Chapter 3

[3 days later]

[after My encounter with the goblins i went hunting and used the leaves to make a bandage to help with the wound anod during the last 3 days i have reached level 6]

"i wonder what the others are doing but judging by the fact that i havent met anybody means either they failed or not many people awakened" Nathan thought

"i wonder if i can end this tutorial early but if its possible its most likely gonna be a quest to kill the leader of the goblins probaly a hobgoblin or chief" suddenly a screamed echoed through the forest

"again? i should just kill the thing causing people the scream since i cant sleep thanks to it" Nathan said as he walks to the source and to his shock he saw multiple sead bodies with a blood red goblin eating the bodies in the center as he saw this he immeadietly called Inferno but the hobgoblin already saw him and dashed to him punching him to a tree as Nathan Coughed blood

"And i thought i had grew stronger...wait i still havent used darkness maybe" Nathan thought to himself as he immagined chains made of darkness

"Now! [Chains of Darkness]!"

the hobgoblin was shackled by the chains however it would not hold for long thus Nathan decided to make a second sword made of pure darkness "Abyss!" Nathan yelled as He used both Inferno and the Newly Created Abyss to chop its arm off as the hobgoblin shrieked many goblins came trying to defend the hobgoblin as it tried to escape

"ah a battle against time i guess" Nathan said

"But its no use! i have 12 stat pointbon Intelligence! now [Infernal slash]" Nathan screamed as a cressent shaped Flame came out of Inferno and cut Everything in its path

(Congratualations for killing the boss of the tutorial!)

(Congratualations you have leveled up to level 8)

with the system message appeared Uriel

"Congratualations Region B-3 for being the first ones im vlearing the tutorial and with you being the person who contributed the most will you tell me your name so i can give you your rewards?" Uriel said

"Hm if i tell my real name assasins might come after me..." Nathan thought

"My name is [Flame]" Nathan said

"Well then ill give you a A rank skill for being the first place winner of your region and the world and a B rank skill for being the one who killed the hobgoblin so which skills do you?" Uriel asked

"An regeneration skill and a skill for Swordsmanship would that be alright" Nathan answered

"Alright then" Uriel then dissapeared into a blinding light

(Congratualations for recieving [ A rank Regeneration] and [B rank Swordsmanship])

"i should make a mask for myself ill just call it [Mask of the Eclipse]"

as Nathan opened his eyes and everyone was back at School

Chapter 3 end