Chapter 2

"What the hell?! two god ranks! i fell like im a main character of a story for some reason welll..i should focus on passing the tutorial first"

[My name is Nathan Walker currently 14 and still in school when this tutorial started and to pass the tutorial you just need to survive a week]

"first i should go find shelter" Nathan thought

[suddenly a womens voice echoed through the forest]

"well now i know where not to go"

[Nathan started walking away from the screams and after a few hours and came across a cave]

"Finaly shelter" he thought and then he started taking leaves from trees and made a make shift bed

"alright its finish now lets figure out the inside of the cave but first how do i use my skills" he thought to himself

"well let me think the first option is chanting but no thats to cringy let me just imagine a fire" He said to himself thus he imagined and it became reality then Nathan turned the shape of the flame to a sword and held it in his hand

"Now a sword should have a name i shall call you Infero!" he screamed but his scream attracted unwanted attention and 5 goblins came out of the cave

"well shit" Nathan said

[thus a battle began]

[Nathan ran at the goblins eager to test his sword and (Slash!) he chop a goblins head off but because he lost his balance he fell]

[as the goblin saw him fall it rushed to him luckily Nathan managed to roll away before it's knife hit his chest though the knife still stabed his left hand however with the knife stuck in his hand he struck the goblin's head with Inferno and it fell dead]

"God damnit am i going to die? my sister how is she supposed to find food?"

[suddenly the system appeared]

(Congratualations Leveled up to level 2! you have been given 3 stat points!)

"Yes how did i forget about the system!"

[he hurriedly placed all his points into intelligence and with his last burst of energy immagined a fire ball and threw it and the remaining goblins burned to death]

"ah am i the main character or what?" Nathan said

Chapter 2 end