Meeting and departure

A staff offered them some drinks before the meeting starts. Though, with Sterling sitting in the farther south from the the rest of the politician, he can still see the greedy eyes of these disgusting people.

However, judging them was not his plan. He's here to kiss their ass in order for his request to be accepted. It can be quite uncomfortable for him, yes but a necessary one.

"We were en route to the battlefront when we came across this mineral-rich star system. It was a few months light year away from the passage used by our fleet but upon closer look using the satellite, we were able to find it worthy of inspection. However, there is a problem."

"What is it?" A smile remains on their faces despite the issue Sterling will mention.

"The star system is outside the border of Earth, and could potentially become a battleground if surveyed not correctly." Sterling heaves a sigh, then continues his request. "I wish for two of my auxiliary to be reinstated in my fleet. After that, I request your support regarding the decision of this recon."

That's it. His card is now on the table. The only thing he awaits are the politician's. If he's fortunate, they would only accept his offer; the resources. But if he's not, they might issue a change of direct superior of his and cling on his power. 

But that is something he will cross the bridge when he get there.

For now, he awaits.

An older man, whom I viewed as hypocrite for participating on my dismissal begins to speak. "We have been at war with the aliens for centuries... if not millennia. This started when humanity break free from the binds of the alien invaders and bite the shit out of them.

You know, I actually applaud you for glassing that disgusting planet. That planet where life of aliens bloom. I want them to see or watch how much our species suffered and you just made them watch it. I envy you for your bravery, the pressure you have felt must be intense. 

But see here, Mister Sterling, the war is not over after glassing a single planet of theirs. We need to glass more and more of their worlds to satisfy our revenge. But that revenge is kept in security by the hounds of Earth's government. 

When the Mother Of All rose from the overwhelming power of the aliens, we saw hope. That one day we could enact revenge. Thus, we bore arms and fight, and yet I find it hard to believe that the very same people now is trying to stop us from doing that." 

Sterling's eyes widen, in shock his drink fell and the glass broke. "Are you trying to ask me to rebel?"

"No, no, no... haha..." The old man sigh. "That's something you've already thought. What I want is to support you in your journey. Along with the members of the Theresa Confederate, we wish to eliminate the corruption of Earth and cleanse it anew. So we can safely enact our revenge and at the same time rehabilitate our mother world. Two birds in one stone, yes?"

'Fools, fools!' Sterling scream in his mind... 'I didn't calculate this outcome! The second phase of the meeting didn't even yet to occur!'

Sterling cough to return himself to reality. "So are you saying that..-"

"Yes, we will support you in any of your plan."

Sterling smiles, a crack form in his very handsome face. One that could be mistaken as genuine. But truly, it was a smile of someone who just created another plan. A plan to enact his desire.






Since Theresa is a military nation, all dismissed ships that are not in use in other fleet or in need for repair are docked in its space station. Fortunately for Sterling, his two aux ships are yet to be sent to the frontline after sustaining heavy damage from its reactor a few months back.

Not only that, he was also given a new space carrier, along with a few frigates, corvettes and spacecraft. It seems the politician knew, that by increasing their weapon's weapon, they might have a chance against Earth.

So, in the bridge of his capital ship, with his mood high, he command his fleet once more. Embarking to a new area where the signal originated. 

Sterling was truly determined to search this area, because why the hell not. Since Earth's dawn in space, which is almost two millennia ago, they had yet encounter a species they once were. Only they found are either extinct sapient species or just another habitat of the xenos they are at war against.

"Alright people, listen up- Christine, activate fleet-wide broadcast," Upon being assigned an order, Christine immediately press a button, this triggers a chain of holographic videos of different commanders on their own ship within the fleet, "As you may all know, we now embarks to a great unknown. This is a region of space we are yet to explore, it may be full of danger. But fretnot! Danger as it may come, it is still filled with resources! And resources with us will welcome us to our former position- or rather, greater than that! So my commanders, officers, marines. Prepare."

The broadcast stop, yet Sterling's smile remain visible in his face. He can never hide it when he felt such excitement, especially if a new dawn of humanity will befall onto them, especially if he was the one who will see it first.