
It was not even an hour later until Sterling was once again disturbed from his slumber. A call from the bridge was made and the content of the deciphered message was sent to his quarter. Within it, a small piece of an evidence from a civilization was detailed and thoroughly addressed. Along with it, is an attempt to seek help from other civilization.

'Such primitive way to entail information. What kind of species are they?' Now he is curious.

Sterling was excused from his position as a Frontline commander. Due to this, he now lack the experience of foreign communication. This kind of thing may tarnish his image as one of the famed commander. He would not let such mistake disgrace his family.

So, he made up his mind. After this successful reinforcement, he will ask his superior for reconnaissance in this area where the communication was probably originated.

Of course, he will not think of a foolish reason or contacting new species. He is just recently scolded for decimating an entire planetary populace, he would not make such the same mistake again.

Probably a bombardment will do IF the enemy tries to be hostile, and he will make sure that it will be selective, not indiscriminately obliterate the planet once more.

And so... Sterling return to the bridge and began ordering around.






It took two weeks for the fleet to arrive to its destination and a month for reinforcement and resupply. It didn't actually help for the fact that he was down 2 auxiliary ship after being dismissed as Frontline commander. If only he didn't lose it, he probably would've taken only a few weeks.

After his mission, he's now enroute to the Proxima Centauri's habitable planet, Also known as Theresa. Named after the revolutionary leader of the Earth empire.

Theresa is a planet specifically made for military, a military planet. Here, he will ask his superior, a politician, for a recon mission near Daedra region. Of course, these politicians are greedy, so he will use his pre-planned tactic to manipulate their decision. No one may know but maybe he can take back the two aux ships he once lost.

A month and quarter later, he arrived at Alpha Centauri's tri-star system, soon he will be entering the space station of Theresa and be docked for repair and maintenance. Then, he will be transported to Theresa via space shuttle.

Once again, Sterling reminded himself of his plan. He walk towards the bridge and sit on his chair and once more, he reminded his direct subordinate. "I want our contact to be in utmost secrecy. Any person who caught to be leaking this will be punished severely." he tried to look intimidating to prove he have every power to do so. But it seems only excitement met his eyes and his subordinate.

Truly, he can no longer save this people from hell.

The capital ship Euphemia, along with its fleet ships, docked to the largest space station in the Earth Empire. After that, Sterling along with the other captain of the fleet's ships enter the space shuttle that will transport them to Theresa.

There, they exchange greetings and give flattery to the commander in attempt of gaining his favor. They also asked for the eventful travelling but Sterling dismissed it as simple debris collision.

Fortunately, these people are dumb as hell so they kept it that way. And the shuttle travel to Theresa without any sort of problem.






The military planet is as busy at it was since Sterling left. As expected the planet's capital city is also as bright as the moon during night which prevent darkness to win in this area.

His eyes sour as he look at the illuminating buildings as they descend their way towards the main headquarter of Earth's military force. Upon landing, a handful of officers greeted them with open arms. These officers soon escort them to their quarters to have them rest for tomorrow's party except for Sterling, who request a meeting with the council.

After the captains are escorted to their lodges, the escort guide Sterling to the conference room where supposedly he will meet the councilors. It seems these escorts are curious to their adventure, so they asked for his experience and view of the frontline.

Sterling entertain them by giving a few exciting information, but remains cautious to avoid leaking any detail that might guide them to asking his discovery.

Soon enough, they arrived at the door of the conference room. This rooms are used by the military to used for a strategic planning, such as wide range positioning or planetary invasions.

However, today it will be used specially for the politicians to discuss with Sterling, a renowned commander.

The officers knock to the door.

"Come in."

The officers opened the door and gesture me to enter. As I walk, the officers saluted to which I nodded in exchange.

And now, I am here.

"Mister Rich Sterling! A pleasure to meet you once more. You know I have heard of your countless victory in battles, including the glassification of the Aurora. Fretnot, though. I deem it necessary when I read your report to the high commands. It is such a pity to be dismissed in your position, if it was me, I could've done otherwise.

'Pfft... What a funny thing to say. If only he could say it when I was being judged on Earth.'

"So... What do I owe the pleasure?" A cliche small talk before the main point.

"Before that, I wish to know the high command's opinion regarding my mistake." Sterling asked, continuing the small talk.

"Well... As usual, debates still rages on whether you did the necessary thing or your punishment is the right thing to do. And... There's also topic rising regarding your punishment..." He wipe his sweat on his forehead. "To worsen your punishment. Instead of being excused of a position as frontline commander, they wish you to be completely remove of any commanding positions."


"He's right. Certain topics have began to rise on earth. But again, no need to worry—" another politician spoke.

"It's only on earth. Since its rise, no topic ever yet to enter Theresa's populace. Contrary to that, they deem your action necessary for the glory of mankind." another politician continue his words.

"But... Still, you should be cautious of your actions. If you ever make a mistake like that once more, you will be reduced to nothing but a normal citizen. Though don't worry, we will make sure that such thing won't happen." a female politician remark.

"So... Mister Sterling. Can we proceed to the main discussion?"

Sterling sit in his seat with scowling face. Never did he know that these people would be this low.