An attack

An unknown distress signal interrupted the ongoing process of warp in the bridge of the capital ship "Euphemia".

The fleet commanded by Rich Sterling is dispatched for reinforcement in the frontline of Earth-Qelia Interstellar war. Composed of 11 destroyer, 26 frigates, an auxiliary ship, a space carrier, 4 cruisers along with 113 battlecruiser. Being the carrier the capital ship.

With this much ship in a single fleet, it can be said that Sterling have quite a command power in his seat. Technically, they are not wrong.

However, due to the recent controversy regarding Sterling's order for battlecruiser to glass the planet of Aurora causing the demise of an entire planet's population, which is practically a racial genocide, he was given an excuse to not participate the war for moral reasons. He was lucky to still be commanding his very own fleet.

Enroute the Reia star system, as the populace within the fleet are busy tending to their and the fleet's need, a sudden burse of low-power laser struck directly to the capital ship's communication satellite.

This instantly alerted the entire crew of the carrier and began giving orders to nearby ships for potential enemy attack. Without Sterling's presence, it can be said that this ship is well-prepared.

But to no one's knowledge, such "attack" was not meant to harm the fleet nor the capital ship. In actuality, it is a form of communication that they once used before the age of space even began. So, clearly, this people are ignorant to such form of communication.

It wasn't actually resolve and the entire fleet is tense and prepared for the potential attack until Sterling report to the bridge.

Rich Sterling, a Caucasian man born from a known family of space warriors in the Canada. He possess an admirable skills of tactic, endurance, and patience. He also have an eye for talent which made the fleet stable despite his absence. Not only that, he is also known for his ability to foresee enemy movement using his knowledge.

It was known that he once dedicated himself to study the enemy of earth everytime they declare a war.

So it was really an absurdity to excuse Sterling from his position as a frontline commander.

"What the hell's the problem here?" With a hint of irritation, he furrowed his brows and said. "Isn't it my day off? Don't tell me you guys are doing this shitty prank again."

However, upon rubbing his eyes, he saw red monitors flashing in front of his eyes. Along with worried and tense expression coming from his direct subordinates.

"Commander, in an exact time of 2218, an unknown low-powered laser attacked the capital ship's communication satellite. Although no visible damage is detected in the carrier, we have alerted the entire fleet for potential attack from a possibly new species. Much much primitive or advance than us."

Sterling'e furrowed brows remain, though his irritation changed to a worried one. An attack to the fleet is an obvious reason for a declaration of war. It doesn't matter what reason they have.

What truly matter is who or what attacked. If it's an advance species, they will be fighting two fronts which can be problematic to earth due to the substantial amount of resources they will need.

Sterling sit on his chair and view the footage that captures the attack. Sterling look at the footage carefully, and deliberately examines the laser.

No longer than a minute of reexamination, his worried expression turned to a smile and laugh hysterically. It seems karma have strucked this people for their unjustified prank to him whenever it is his day off.

The onlookers who witness's their commander's insanity began to doubt his commanding abilities.

"You fools! I can't believe it!" he continue to laugh to let out all of his frustration to this people. "This is what you get for being mean and ignorant fools!"

Perplexed, the entire crew now look at him with doubt.

But soon enough, he stopped laughing, but remains smiling. "Fools, this is not an attack but an attempt for communication! How did you all graduate the space academy and university without possessing this kind of knowledge!" Now, it's Sterling's time to doubt their abilities. "If you have even an ounce of intelligence left, please do give the footage a reexamination."

The crew within the bridge felt baffled by their commander's word. Not even a minute ago, he was laughing his ass out like a crazy person. How dare he think of us as ignorants.

As they reexamine, Sterling ordered the fleets to stand down. Which caused a massive shift to the feet's mood.

Not long, the entire crew have reexamine the footage. But still, they remain ignorant. So, without much choice, Sterling decided to educate this pitiful people.

"The low-power laser is not an attempt of attack but communication." he continue his explanation. "It is a form of ground-to-space communication our predecessors once used to send messages in deep space before we could even traverse space. It was used to both communicate and travelling. If you people remember correctly, before we shift from anti-matter propulsion, we once used laser-powered propulsion, then fusion propulsion.

Laser-powered propulsion was once an upgrade of the low-power laser that can only travel quarter of the speed of light. It was soon upgraded after the discover of a crystal that is used for particle accelerator to produce high-powered laser and also due to its obsolete cruise and inefficient

maneuverability." he exhale and proceed to look at his crew intensely."Now if you still haven't get the idea of what I am talking about, perhaps my eye for talent is rusting—"

Before he could finish his word, a soft monotone person spoke. "Sir! We deeply apologize for our foolishness! Your greatness once again become evident. Our low—"

"Are you mocking me?" A tense glare soon befall unto her after making fun of her superior.

"N-no. I'm sorry."

"Christine. I've been having a hard time on your pranks lately, please if you can, and I beg you, lower the level of it." his intense glare turn to a shallow look and continue his scolding."anyways, I think I'm having an issue with my eyes so after giving reinforcement and supplies to the frontline, I will probably have to look for another subordinate."

"N-no!" in sync, all of his crew in the bridge rudely remark and deny his attempt of provocation. Then a man near the navigating system speak. "Truly, except for Christine, we deeply apologize for our ignorance. If you give us another chance, we will do better and reeducate ourselves to meet your expectation."

Sterling look at him suspiciously. "Sounds a bit odd, but okay. I look forward to it."

"Thank you, commander! I will make sure to follow you until the edge of the universe!"

Sterling gave him a laugh. Certainly, this people would just use intensive means just to remain in his command. Although he really have no intention of changing his crew. This people have gone back and forth to hell with him. Dismissing them would leave a mark in his heart which will forever haunt him.

"Right right. So now I want to see the content of the message we received. Decipher it immediately and send it to my quarter, I wish to continue my nap."

"Will do, sir. Rest well."

Sterling exited the bridge.