked.

“Oh yeah, we just got in,” Mike answered.

“Okay, I just wanted to check in,” I said.

“Thanks, Ken,” Mike replied.

“No problem, just take care of yourself, okay?” I said.

“Good evening, sir,” Mike said to someone in the background, interrupting our conversation.

“Oh, sorry for the interruption. Anyway, Ken, I wanted to ask if you could help me look for my new shampoo. I can’t seem to find it.”

I think you accidentally packed it with your things,” Mike said.

“Sure, I will help you check. By the way, who were you just greeting?” I asked.

“It was your Dad,” Mike replied.

“My Dad!! Are you sure?” I questioned.

“Yes, I am. Mike Replied

“He didn’t tell me he would be there, he only said he is busy with work,” I thought to myself,

“This is strange, My dad always told me whenever he went to the Emerson’s Family Manor. Why did he lie and tell me that he was at the office?”

I pondered on it briefly but eventually overlooked it, believing that my dad had his reasons.

The next day, the strange behavior continued. He was swamped with work, barely talking to his secretary, and spending a lot of time with a serious-looking woman who seemed focused only on work.

Moreover, our home security detail practically doubled. I also learned that he had been frequently visiting Emerson’s Manor and having many conversations with them.

I had barely settled back at home when I couldn’t help but notice unusual shifts in my dad’s work routine, these changes felt strange and me uneasy.

Unfortunately, the situation didn’t improve. The following day unfolded like any other: I took a shower, shared breakfast with my dad, caught some of the morning news together, and later, I retreated to my room to game.

Yep, I’m a gamer. When I game I feel like I’m in my element. Gaming helped me a lot during difficult times,

Plus I am a very good gamer, I am on legendary rank Dota 2 and in Fortnite, I’ve hit diamond level, those are my favorite games but I also play other games like Minecraft, Genshin Impact, and a variety of other games but Dota 2 and Fortnite will always be my top picks.

It’s kind of funny because I wasn’t always into gaming. I used to be this hyper active kid who wanted to be everywhere, doing everything.

But life took a sharp turn when I experienced the most profound loss— my mother’s death. It was an event that shook the foundation of our family, leaving us to navigate through the most painful moments of our lives on our own.

During that period, I was trying to cope with my own emotional pain and trauma, while my dad was deep in his own grief.

It was undoubtedly one of the toughest phases we had ever faced.

Things had been really tough, but my situation only deteriorated when I developed a panic disorder, leading to frequent and excruciatingly painful panic attacks.

The sound of a gunshot or the sight of blood would often trigger these episodes when they were not spontaneous.

Acknowledging the severity of my condition, my dad took me to see a psychiatrist.

The psychiatrist began therapeutic sessions with me and prescribed medication.

After my first visit, my dad was hoped that I would make a quick recovery, and indeed, I did get better after the first month of treatment.

However, the following month, I experienced a relapse and became emotionally numb.

It seemed that, as a defense mechanism, my mind had stopped recognizing or feeling any emotions due to the overwhelming pain and sadness.

Eventually, I confined myself to my room, refusing to come out, and I barely ate anything.

My dad, growing increasingly concerned about my state, approached me one day with a box in his hands.

“Kenneth, here take this,” he said as he handed me the box.

“What is this?” I asked in a detached tone.

“Your mom and I were planning to throw a party for you next month to celebrate your eighth birthday. This box contains a gift your mom chose for you. I intended to give it to you on your birthday, but I believe you need it now. So please, open it.”

With a mix of puzzlement and lingering indifference, I looked at my dad before turning my attention to the gift in my hands.

I tore off the wrapping paper to reveal a portable gaming console.

To my surprise, there was also a letter inside, addressed to me from my mom, my Curiosity piqued, I opened it and began to read.

As the words of my mother’s letter sunk in, my eyes started to water. Unbidden tears began to stream down my cheeks, and for the first time in a long while, I found myself crying.