Ben’s POV

I left the Pattinson’s mansion and headed home. It took me exactly thirty minutes to get there. As I reached into my pocket for my keys, I realized I had left them in my room. Frustrated, I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer.

My little sister Jade peered through the eye hole and opened the door for me.

”Thanks, Jade. How was school?” I asked as I entered the house.

”It was okay. I had a good day,” she replied.

”That’s nice. I hope you and the others have had dinner,” I said.

”Yes, we have. We actually just finished eating,” she answered.

”Good. I’m going to my room. See you during dinner,” I said, ready to retreat to my room.

”Wait,” Jade suddenly said, grabbing my arm.

I turned back and asked her what happened.

”Oh, it’s nothing serious. I just wanted to ask you something,” she said.

”What is it?”

”Where did you get those clothes from? What brand are they? They obviously look like designer brands. Can I take a look at those clothes? I wonder what kind of stitching they used for the jeans.”

”Jade, that’s enough! I know you love clothes and fashion, but your obsession can be overwhelming. Please stop. I’m really tired and need some rest. We can talk about it later.”

”Oh, okay. And I’m sorry for stressing you out.”

”It’s fine. Just go and watch your fashion videos or give Jaden another makeover.

But if you decide to give him a makeover, please don’t kill him, okay?”

”Fine, I promise I won’t.”

”Thank you," I replied as I went to my room.

I entered my room feeling completely exhausted and drowsy, and went to bed immediately.

However, after about two hours of sleep, I was woken up by the sound of my phone ringing, I reached out for my phone on the edge of my bed and checked who was calling.

I realized that it was Alya.I sat up on my bed and picked up the phone. “Good afternoon, Alya,” I said.

”Good afternoon, Ben. How are you?” she asked.

”I’m okay. What about you?” I replied.”I am okay. How did the delivery go? I hope it wasn’t too stressful,” she asked.

”It wasn’t. I am fine. What about you? Is your mum okay?” I asked.

”Oh yes, she is. The doctor told me that she has low blood pressure due to emotional stress and tension, but it isn’t serious. She just needs some rest,” Alya replied.

”What about your dad? Did he hear about what happened?” I asked.

”Yeah, he did. I told him an hour ago,” Alya replied.

”An hour ago? Why did you inform him at such a late hour?” I asked.

“I wanted to inform him earlier, but he had an important project today, and I didn’t want him to lose the contract*.

Our family really needs it to be a success, so I made the decision not to tell him while he was working.

That’s why I informed him at such a late hour.

”Okay, I understand. You made the right decision. I hope he was able to complete the project though,” I replied.

”The project is still ongoing, but it is going well,” she assured me.

”That’s good news. Thank God,” I said, relieved.

”So please just rest up and take good care of your mom. I will visit you guys tomorrow, okay?”

I said.

”Okay, Ben. Thank you for everything. I really appreciate it,” she said expressing her gratitude.

”It’s nothing. Take care. Bye,” I said, ending the call.

”Bye, Ben. See you tomorrow,” she responded.

I dropped the call and went back to sleep, not waking up until the following morning.

The following day.

it was a wonderful Friday morning and I had gotten the whole day off.

So, I decided to clean my room thoroughly today.

I spent about four hours cleaning my room.

Although it took a lot of time, the end result was worth it because the whole room was spotless.

After cleaning my room, I took a shower and went downstairs only to see my breakfast on the table. Apparently my parents had gone out to work and my siblings were at school,

But they left my breakfast on the dinning table so I ate, then dressed up, and immediately left for the hospital

In about twenty minutes, I arrived at the hospital and walked in.

I looked around the hospital for a bit, then brought out my phone and called Alya to ask for her ward number.

I had just made the call and was waiting for her to pick up when I saw a group of doctors rushing into a hospital ward. They seemed worried.

I dropped the. Call to see what was happening

Suddenly, I heard a doctor urgently exclaim, “Bring the defibrillator in now, hurry!”

Without hesitation, three nurses swiftly rushed into the ward with a hospital cart that held a small, rectangular device featuring buttons, a screen, and two pads. It must be the defibrillator, I thought to myself.

I peered through the transparent windows of the ward and watched as the nurses entered with the defibrillator in hand.

The doctor quickly grabbed the wired pads of the machine and instructed the nurses to turn it on. With focused determination, he set the machine to deliver a hundred joules of electric energy to the patient’s heart. ”

"Clear!” he urgently shouted, rubbing the pads together before carefully placing them on the patient’s chest.

The shock was meant to revive the patient’s failing heart. However, to everyone’s dismay, the patient showed no signs of response.

The doctor quickly instructed the nurses to Increase the electric energy by fifty joules, hoping for a response.

Yet, despite their efforts, the patient remained unresponsive.

They repeated the process two more times, desperately trying to save the patient.

In the end, the doctor let out a heavy sigh, his face filled with a mix of sadness and acceptance.

“Let’s call it. Time of Death: 2:42 pm on the 15th of February 2023. Cause of death: Cardiac Arrest.

Just as the doctor declared the death of the patient, I heard a loud cry behind me.

I turned around swiftly, only to see a young boy who had just witnessed the tragic event and had broken down in tears.

My heart ached for him, and I felt an overwhelming urge to help.

But before I could reach out to him, the boy suddenly started gasping for air. He began clutching his neck, struggling to breathe, and then immediately passed out.

Without a moment’s hesitation, I sprang into action and ran to his side. I quickly assessed that he wasn’t breathing, so I began performing CPR on the boy, desperately hoping to revive him.

As I continued my efforts, I yelled for a nurse or doctor to come to our aid, praying that someone would hear my plea and rush to assist us.

Luckily for me, the doctor and nurses who had heard me shout for help came to see what was happening.

But Just like a miracle, the boy suddenly started breathing again and opened his eyes, so I stopped. The doctors rushed him to a ward and put him on oxygen.

As soon as they came to carry him, I heard someone say, “Ben, what happened?” I turned to see who it was and noticed that it was my mum.

“Mum,” I said, rushing towards her, eager to embrace her because I hadn’t seen her since yesterday morning.”

I hugged her and she held me warmly in return, then let me go and placed her hands on my shoulders. “How are you, son?” she asked.

“I’m okay, what about you?”

I replied. "

I’m fine, son,” she said. “By the way, Mum, what are you doing here?” I asked.

“Oh, I just came to check on a friend of mine,” she replied.

My curiosity piqued, I pressed further.

“Have you seen them, Mum?”

However, she remained silent, leaving me perplexed. Just as I was about to repeat my question, I noticed her trembling, her grip on me loosening.

Concern flooded my mind, and I was about to ask if she was okay when she suddenly yelled, her voice filled with alarm,

“Who is that?”.